July 5, 2024
Hate Crimes

Child FAINTS At Signing of INSANE Ten Commandments Law

A young student fainted as Republican Gov. Jeff Landry began to sign House Bill 71, a bill that will require the Ten Commandments to be displayed in Louisiana public schools. Cenk Uygur and Jordan Uhl discuss on The Young Turks. Your Support is Crucial to the Show:

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“Louisiana public schools are now required to display the Ten Commandments in all classrooms, after Republican Gov. Jeff Landry signed the requirement into law Wednesday.

House Bill 71, approved by state lawmakers last month, mandates that a poster-size display of the Ten Commandments with “large, easily readable font” be in every classroom at schools that receive state funding, from kindergarten through the university level.”


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  • So Jesus is not GOD…reason that you have his image in the church. God has no Image….

  • @bgtv9024 June 26, 2024

    I’d have a field day with this as a student. Only conservatives believe this will make the schools safer, so I’d start calling out every lie they’d try to tell me. That’s highly idolatrous, and in more than one way. Id make it not worth keeping up every day until they took it down, simply because they think they can keep disrespecting people and getting away with it.

  • @buzzzzzz69 June 26, 2024

    Are we supposed to "honour thy Father and thy Mother" whilst they are off their faces? beating us? & while we watch them proudly showing off their latest acquisition from shoplifting?

  • @LovelyLadyLissett June 26, 2024

    They are saying she slain by the Holy Spirit and didnt faint!

  • No child should be made to think that they should honor abusive parents.
    I think this is a tactic by the GOP to get the ACLU to spend their resources on a this nonsense instead of fighting for civil rights.

  • @kingluithe1st June 26, 2024

    What part of the Ten Commandments y’all have a problem with?

  • @walterp9018 June 26, 2024

    They want the smoke, the conflict. I'm from and live in New Orleans. I am Agnostic, unlike you evil atheists( lol kidding of course ) and I am open to hearing of other religions, but not displayed in a public classroom or any tax payer funded area. Plus, my money will be on catholics vs Southern Baptist 😂

  • @edwardpayne4385 June 26, 2024

    So what it means nothing. and every nation and religion should live by the 10 commandments. They are what civilized people live by or live by to the fullest you can live by them, tell me what commandment is wrong to live by.

  • @knifelore1647 June 26, 2024

    Its a big step in the right direction, otherwise we still have idiots like you running your traps!

  • @robynsegg June 26, 2024

    I thought we were going to tak about the little girl? No. We get these two he-b*tching about religion during the whole video. 🙄

  • @matronluna June 26, 2024

    The Christian God and Allah are the only deities that claim they are the ONLY ones. Most other religions have multiple deities within them.

  • @sorinankitt June 26, 2024

    As a Christian, to me, the secular world will do what it does. The Church can only be the light. Most Christians fail and put out that light but in the end what is judged is what did we do for Christ and what did we do for ourselves.

    A graven image is just anything that's not God and is set up to be worshipped. Making an image of the birth is Jesus or His Last Supper is no different than writing text about those events.
    God is the original law giver. He gave the 10 Commandments to Moses for the nations while all the other laws were for the Jews including the 10 Commandments .
    Before that God told Adam and Eve not to eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. God also created man and woman with a conscience to obey God our creator and do good to each other. We are the ones who break those laws much like children disobey parents.

  • @lisashao2449 June 26, 2024

    There is only one God, and he is the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob. The Holy Bible is prophetic… God says he foretold of things to come so we will know that He is the only One and true living God. The lost do not see the truth.

  • @sharonwilliams4330 June 26, 2024

    How you’ll going have the commandments in school and not allow the bible in school?

  • @peng1965a June 26, 2024

    Mohammed is a prophet…not the God. So there can be images of Mohammed.

  • @Brazil144hopeful June 26, 2024

    The Bible isn't talking to everyone and its more then 10 commandments in it.

  • @phillipzx3754 June 26, 2024

    Cult. That's all it is. A tax-exempt cult.

  • @allenridenour1826 June 26, 2024

    If your state ranks 47th in education in the u.s. maybe you should prioritize putting up the abcs in the classroom

  • @moredennj June 26, 2024

    The ten commandments are Jewish as they are contained within the first five books- the Jewish Torah. The New Testament Commandments – given by the Jewish teacher – Jesus said there are two commandments or rules to live by. First – to love God above all else and secondly to love our neighbors as yourself. Matthew 22: 36-40. The ten commandments allow servants and allows concubines and limitations on free speech. Why even bring this in our classrooms? What about graven images- like a particular section of Christianity that has siants and images that are prayed to, mass produced- like those Christians are not included in the ten commandments. The FLDS and those who take multiple wives though…well they are accepted!

  • @kathleenroberts6931 June 26, 2024

    Relijin is existential. Politics is about comparing ideas. Relijin is absolutist & we'll no longer have Democracy. The aborshin issue is the Cherch interfering with the State; One is Science and one is an uneducated belief system. Belief is not Science.

  • @virtuosa69 June 26, 2024

    Wow! Total worship of El & Yahweh the Jealous, genocidal entities of the Old Testament.
    Pretty soon, Louisiana will legalize child marriage too

  • @susieq1170 June 26, 2024

    Look at the blonde Stepford wife.

  • @anthonyfowler2623 June 26, 2024

    Fr beard

  • @anthonyfowler2623 June 26, 2024

    Catholic Church

  • @johnbradley1325 June 26, 2024

    You know that you could really cause trouble with this if you wanted to because they really didn't think this through. Here example! No Louisiana football games can be played on a Saturday! How to stop that you ask? Well to keep the sabbath holy all you have to do is prove the sabbath is Saturday not Sunday which has already been proven! Got two people to fight it one says the day is Saturday and one says Sunday and now they can't either day

  • @anthonyfowler2623 June 26, 2024

    Guess capitalism is going down in Louisiana

  • @user-tz4in5ox3r June 26, 2024

    Why would anyone listen to lying fox news?

  • @MrPaultiwanger June 26, 2024

    Hey at least they will have people looking up a word they don't know .Google what does coveting mean ?

  • @isiahgreen8405 June 26, 2024

    God's Word doesn't need your help. He said don't covet anything of your neighbor's.
    Exodus 20:17 Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's. (AMAZON PACKAGES INCLUDED)

  • @candor-tt4836 June 26, 2024

    Thou shall not lie unless your name is Donald Trump.
    Thou shall not make any graven image unless it's the image of Donald Trump. 😅😅

  • @kimberlythomas2758 June 26, 2024

    Thank u Gov Landry

  • @brairr9966 June 26, 2024

    I, on many topics that are presented and discussed on your website, find myself agreeing with because most of the time you present the issues in an intelligent form with some degree of a background of solid investigation but on this topic you have Absolutely NO Degree of Understanding nor do you have the proper presentation of facts……you basically get people to rally against ten perfectly great teachings that are in agreement with almost every society around the world…… not to mention the fact that many of these teachings man calls commands are also man upheld laws that are written and found in almost every local, city, state and federal government law books…… it's men who mistranslated words in scriptures that have cause the spin off of what were supposedly only to be teachings and instructions to man to have a better relationship with the Creator and His creation of what he gave to mankind to use and enjoy and have a great fellowship with them and all human beings… Instead man turned what was supposed to be a way of life into religions…..what religions are based on depends on which of the Creators teachings man wanted to agree with or disagree with and to what extent they wanted to change these teachings to suit their own ways and how they could force others into their beliefs…….
    What is wrong with hanging teachings in school hallways, reminding children…..NOT TO MURDER…….or NOT TO STEAL…..or NOT TO WORSHIP false idols….or to honor their FATHER and Mother……or NOT to COVET someone else's property or loved one…..or not to have wrong sexual relationships……all of these deal with laws that are in man's government law books already, and can befound around the world and the failure of teaching these are our court systems and penial systems full of failures who did not live by these teachings…. but because someone somewhere along man kinds history made these simple teachings into a religion, with you putting out the disappointing narritive you have and having other ignorant followers leave the comments they have without ever reasoning this topic through or discussing it through, you create the negitative platform form much to do with the failures of mankind… I'm appalled that every parent and teacher is not behind this one, one hundred percent ….. it might cut down and even change some of the students rebellion and misconduct in the schools and improve over all relationships with each other. You absolutely missed the boat on this one. The first Three teachings deal with the Creator, the remaining seven deal with mankind. In every religion their gods are promoted to be their true god, and they can't have any others and they can't defame their gods, there are rules already in place to protect every child from being forced into doing or praying etc in other religious beliefs…..but the fact is ….. that in seeing those teachings again might remind each student that there is a greater power above them and to try and live a better way with others.

  • @ThatsKhali4uMa June 26, 2024

    Huuuhhh, anyway, outlet that is not Yankee…..voodoo/magic is pretty common in places like Louisiana so it makes sense that they're doing all of that. It's kinda what Guyana did after they kept practicing stuff there….the country converted to Christianity. Great grandpa was from Guyana so I think I have an idea of what I am talking about.

  • @kaarlimakela3413 June 26, 2024

    Put up the one quote of jeebus saying GIVE EVERYTHING TO THE POOR.

  • @jayondaway June 26, 2024

    They should just vote him right on out

  • @socalnahtty June 26, 2024

    1. Trump called himself a savior.

    2. Gold statue of Trump flags with his face, claiming he will save.

    3. “They’ll be hit so g–damn hard,” while bragging about bombing Islamic State militants. Trump recounts his warning to a wealthy businessman: “If you don’t support me, you’re going to be so g–damn poor.”

    4. Never goes to church.

    5. – Never talks about his mom.

    6. Not yet, but he wants to.

    7. Ooff!

    8. Been Done.

    9. Oooooff!

    10. He wants what the dictators have. To be a dictator & control/power.

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