July 2, 2024
Hate Crimes

Bigoted Pastor Threatens VILE Hate Crimes To Followers On Stage

An extremist preacher makes horrific calls for violence against the LGBTQ community and parents of trans kids after recently playing the victim for his hate being exposed on Twitter. John Iadarola and Maz Jobrani break it down on The Damage Report.

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Hate pastor says trans-supportive parents should be “shot in back of the head” –

“A hate preacher told his church’s congregation that parents who allow their children to have “a transgender surgery” should be shot in the back of the head and hung from a bridge as an example to the public. However, gender-affirming genital surgeries aren’t conducted on children.

These comments came from Jason Graber — a New Independent Fundamental Baptist (New IFB) preacher at Sure Foundation Baptist Church in Spokane, Washington.

“Any parent that would have their child, would have a transgender surgery done on them, any parent that would do that, they just need to be shot in the back of the head,” Graber said. “They need to be convicted in trial and immediately shot in the back of the head. Okay, and then we can string them up above a bridge so that the public can see the consequences of that kind of wickedness.””


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  • @lexperz5256 June 30, 2024


  • @daniboy9198 June 30, 2024

    "Duolingo has been infiltrated by homosexuals!!"



  • @carlycoppi4769 June 30, 2024

    This pastor is a piece of garbage wtf??!! He's so sick and if there is a hell he's going!!!

  • @gibbogle9486 June 30, 2024

    Pastor = mullah.

  • @patticriss2238 June 30, 2024

    Love that Jesus energy he’s got going! 🙄. These folks are disgusting. They’ve been overtaken by a cult. A new cult. Not the old Jesus cult, just plain old degenerate human cult.

  • @susancrawford2343 June 30, 2024

    What is the matter with y'all that you elevate people who hate to positions of power? Pastors, school boards, municipal, state and federal positions, i.e., senators, congressmen and the presidency (trump), should not be where you get elected to spew hatred and bigotry! It's stunning that y'all vote against yourselves so consistently.

  • @kf1000 June 30, 2024

    So parents that have their babies circumcised, will be shot in the head?

  • @ohioangel51 June 30, 2024

    only God can Judge people not this poor excuse for a preacher .

  • @jordanhuguet82 June 30, 2024

    in 2023 there is only MORE scientific, historical and logical data that would prove that LGBTQ lead the world in pedophilia, aids, murder and everything the world wishes to vomit out.

  • @tammyd.furman4099 June 30, 2024

    That’s crazy. He is not a Christian. The Bible says that murder is a sin.

  • @iancampbell1316 June 30, 2024

    That preacher is the same kind of person back in the Jim Crow era that took their kids out on a Sunday afternoon after church to watch black people be castrated, hung, dismembered, gutted, burned, beheaded……………..

  • @Mike-vn3lt June 30, 2024

    I am so fucking terrified for my kids and all our kids. These people are out of their fucking minds.

  • @rocklandalbrecht June 30, 2024

    does anyone believe this is what Jesus would do? what Jesus would say? this is a monster, where is the preaching of love, kindness, compassion, where is the forgiveness and charity? follow the prince of peace, judgment and vengeance is Gods, not mans.

  • @dcraig7712 June 30, 2024

    Vengeance is mine, sayth the lord. Not humans.

  • @justonlyjohn6596 June 30, 2024

    He's so OUTRAGED at sexual reassignment surgery of children?

    Umm.. where does that happen? When has that happened? aside from 1/1000 intersex babies, when doctors decide to make him/her 'appear' more normal

    It's OUTRAGE over their own CREEPY IMAGINATIONS! NONE OF THIS IS REAL!!! It's a GRIFT, crafting a AN OUTRAGEOUS LIE, then RAILLING AGAINST as if THIS DUDE is the SAVIOR from his own delusional imagination

    It's just like late term 8-9mo abortions, OR THE BABY IS BORN AND THE DOCTOR KILLS IT?
    NOPE – doesn't happen, isn't legal anywhere, never was – ONLY in the talking points of lunatics stoking the crowd of even dumber people is it mentioned. TRUMP

    Grifters need Gravitas, HEEPS of Emotion, and an audience of ignoramuses to maximize the BILK. Sure, a little unTruthful hyperbole comes out, but thing is cultists have the minds of goldfish, so does it matter?

  • @doneaton6704 June 30, 2024

    Not freedom of speech, not a religion, he needs to be arrested.

  • @imogen2092 June 30, 2024

    Because that was what Jesus do? Echoes of the Westboro Baptist Church!

  • @saragrant3981 June 30, 2024

    Because that's what his Jesus would do ? So Un-American and Un-Christian ! So much for pro life Christians !

  • @andrerendon7837 June 30, 2024

    Maybe we should do the same to heathens like you and your congregation.

  • @loriann1506 June 30, 2024

    Definitely deserves to lose tax exempt status 🛐

  • @loriann1506 June 30, 2024

    Making public terroristic threats against fellow Americans is against the law. Especially when it is under the guise of a group that has been a violent force in society. That’s Christian? 😮 ooommmmmggggg!

  • @willowwisp357 June 30, 2024

    This is why Christian fundamentalist must be stopped and silenced. It's assault 24/7.
    Every Christian that isn't teaching the golden rule is a criminal and a social poison.

  • @lifeasrini June 30, 2024

    If you hear "shot in the back of the head" from a pulpit … Youre in a hate group. I dont care WHO might be the target of said shot, its a hate group.

  • @lorrainehawkins123 June 30, 2024

    Wow that's what they're teaching in church now? Well i shouldn't be surprised they're the same group that hung my innocent ancestors on trees and used my baby ancestors as aligators bait. As well as stomped on their tiny body till unaliving them all in the name of their hateful white jesus.

  • @devhelen5895 June 30, 2024

    This boy needs to be taken out back and taught a damb good lesson. I've read my bible. Jesus was the ultimate forgiver and includer. To all those who didn't walk out, you have turned your "faith" into blind hate. I won't say dye but please grow old and faid. The sooner your stink leaves our noses, the better.

  • @sophiaestella5611 June 30, 2024

    Why, from those who are so opposed to "gender affirming healthcare", do we never hear anything about invasive, irreversible, so called gender "normalizing" SURGERIES, performed on otherwise healthy intersex infants, often carried out without fully informed parental consent, and where records of those surgical procedures are buried and hidden ? WHY IS THAT ?

    The ignorant, scaremongering, and rabid hate-mongering being perpetrated against transgendered citizens of the United States is beyond despicable…

  • @EnzroGreenidge June 30, 2024

    This is not a minority. This is christianity.

  • @EnzroGreenidge June 30, 2024

    Religion is the scourge of mankind.

  • @sandraavery3277 June 30, 2024

    Ten commandments say you should not kill he is a demon pastor

  • @macklyn June 30, 2024

    WWJD? Shoot the parents of trans kids in the back of the head apparently….

  • @myeyeswentdeaf6213 June 30, 2024

    As Straight White Christian Male myself, I do not consider the ‘Christian’ right to be real Christians. They are to us real Christians what ISIS and the Taliban, etc. are to real Muslims.

  • @marypoxon8218 June 30, 2024

    What a vile and despicable person.

  • @marissashelley2362 June 30, 2024

    May this man's only child come out as trans!!!

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