July 5, 2024
Hate Crimes

Biden signs bill making lynching a federal hate crime

President Joe Biden on Tuesday signed a bill into law to make lynching a federal hate crime, more than 100 years after such legislation was first proposed.



  • @JoeBlow99891 July 3, 2024

    lol WTF

  • @eddycastor5335 July 3, 2024

    This is dumb!!! They need to pass law that is irrelevant of today. we need a federal hate law that will protect blacks against hate speech like the Jew and the Asian…

  • @Skinniest_Kween July 3, 2024

    Too little, too late.🙄

  • @robertmarmaduke186 July 3, 2024

    Joe Biden loves the |<|<|< and you can watch recordings where he voted against bussing because … well, let him tell you about the Old White Blue Blood DNC PIantatoin Parity of SIavrey! The Leftists will corrupt this law to 'wrong thinking' and 'wrong speech' as 'lynching', then turn around and bully, berate and beat mixed-racial couples for their "White miscegenation." Watch!!

  • @jamesthomas5285 July 3, 2024

    You have people speaking about Emmett till like they were speaking at a March rally but yet nobody's done anything to arrest this woman and they suppress the evidence so where is the real Justice not lectures

  • @jamesthomas5285 July 3, 2024

    But the lady that had lied about Emmett till never even got charged they said it wasn't even their main agenda anymore there is no real America or Justice for Emmett till or any black people in Mississippi

  • @jamesgrant3578 July 3, 2024

    What happened to the gay basketball player locked up in Russia? I guess that's not a priority anymore… And covid is gone I'm assuming since nobody there has on a mask… They're full of 🤬

    Yeah it's persistent bcs they're making it that… Evil mother 🤬.

  • @austinyates7132 July 3, 2024

    Biden you’re 100 years late bud

  • @hooskawahya7628 July 3, 2024

    A political move, and honestly puts a cap on sentencing that could have been more in cases. hate crime was perfectly fine as an umbrella term where justice would always be had in the modern times where colored people are awarded justice against hate crimes in any court of law. From Seattle to the smallest southern town!

    Still I’m very emotional from the empathy I feel to these people, I’m very happy for them to get this more specific into written law to honor those who fell victim in the past more than anything since lynchings just don’t happen these days! But for Biden this has to be just a political move to look good in the history books, secure more voters for democrats.

    I mean look at all the riots that have happened! The fact that lynching didn’t happen in response just proves times are different. Back in the day the KKK would have been out in force exterminating justifying it as defending against terrorism, lynching any black American just to appease the anger felt towards the goings on.

  • yeah joe still lives in the 50's….the kkk is lynching people in 2022….he's he seroius…..people are scared to leave their house….and this is what we get from joe

  • @smithstevan1702 July 3, 2024

    Thats what your worried about lynching in 2022? 😆 🤣 😂 😹 wtf is going on . Lower this inflation dumb ass makes bills about the cost of living !!!!!!

  • @maryshaffer8474 July 3, 2024

    Setting people on fire popular no w. He's way behind.

  • @walmartjesus5670 July 3, 2024

    It's so cringy to listen to this dude I'm a moderate politically but jesus christ.. idk how tf u can make something illegal that's already illegal and has a lengthy prison sentence on its own😂 goes to show u what the political old people side of our government cares about

  • @markbn2883 July 3, 2024

    Thank God I was just telling my wife the other day when we were walking in the the woods how nice it used to be with out all these people hanging in the trees ! Thanks biden !

  • @tunny79 July 3, 2024

    What?…. I’m confused… I thought murder was illegal already?… I’m from the uk so I’m obviously hugely ignorant of this kinda stuff

  • @bryanlongshore3091 July 3, 2024

    Well…this doesn't surprise me….hell it was the Democraps that killed him !!!!!!!!

  • @robertherrera5975 July 3, 2024

    Hey biden what about the black on black crime in the USA right now??

  • @bobdonte9317 July 3, 2024

    FJB and his supporters

  • @st0p_911 July 3, 2024

    100 times the world sanctioned Russia, 1000 times GOD will help Russia. God's infinite justice. and now GOD has given you recompense and it's going on. God Almighty.

  • @bruce8321 July 3, 2024

    Oh God how Americans love to whine about everything. Comments below are so dam typical.

  • @mayomonkey3810 July 3, 2024

    Who is committing the most violent crime in 2022? 🏀 🏀

  • @milktart4591 July 3, 2024

    Says the man , that said , he doesn't want black people in his neighborhood , " raping his sisters and mother" he voted for segregation. Called blacks " predators" and STILL The blacks didn't think that is racist , but Trump called " some Mexicans" ( which is true) rapist is racists.

  • @whitediamond5230 July 3, 2024

    Now make a LAW to lock up these lying WW when they do BS like this. They need to be arrested and charged.

  • One day, someone will tell our grandchildren that we framed O.J.!

  • @imthebadguy3225 July 3, 2024

    Black guy who was vulger and overconfident around women? No, you never hear that! 🤣🤣🤣

  • Google South African Farmers Murdered,
    then come back to me with this guilt trip.

  • @timothyturner7213 July 3, 2024

    Oh yes because before today hangings was all done in the name of love

  • @ImageByMalcolm July 3, 2024

    It took this long? WOW! And to Tim Scott…. If this wasn’t a racist country, why is Biden signing into law a lynching bill? I’m just curious mr Tim “Sambo” Scott……………….

  • @user-cq6dg6ql9j July 3, 2024

    Democrats are so out of touch with reality. Midterms will be a rude wake up call, but I doubt they will listen to it. They’ll just double down on stupid.

  • @IMEMINE. July 3, 2024

    I lived in Houston back in 1992. Two separate cases of a black man being murdered by hanging from a tree, in his girlfriend’s front yard.
    Merica , great again;
    Unless you is Casper the great abuser.
    Not much has changed since 1993 has it?

  • @vickilynn3760 July 3, 2024

    OOooo. I guess we, the people, didn't understand that lynching is a hate crime. Yet another distraction. Now those lynching's will slow down. Whew, so glad "Sleepy Joe" is hot on this. It's about time. 100 years is long enough to wait. I wonder what next is on his stupidity agenda. This should make his ratings soar!

  • @ToddWyattRebelSon July 3, 2024

    This bill was passed for something that happened in 1955. The Dems had to dig deep to stir up some racism on this one.

  • @nicolasburbano1705 July 3, 2024

    This law isn't stupid. In case you don't know, it's the first law that designates lynching as a federal hate crime, which makes it huge, historic, significant and a pretty big deal.

  • Reparations are owed.

  • @loveforeignaccents July 3, 2024

    When is the last time anyone has attempted to lynch anyone?!? Come on, Joe… at least try and do something useful in the 21st century for crying out loud!!!

  • @bmf572 July 3, 2024

    Wow!! DemoncRATs are gonna be almost as mad as they where when we took their slaves away! Now we need to make it illegal to ENSLAVE people, as the demoncRATs do currently!!!

  • @dinidj July 3, 2024

    We need to bring back public hangings! bUiLd cRaCk bEtTeR! 🤣

  • @dutchy213 July 3, 2024

    It’s 2022. Foh. Like Now they gonna stop hangin niggas. They shoot us now. Stupid as fuck

  • @dickberry3910 July 3, 2024

    Joe Brandon =💩🤡

  • @scooter2kool173 July 3, 2024

    Mr Biden how brave. Really confused in modern history has anyone been lynched?

  • @chrislane5145 July 3, 2024

    The Tuskegee Institute has recorded the lynchings of  between 1882 and 1968.
    In 2015 there were 2380 blacks murdered by blacks in the US. 
    In 2016 there were 2570 blacks murdered by blacks in the US.

  • @Trag-zj2yo July 3, 2024

    All the racists are commenting.

  • @waterbaron5392 July 3, 2024

    This has to be a joke. On the other hand over 80 million voted for Biden

  • @Mjb31 July 3, 2024

    I was about to lynch me a man. No more
    I guess

  • @waltstilwell4933 July 3, 2024

    Will Chris Cornell and David Carradine be charged retroactively?

  • @LUCKY1i1K7NG July 3, 2024

    They deter duhh

  • @feffygracie July 3, 2024

    Well…this is a law that is political lip service.

  • @haveaniceday23 July 3, 2024

    All the racists and uneducated in the comments 🙄 of course I don't see any positive comments


  • @davidmiller8924 July 3, 2024

    So lynchings, which are murder, are illegal now. Who woulda thought! Glad we have a law now! That'll teach 'em. We need to keep passing laws until all this bad conduct stops. WTF ……

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