July 5, 2024
Cyber and Organized Crimes

Child Identity Theft | On Demand Series | PPLSI | IDShield

What You Should Know About Child Identity Theft | PPLSI | IDShield

Over 1 million minors have their identity stolen every year, and the majority of victims are under the age of 7.

Child Identity Theft may go undetected until the minor comes of age and tries to open their first line of credit.

A child’s personal information, like their Social Security Number, or Social Insurance Number, is extremely valuable on the black market, and even more valuable than an adult’s. There are two reasons:

1. A child’s credit is a clean slate.

2. It takes longer to discover if a child’s identity has been stolen.

You may be thinking, “But my child doesn’t even own a credit card! How could a criminal possibly use their credit?”

Credit bureaus do not have a path to confirm the identity of a Social Security Number, or Social Insurance Number holder. This fault allows a person to use someone else’s information and go undetected. For example, an adult could utilize the Social Security Number or Social Insurance Number of a minor creating a false identity.

Identity thieves can use a child’s Social Security Number or Social Insurance Number to:

Apply for government benefits.
Open bank accounts and credit cards.
Apply for payday loans or utilities.
Or, even find a place to live.

Sadly, in some cases, family and friends were the suspected thief.

Here are 5 ways our team of Licensed Private Investigators advice you can take to help protect your child’s identity:

1. Store important documents in a safe place. This includes your child’s birth certificate and Social Security Number or Social Insurance Number.

2. Do not disclose full Social Security Number or Social Insurance Numbers. Instead, ask if the last 4 digits will be enough when filling out common medical or school forms.

3. Check at least twice a year if your child or children have a credit report. If your child does have a credit report, you will want to freeze that report and file a credit fraud alert with the bureau.

4. Review your child’s medical documents and be alert if you receive a bill or other unexpected documents in the mail with your child’s name.

5. Purchase an identity plan that provides coverage for your children.

As your child gets older, it is crucial to educate them about the risk of identity theft and the importance of keeping their personal information safe.

IDShield can monitor the Social Security Number or Social Insurance Number of minor dependents and send an alert if a discrepancy is found.

We also provide full-service restoration for dependents under the age of 18.

Consultation and restoration services with IDShield’s family plan are provided to dependents up to the age of 26.

Need More Information? Contact Patrice Samuel Robinson, Independent Associate of PPLSI at 519-872-6875 or visit today!


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