July 6, 2024
Property and Financial Crimes


ATTORNEY MARTIN MCOMBERS attacks Dave Reed during a deposition

(Excerpt from ‘Boy am I Glad I Had a Camera!’)



  • @benburnett8109 June 16, 2024

    I've learned by watching several of these "types" of videos, the Poster is always the crazy one. Mr Reed clearly proves my point.

  • Bottom line- having been there, seen that is to DESTROY you-they have tons of notes and you have to try to remember everything without any notes- they are relentless!

  • Lawyers are trained to go for your throat–0How do they sleep at night?

  • If you mess up a date
    They will destroy you

  • @DannyRedCheeks June 16, 2024

    I suspect David reed is an auditor of some kind who records every interaction In his life He runs his mouth and instigates arguments and then cries when he gets some pushback

  • Cry about it

  • @Hotrodford June 16, 2024

    Attorneys are the cause of 99 percent of the problems in this country because many end up running for public office like Congress, Senate, etc. who want to get elected so they can make more laws passed to get more business and laws that benefit them in other ways too. It’s all a racket used against the masses to get the people to sue each other so these attorneys can make more money. When they get elected they have no intention or representing their constituents. The on,y time they represent you is when you go to court and that’s because of one of the criminal or civil rules or laws they made while in public office that you broke. Do you see how much of a racket it is?

  • @bradyjones8263 June 16, 2024

    Always record.

  • @bradyjones8263 June 16, 2024

    Crooks never want to be recorded.

  • @fredperry523 June 16, 2024

    Baldy and Fatso went berserk !

  • @charkattack1 June 16, 2024

    Above the law must feel great

  • @AAAskeet June 16, 2024


  • @erithacustexas3907 June 16, 2024

    I'm glad I don't live in the country where everything or almost everything is about ruining someone's life

  • @Mirr0rsEdge June 16, 2024

    Every single person in the room should go jail for 20 years! 😡

  • @slipperysloper3721 June 16, 2024

    The guys a douchebag, but an attorney has zero authority to grab anyone or their property. It’s legitimately battery. I’d punch him probably too, but ya gotta play this smarter.

  • @jodythomas4324 June 16, 2024

    Bro that did not come off the way you wanted it to. You came off as a total clown show.

  • @rauliglesias5401 June 16, 2024

    Why was it so hard to just say "yes, I'll be recording on my phone."

  • @alanmott-smith9358 June 16, 2024

    I record everywhere and no one will ever know.

  • @natashawillis9987 June 16, 2024

    I'm not feeling sorry for David Reed. I'm not sure why he posted this video. It makes him seem like a crybaby.

  • The person uploading this is a moron

  • @Champcelticsnumber9 June 16, 2024

    Update: The guy who took this video was found liable for $18 million.

  • @tcon2809 June 16, 2024

    Red Guy: "are you on crank?"
    Then assaults guy like psychotic crank addict.

  • @blindbookworm8019 June 16, 2024

    “Are you attempting to record this on your phone?”
    “Just pretend I’m not here.”

  • @mandrrtt9535 June 16, 2024

    Mr.Reed is a real Nip ball hairy Dingle Berry, Bonafide Dandy ain't he??? I know many REAL, honest, humble and overall great men through my life and NON of them have acted like this Reed dude…

  • @Sebmpg June 16, 2024

    Sorry dude, you have to play the game. Acting this way will only get you in trouble.

  • @mattb917 June 16, 2024

    Who ever made this video is a crazy nut! You posted this to make yourself look good?? You made an absolute fool of yourself.

  • @NotDecided420 June 16, 2024

    I'd be over that table then after an exchange, I'd be going to jail!

  • @angel_machariel June 16, 2024

    How did all of this end?

  • @DrFrankenschtein June 16, 2024

    Dude, you're a nut.

  • @Mikinaak2023 June 16, 2024

    Pfft should of kicked him out. Bs

  • @pearldrummer7217 June 16, 2024

    2 grown babies.

  • @GamesWithBrainz June 16, 2024

    weirdest choice of music you could have possibly used in this vid lmao

  • @jeffomalley6015 June 16, 2024

    Lmao that was classic at the end.

  • @peterhart1966 June 16, 2024

    Looks like the cat in the red shirt is getting all emotional, starts crying.

  • @andreverdun June 16, 2024

    So this is in CA? I am an attorney in CA, and I have brought my own camera into a deposition a dozen times. Attorneys say to me, "That is not admissible if you do not use a videographer." I respond, "I know. It is for my own personal purposes. This is a public hearing". And that is the end of it.

  • @jodythomas4324 June 16, 2024

    The guy in the orange shirt was unprofessional no doubt but you can tell by this video, the other lawyer, Dave, is beyond unprofessional, you can tell he is not well liked or even well known in his community of attorneys, and he probably just truly sucks as an attorney thats why they don’t care what he’s saying at the end.

  • @WallyTony June 16, 2024

    Why wouldn't he put the phone up?

  • @justinhenry6028 June 16, 2024

    best viewed 50 minutes after ingesting a 200mg brownie

  • @ronalexander4955 June 16, 2024


  • @rlav2000 June 16, 2024

    Another dickhead attorney.

  • @montagraph818 June 16, 2024

    I can't afford a deposition…what a clown. You obviously have no shame and just enough delusion to post this.

  • @OnexMan1350 June 16, 2024

    Reed fails. Lol

  • My goodness, why did you not throw punch when another man physically assaulting you?

  • @awildmeme103 June 16, 2024

    All lawyers are shitty biased assholes 🤷

  • @bvierville1 June 16, 2024

    If you can’t say anything nice

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