July 7, 2024
Sex Crimes


There’s so much that’s already been said about the Aziz Ansari controversy … except this ONE THING that we’ll be talking about. On today’s episode we discuss the controversy from an Indian perspective.

It’s time to finally have a nuanced discussion about sexual assault and also about various cultural forces at play here. There were just so many levels to this story that we had to dissect it and talk about the things that nobody’s talking about.

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  • @vedanttiwary2419 June 17, 2024

    what are your views on the me too going on in Bollywood and India

  • @vedanttiwary2419 June 17, 2024

    you guys don't look Indian you look hispanic

  • @jayray7230 June 17, 2024

    zarna joshi

  • @rakeshpillai8564 June 17, 2024

    have you heard of MGTOW thats whats going to happen

  • @ColinJoseph5154 June 17, 2024

    Great analysis! You girls are hilarious and right on the point. This ugly and superficial hookup culture makes it very difficult for men and women to communicate, have fun, and be safe together. The toxic media crushing us and deviding us all into camps doesn't help either. But you manage to make sense of an important issue. Subscribed!

  • @rockade2408 June 17, 2024

    well done ladies, i stopped watching cause it was bit long, but nice on point.. but, nothing he did is WRONG in any freaking way, the human race would cease to exists if women act like that events is wrong, i men some women live to swallow jizz. deal with it..

  • @heftyalan1152 June 17, 2024

    Non verbal. What does that mean? Anyone who has a one night stand will recognise the awkwardness and poor communication discussed in this article. Definitely not sexual harassment. Writing one article at 23. Feminist icon Caitlin Moran was submitting articles at school.

  • @mrb56789 June 17, 2024

    Amazing job! You two covered so many important layers of this topic… Thank you for the education

  • @polisigh216 June 17, 2024

    Awesome. Love to see perspectives from other women of color.

  • @01gharms June 17, 2024

    Sorry, but WHY is it "different" this time? Because the accused is someone you like? Someone who has made himself out to be a "feminist"? This is NO different than MANY of the other "MeToo" accusations. They are accusations, made with little to no proof or evidence, with demands that the accused immediately be removed from whatever they are doing. That is a DANGEROUS PRECEDENT to set. Could you imagine this anywhere else? Could you imagine going to work tomorrow, and a man saying "3 months ago, this woman touched my penis in the copier room. No, I have no proof, but I demand you fire her"?

    You SHOULD trust women when they make these claims, but you should also VERIFY. And if verification cannot happen, then people's lives should not be ruined on what is essentially hearsay backed by an angry mob.

  • @danelmore6553 June 17, 2024

    You rock, ladies. This was well made, entertaining, and logical. I am a white, cis-gendered, male, so I should probably be apologizing to everyone (just a little joke). I would mention that it is not just desi culture that raises youngsters with out any realistic knowledge of sex or sexual relationships. Much of the anglo-saxon culture is plagued by the same thing. Especially the more puritanical, christian environments/households. We don't have bollywood but we do have Disney, which taught us that kissing unconscious women in the forest is not only acceptable, it is totally romantic. (that was a Snow White reference, but most of the classic Disney tales are equally suspect) What we need is education and open dialogue so we can begin to learn how to better deal with each other and not only understand, but appreciate the ways in which we are different- and the same. Keep it up.

  • @chrisbriscoe7138 June 17, 2024


  • @barywhithers7423 June 17, 2024

    Superb video. Articulate and well-addressed! you make a terrific point about the article being sensationalistic and career-damaging (in a self- interest kinda way). I also applaud your ability to break down cultural barriers to expression, false messages in media, and more. Very well done.
    one tiny critisism if I may, the music in the background i found kinda distracting and repetitive. made it a little hard to stick out the video and hear what you both had to say (I did watch the entire thing though).

  • @oneman5753 June 17, 2024

    I like you guys!!! Superb!!!!

  • @careersinfocus8124 June 17, 2024

    A very enlightened, fair, and educational perspective on the movements. It also speaks to how we consume our media. The article is a classic example of media spin, where the whole piece is written in a way to sensationalize rather than educate. You raise good points about the need for effective communication with children about sex and partners about sex. I personally agree with the #metoo movement, but I also stand by the rule of law (innocent until proven guilty) and there being a difference between a miscommunication of expectations vs using career/financial manipulation in exchange for sexual favors. I'm glad to see the movement is policing itself to make sure that the focus remains on actual sexual predators. Another great post by you!

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