July 6, 2024
Cyber and Organized Crimes

Boys for Sale: Child trafficking ring in the U.S. (Clean Sound+HD)


In 1981, Dr. Tom Philpott would be interviewed for the documentary film in which he discusses the existence of an interstate child trafficking ring in the U.S. perpetrated by political elite. Philpott tells the story of child victims throughout the country.

During his 20 years as a professor at the University of Texas in Austin, Dr. Philpott was often involved in controversies surrounding civil rights and anti-war protests. But his most censored work, was this documentary film about a child trafficking perpetrated by U.S. big shots titled “Boys for Sale.”

The abuse of young boys was investigated by Philpott regarding pedophiles/pederasts operating in the Austin, Houston, Dallas and New Orleans areas, and their connection to a nationwide pederast ring. In this documentary, Philpott describes Houston, Texas, as possibly the worst city in the United States for homeless boys. Claims of atrocities in Houston were corroborated by other experts, such as Judianne Densen Gerber of the Odyssey Institute. Gerber said that children are also brought in from Louisiana and other states.

After a number of threats, Philpott survived an attempted murder made on his life shortly after his involvement in the documentary Boys for Sale. Two intruders broke into his Austin apartment on October 27, 1982, and shot him twice with his .38 caliber. He survived. The police and media smeared him as staging the event. He died in Oct. 9, 1991. Almost no information exists as to the exact cause and circumstances of his death.







  • CHILDREN OF DARKNESS: https://youtu.be/isA1wKre9Ug (RECOMMENDED!)

  • @arthenarubin3196 June 25, 2024

    This video is Old image how long

  • @AprilGarcia-sm4bi June 25, 2024

    The battle between good and evil DID write history, just as it's writing our present day. People have no inkling of power of the spirit world and no reverence for Our Creator. In the absence of GODS wisdom and love – there is nothing but fear, confusion, and darkness. Unfortunately, this is why most people can't see or understand the spiritual battle happening right in front of them and even in their own minds

  • @CocoRose336 June 25, 2024

    more Freemason demons makes me SICK

  • @FloridaKatLady June 25, 2024

    Im shocked that people are more aware then than they are now of this happening in all our American towns.
    Yea. This happens all over the world but USA is the largest consumer of child trafficking. 😢😢😢
    Knock it off yall.
    We should be more evolved than this.
    This behavior is animalistic.
    Not even close to humane.
    This is a power sickness. This is satanic and ritualistic. Its absolutely demonic and so evil.
    How can anyone live with themselves after doing something to a child.?!!?!
    I cant even comprehend how one could ever sleep again.

  • @earlycat170 June 25, 2024

    Somewhere around the 50 minute mark, they say that the largest bank in Houston pulled their advertisements from a local news station for investigating child abuse. Does anyone know what bank?

  • @redman8039 June 25, 2024

    This isn't child prostitution its child grooming and trafficking. Maybe its the ignorance surrounding this horrific crime at the time this was the only word they were familiar with. This was stomach churning and a extremely hard documentary to watch.

  • @CatManCatClan June 25, 2024

    Biden was protected during the investigation!!!

  • @timlewis7218 June 25, 2024

    The monarch slave trade is being exposed. The deepstate international intelligence community would rather see WWIII than be exposed.

  • @ElonMuskrat-my8jy June 25, 2024

    I have a used copy of The Franklin Cover-Up. It has a signature on the inside cover which I presume is his but I cannot fully decipher it. One letter looks like a large sloppy J, definite W and a scribble with a p at the end. Does anyone have a genuine signature of his with which I can compare to see if it is authentic?

  • @joannabreaks435 June 25, 2024

    Lord as I sit here on my front porch miles northwest of Houston
    Let the power of God work within me to save the children and stop this rot in the city of Houston

    Lord I feel your power
    Let me be your tool

  • @brandonlacour1277 June 25, 2024

    Maybe I’m wrong or possibly there was more than one of organization named the odyssey institute in Texas but wasn’t John David Norman’s first trafficking ring called that… where all his 50,000 clients cards got destroyed and he was allowed to flee the state. I mean it’s kinda crazy that Mrs. Gerber works for this odyssey institute and is on a show about trafficking when less than 10 years earlier John David Norman had a mail order trafficking network named the same thing and in the same state even… That just strikes me as odd and almost to much of a coincidence.

  • @OnePalestine1948 June 25, 2024

    I still love these guys and this channel!

  • @Lizardkiller.. June 25, 2024

    Why would intelligence tell prosecutor in Florida that Epstein and his activities were "over his head" and to "back off" ? Because the intelligence community is operating most of the blackmail operations like Epstein's in order to control the politicians and other people of power on behalf of foreign banking families, I/e foreign powers.

  • @Lizardkiller.. June 25, 2024

    Donald Trump, W. Bush, the Clintons, and many other top politicians were involved heavily with Epstein. Bill Gates, Leslie Wexner (Victoria's secret) and Trump were the top 3 financiers of Epstein for decades.

  • @Lizardkiller.. June 25, 2024

    What people need to realize is that the power and prestige positions dont "cause" these people to behave this way…..they get those positions of power because they can easily be blackmailed and controlled. This is one dynamic utilized by a much more powerful and global organization that is very old, dare I say ancient, and very compartmentalized globally. Freemasonry is a huge part of this lower-level control structure.

  • @Amber-vh8bs June 25, 2024

    Maybe when interviewing the boys/victims, shaming them with questions like, "What would ur parents think…" is a way to prevent them from coming forward. Anyone who minimizes SA of children, is because they benefit from SA in some form.

  • @JK-mf1po June 25, 2024

    Listening to this makes me sick and to think it’s still going on is horrible. I was born in 72 born n raised here in Australia. I was sexually molested by my Grandma at 2-3yo then at high school 11-16yo I had married straight men MY teachers that were sexually assaulting me and harassing me and I almost got kidnapped and stalked by one of them walking back home from school. They poisoned my home life by finding out where I lived and were placing pornography in the mailbox. There’s a lot that happened to me. And yes it was a state education run school. On Sat mornings I had to attend Greek school which was run by the Orthodox Church and Nothing happened to me there. What happened to me at the state school made me fail my education and my life trajectory was ruined. I had high hopes for University and beyond and it was ruined. I’m 51yo now and still have untreated childhood trauma. One incident when I was 11-12yo I was held and being dragged by a male pedo teacher and another teacher an innocent party had witnessed it and it got hushed up by the principal. That high school got demolished decades ago and still stands as an empty lot. I know a pedo ring was being run there. I was punched and hit hard by a strange man that had two other men with him and they said to me to keep quiet. I was 12yo and suicidal. They broke me. Broke my spirit in those years which lead to a different life path. There’s too much to mention here but adult males need to leave kids alone! I’m living proof of what happens. And yes I’ve been through suicidal ideation and attempts and drug addictions and still do. Have to leave it here coz it’s too much. I have triggers and suffer from anxiety. It’s made me reclusive and anxious and I don’t trust anybody. Thx for reading some of my story. Bless 🙏🏼💖keep safe

  • @fabsardo June 25, 2024

    its crazy that not much has changed..and now its finally come out that this is a major ring in Hallowood and Music industry with the whole Pdiddy scandal

  • @Scriptorsilentum June 25, 2024

    something weird about cover-ups, conspiracy theories, etc… i've heard for four years how search engines like google, bing et al maipulate search algorithms to hide/bury stuff deliberately. i spent an hour searching for the case of price daniel, a man killed by his wife vickie for his abuse of her and molestation of his three sons and be gawdammed if i can find ANYTHING really useful to explain the case. this includes YT and wikipedia.

    this show aired in 1980 and there were efforts made to silence it at the time. the reporter and dr. philpott were attacked, subjected to vandalism, and shootings and there's reason to suspect dr. philpott did not suicide but was murdered.

    physical intimidation in the 80s now accompanied with hiding information or, at the very least, making it damned near impossible to find it anymore.

  • I believe wondering how this happen I truly believe behind the sex trafficking is cps behind it and boys running away from foster home who has better access to children cps n foster home let's start there

  • @aileenoreilly9459 June 25, 2024

    I never knew this amazing man existed,,we could do with a lot of more men like that today ,,child trafficking has overtaken the drug business an its nearly matching the weapons trafficking,,,

  • I hope you all know that conservatives in the 1980’s did absolutely nothing to combat this evil.

  • You all seem more interested in virtue signaling than actually understanding this evil.

  • @franceskendrick4653 June 25, 2024

    Also there's not a lot of people who talk about their experience because most of them are dead.

  • @rkgomes3875 June 25, 2024

    I know this is DATED but GODDAMMIT trafficked boys are NOT prostitutes!!!! WORDS MATTER!!!!!!

  • @davidsauls9542 June 25, 2024

    I'm an old child psychiatrist. This video shows what was known 45 years ago and it has not gotten getter.
    The news media don't want to talk about. They are just political operators. Investigative journalism is dead.
    34:40 Women do indeed do this same behavior, but our society laughs at a 13 year old boy being molested by a 38 year old woman. "He was lucky." is the prevailing attitude.
    Women are not less antisocial.
    Police officer involvement in this abuse has been really, really bad.
    10 years after filming this Dr. Philpot was dead. Two years before his death, 2 men broke into his house and shot at his head. That attack was discounted by local police. Hummm ???

  • @brl0522 June 25, 2024

    These guys had no idea what was coming with the internet

  • @brl0522 June 25, 2024

    Hmmm all republicans 🤔

  • @Cocopancake528 June 25, 2024

    The beginning where they talk about how the west painted the Soviet Union as evil and then justified war crimes as a means to fight it, is very relevant to our current times regarding “terrorism”. Isis etc are just western groups pretending to be Muslim.

  • @chandrareid6966 June 25, 2024

    I pray for the second coming of Jesus Christ.

  • @MatthewGill-nv4tb June 25, 2024

    Imagine working for CPS and on a regular basis deal with toddlers with fecal compaction (google it), physical abuse, sexual abuse…..

    And it's their brother or dad.

    Edit sorry…. or mom… or sister… more rare but physical abuse oh yeah…moms are not all great

  • @charliebrownie4158 June 25, 2024

    I'm a 55 year old survivor of multiple attacks, the attempted suicides are a testament to the trying to go through life, one of my counselors tried to give me praise for being where I am now and for not succeeding in the attempts.

  • @littlemama3957 June 25, 2024

    Sooo..heartbreaking…😢..makes my blood boil….

  • @Evelyn-zg9gp June 25, 2024


  • @rodneykingston6420 June 25, 2024

    So what kind of a place was Houston then? His first story he tells of a boy who is prostituting at 14 after his parents have died and is supporting his little brother, and then the brother is killed in a car wreck and he "spends the last of his money burying his brother" – and that's where I'm puzzled. Where was he spending this money? He might have been able to spend a year not going to school, not having contact with adults, living on the street and still feeding and maintaining his little brother, but when he went to bury the brother, was it at a funeral home run by adults? Wouldn't they have been puzzled and alarmed by a 14 year old bringing in small change to bury an 8 year old? Wouldn't they have contacted Family Services? Did Houston not have them?

  • @user-dw2im6lb8t June 25, 2024

    thanks for cleaning up the audio. I first viewed this years ago but could not understand a great deal. Thnx again

  • @getevennow June 25, 2024

    Trauma Reenactment

  • @getevennow June 25, 2024

    This is a problem in parts of world since antiquity and in some cultures tolerated

  • @Canyonradio June 25, 2024


    Robert Bauman, A once-prominent Eastern Shore congressman who left office in 1980 amid allegations that he had solicited sex from a 16-year-old male prostitute was flagged the same year by the Boy Scouts of America in the organization's expansive "perversion files."

  • @KathyJensen-vh2yk June 25, 2024

    Who is doing it .?
    Arizona Special unit deputy Alfredo Navarrette arrested for human trafficking, drug's, working with Sinaloa Mexican cartel. Az law maker Tony Navarrete. New York deputies Melissa and Wallace Waliczek. Virginia chief police Edwin Roessler, James Baumstark. California Captain Charles Norris. Indiana mayor Tim Armstrong. Pennsylvania constable Timothy Heefner. Law enforcement and system are human trafficking. Myths and Facts about women and children sex trafficking .

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