July 6, 2024
Property and Financial Crimes

Bodycam: Grandma Shoots Intruder While Handcuffed to Chair During Home Robbery

Bodycam footage shows the aftermath of a shocking Idaho home invasion that didn’t end well for the suspect on March 13. Bingham County authorities received a 911 call from an 85-year-old woman claiming she was handcuffed to a chair after her home was broken into and she subdued the invader. Christine Jenneiahn was able to retrieve a firearm she kept under a pillow while she was tied to a chair and shoot the man trying to rob her. Get all the details on this episode of Law&Crime BodyCam.

Jenneiahn told police she woke up at 2 a.m. to a masked stranger in a military jacket pointing a gun at her while she lay in bed. She said he took her into the living room, tied her up, and pistol-whipped her before asking where she kept her valuables. While Derek Condon searched the home for items to steal, Jenneiahn dragged the chair she was handcuffed to back to her bedroom and retrieved her pistol. She then made her way back to the living room and hid the firearm. When Condon returned, he began threatening her. She lunged to grab the stashed weapon and opened fire on Condon, who collapsed after returning fire. Jenneiahn survived the shocking incident, while Condon died at the scene.

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#Bodycam #Idaho #LawandCrime



  • @mezee6991 July 2, 2024

    Holy cow, how many times does she have to answer the same questions?
    Is this operator dumb or what?

  • @robertleblanc2675 July 2, 2024

    That idiot talking to the old lady needs to be fired. Too many inappropriate questions. What an idiot……

  • @terrymarshall5480 July 2, 2024

    Dispatcher about stupid.

  • @ianblack58 July 2, 2024

    911 operator is an idiot. Shut up and listen!!!

  • @rosamax July 2, 2024

    She sounded so strong and positive until… he asked: “Who’s the president?” …

  • This 911 operator has just graduated from elementary school

  • @EAZ36588 July 2, 2024

    Way to go granny!
    Pistol whipped, Handcuffed to a chair shot 7+ times and still manages to take out the Intruder and survive 8 hours and be more alert and coherent than a lot of the people around her

  • @wendywhiteman5921 July 2, 2024

    seriously!!!!! an 85 year old who has been shot in stomach, tied to chair, and on the floor handcuffed is supposed to answer all those questions????????

  • @mariw1298 July 2, 2024

    Why is this dispatcher asking the same questions twice!!!!!! The woman is dying for heaven's sake!!!!

  • @denisheunjackson July 2, 2024

    This woman is AMAZING!!

  • This 911 operator needs a lesson in getting help quickly. People could die 5:11 while he makes a nice report. GOD bless the victim and her son.

  • @d.sh.2501 July 2, 2024

    Shot residue tests?????

  • @karenreaves3650 July 2, 2024

    She is an amazing woman, I pray she survives this horrific crime committed against her. ❤

  • @mr.demacia989 July 2, 2024

    "Are you bleeding?" WTF DO YOU THINK?! She was shot in the stomach!'

  • @Reallifeintheblue July 2, 2024

    Talk about doing your research before you break in! An Olympic shooter! Jesus. How did the son not hear all of this?

  • @lchaput7721 July 2, 2024

    What a disaster! If you're anywhere in Idaho, get out ASAP!

  • @sonjajefferson23 July 2, 2024

    What was the point of showing Redacted police cam?

  • @dougvanallen2212 July 2, 2024

    Greatest Generation 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  • @user-wo9bq3tr4e July 2, 2024

    That dispatcher needs a brain transplant .

  • @RobertLegereIII July 2, 2024

    Bro, some of these 911 operators are OUTRAGEOUSLY negligent and/or stupid!! This man is asking completely unnecessary questions and then he isn’t even listening to the answers. This woman CLEARLY answered his questions yet he continued to ask ridiculous question after ridiculous question. I have a serious problem with the way these calls are conducted to begin with but it’s WAYY worse when the operator treats the caller with the level of incredulity that this guy did. DO BETTER GUYS!!

  • @jerrykovacs3851 July 2, 2024

    I’ve never seen a more incompetent group of people. JFC. That poor lady

  • @jeffmorton9220 July 2, 2024

    The woman, shot and handcuffed, is somehow talking to 911, while her son is watching her do all of this. Why isn’t the son doing anything? Why has the 911 operator asking this victim for information he had already asked and she had already answered? Same with the cops?

  • @mattandrade30 July 2, 2024

    He probably already has officers on the way … but he should’ve mentioned that wayyyy earlier.

  • @mattandrade30 July 2, 2024

    Why wouldn’t the son call. wtf.

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