July 6, 2024
Cyber and Organized Crimes

Chinese Girl Adopted By Spanish Socialite, KILLED 13 Yrs Later, STRANGE Photos Found In Dad’s Phone

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  • @shay7777 July 3, 2024

    If they are so wealthy and even have an alarm, wouldn't they have security cameras throughout the house?

  • @briannaflint08 July 3, 2024

    What is it on Netflix?

  • @rulanaabidi2271 July 3, 2024

    Thank you so much for the help you’ve provided to Palestine’s people

  • @Weird.Rabbit July 3, 2024

    I think there should be A LOT MORE about the hand in the photo, it was clearly such important information. A father that likes Asian girls on the internet a bit too much, WHILE having a Asian daughter?? Sounds like he was assaulting his daughter, either on his own, or together with other men. Gross people, both "parents" should be in jail.

  • @didy9488 July 3, 2024

    I remember when this happened, and it doesn't matter how much time passes, I can't stand the man. Alfonso is really creepy and it's the kinda persin that gives me the chills. As I get older, this sensation only get worse, I just feel that, compared to Rosario, he's so much worse… Don't get me wrong, both of them did it. They didn't need Asunta anymore, not with the grandparents dead. (I remember a rumor that they adopted Asunta because the grandparents put pressure on them to have children).

  • @Truthorfib July 3, 2024

    The biggest thing that ties the mom to what happened is that she literally went after to look for the orange wire when she knew the police would come and search. Its all really all over the place and there’s a lot of variables going on that seems to be deliberately put there to throw people off. Like the fluid of the offender for example

  • @devinhemmings7035 July 3, 2024

    I don’t know how she died but the parents were definitely involved in some way. The fact that she would be acting drugged up after coming back from her dads and when the mom rushed to the bathroom trash bin speaks volumes

  • @BRYBRY-em5xe July 3, 2024

    She had such a bright future ❤️

  • It’s all true!! I just know it

  • @NotesNNotes July 3, 2024

    1:16:50 – I am wondering if maybe the dad did it and told the mom to blackmail her into staying with him and he made her his accomplice

  • @ChantelStays July 3, 2024

    Thise trachers FAILED that little girl. This is also their faults. …child services should have been called.

    Its not "very odd" …its extreme child abuse. This…this is the reality of being a child
    A girl.
    A women.

    We pray to not go to hell. But hell is here.

    She obviously was being trafficked

  • @jadeybaby007 July 3, 2024

    Who the f**k takes a selfie with a coffin?! 😳

  • @jahjah9042 July 3, 2024

    Some similarities to malaysian murder case…of an autistic child. zayn rayan last December..the trials will start in july..the parents will be charged as child abandonment, not murder ….heartbreaking

  • @violetyivy8333 July 3, 2024

    All of this was fishy to begin with but the orange cord in the bathroom and the mother trying to get rid of it was a dead give away. 100% it was the parents. Sickening.

  • @rinnegan2761 July 3, 2024

    Typical Spanish Abrahamic mindset

  • @Redtoadteeth July 3, 2024

    Wait.. I saw this on Netflix it was real? 😭

  • @user-op4il5qd2l July 3, 2024

    In the videos she was wearing a black mask .

  • @somisomi62 July 3, 2024

    With all that money they could have sent her to the boarding school instead if you don't want her.

  • @shawtygotlo1 July 3, 2024

    Although it might seem strange that a child wouldn't be distraught about their parents' divorce, I heavily relate. I distinctly remember when I was told my parents were getting a divorce. I was 5 & I cried once & then never again bc I knew it was best for everyone involved bc my parents had a deeply dysfunctional relationship…when I got older & some of my peers' parents started getting divorced & they were devastated, I was really confused lol

  • @oliverjude3298 July 3, 2024

    I came into this completely blind and now I want to watch the show to see if it holds up to this video 😂

  • 53:08 I actually spit out my damn water once I heard that! GROSS!!!

  • @rachelvaitkus July 3, 2024

    no netflix nothin 1:54:57

  • @rachelvaitkus July 3, 2024

    no just you 😊 ❤ rach from australia 1:54:57

  • @rachelvaitkus July 3, 2024

    good but also sad😮

  • @arsoncreates6375 July 3, 2024

    Idk I just don’t like the fact that Asunta’s mom told everyone in her circle her ENTIRE schedule

  • @jagodablue1133 July 3, 2024

    I was confused too after this series on Netflix, when I was listening to podcast about it short after it sounded like 2 different stories

  • Also didnt asunta literally tell her teachers she thought her parents were tryna kill her ?

  • Okay i was thinking rosario was a serial killer and that she killed both her parents for the inheritance money AND killed asunta because she knew she was being SA'd by Alfonso and she was jealous of her and so she blackmailed Alfonso into helping her kill asunta and hes blackmailing her for her own parents death for the money too… thats just my theory but its clear alfonso is a pedophile and was SAing her and the parents are behind asuntas death and they are both narcissists

  • as a spanish, thank you for talking about this case! im a big fan of yours and im really invested in this case so it's great to see one of my favourite YouTubers make a video about it!

  • @nussknacker9827 July 3, 2024

    Why didn't the police talk to the little girls friends.

    The friends were apparently the only ones who would actually listen
    and take her seriously .

  • @misstaveras8028 July 3, 2024

    My theory is much more obscure and grotesque since I watch the mothers demeanor about the girl. Considering the long string of Rosarios family and the extent of clients of a lucrative real state agent. Ausenta’s photo looked like an amateur catalog to be honest. The relationship of Ausenta and Rosario gave rivalry and jealousy vibe. That of a Master that makes it impossible for you to be any good enough ( the long schedules , the high demands for perfection) . Lets not forget Jeffrey Epstein and his relationship with prince And prince Andrew This situation could be of the Norm in that up high scale status. Just putting this out there. Ausenta is a representation of many cases of sinister intentions. Looks like a either they over did things with the pills and what not, or the jealousy of a woman over her husband and younger lover, not even having an affair would make him come into senses. Alfonso , the proposer of all this ordeal. He feels no more s Sx desire for Rosario because his new sensation is down another door. It was the perfect life: love and financial security for Alfonso. I wouldn’t be surprised if the reason of sickness of Rosario is Alfonso for him to feel needed and irreplaceable. And that could be a reason dor her cover up: she is defenseless without Alfonso, and her liver don’t want to take on the toll.

  • @torreslissette6161 July 3, 2024

    Quite interesting the stories brought by Rotten Mango, but the story teller is TOOOOOOO dramatic. I ended up with a headache. Although I recognize she has quite an amazing memory.

  • @dianamaccow6316 July 3, 2024

    I believe she was sa’ed and she was silenced, Probably her mum knew. The parents are covering up for each other

  • @dianamaccow6316 July 3, 2024

    Did they adopt a child to abuse her?

  • @Tjallexander July 3, 2024

    I believe they were in it together. Alfonso clearly had some demented sexual fantasies. You don't actively search for Asian p*** with young girls without being aware about the fact that that is a description matching your own daughter. And Rosario knew. Maybe she was to unwell and dependent on him to do something or maybe she was just evil. Who knows? But the second she came home with the officers she rushed to the bathroom to seemingly remove some very crucial evidence. Yes it was a poplar brand of cords, but why run and try to hide it, then?

    And the lab results? It wouldn't be to hard for people in their position to have the results tampered with or even changed to show another suspect. Like someone who is already known to be a sexual offender. They just weren't counting on him having such a strong alibi.

    The theory that Rosario killed her parents is interesting, but doesn't have much evidence to back it up. Even though she may have seemed like an over all healthy 76 year old, her mother could have died from all sorts of reasons. And it's not really that unheard of that spouses pass away shortly after.

    But there is still one question remaining that I can't figure out. If they did kill her. Why did they stay behind with her body for hours before going to the police and reporting her missing? Because they seems like a very unnecessary risk. Because they would be visible from the road.

    But if they didn't stay behind.. Then who moved her arm?

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