July 5, 2024
Hate Crimes

Debunking the myth of the Lost Cause: A lie embedded in American history – Karen L. Cox

Examine the myth of the Lost Cause: a campaign created by pro-Confederates after the Civil War to promote the lie that they seceded for state’s rights.

In the 1860’s, 11 southern states withdrew from the United States and formed the Confederacy. They seceded in response to the growing movement for the nationwide abolition of slavery. Yet barely a year after the Civil War ended, southern sources began claiming the conflict was about state’s rights. How did this revisionist history come about? Karen L. Cox examines the cultural myth of the Lost Cause.

Lesson by Karen L. Cox, directed by Anton Bogaty.

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  • @backrack01 June 20, 2024

    Nothing has changed from then to today's modern GOP. It's amazing. :/

  • @user-xz9qv9lr3v June 20, 2024

    tariffs and taxes… it was about gold and the removal of the confederacy the beginning of the federation… as is now like the previous world war it is about gold and the order of things, money… the new world order…

  • @mikedrew1693 June 20, 2024

    You might want to go to the Library of Congress and research the Morril Tariff Act and the Corwin Amendment to it. Delaware did not abolish Slavery until 1901.

  • @joshuaphillips755 June 20, 2024

    Free speech makes lying the norm.

  • @ethanweeter2732 June 20, 2024

    Another reason we can debunk this is the founding documents of the CSA. They mention slavery more often than state’s

  • @ECCHAPPEL June 20, 2024

    Total hogwash

  • @LorenRyburn-hx8gi June 20, 2024

    Hi, I'm a lost cause, came back to put you back on ⏸️ pause.

  • @robotube7361 June 20, 2024

    Thats the problem with Americans. They never learned how to deal with defeat. Whether its the southern states or the war in Korea (they got their asses kicked by the Chinese as soon as the Chinese entered the Korean war , and the Chinese pushed them back to the 38th parallel)

  • @ninjaman1138 June 20, 2024

    its true, the white people held the african slaves down, look at africa, a blooming flower of strength education, law and order and humanity in its best form!!!!

  • @RandyStIves June 20, 2024

    History can be reinterpreted because the world's flat earth moves compared to the plasma moon map direction.

  • @user-cd6nk4hu7b June 20, 2024

    The Confederacy started in Scotland in 1640 because the Scotch Irish Slaves wanted their freedom from the English Monarchy. Con- Federate means to be against a One Mother DC Republicrat Swamp Party

  • @eljerc5894 June 20, 2024

    😂 lies about lies .. nice

  • @dutchboyslim5951 June 20, 2024

    It was and wasn't.
    Several Union States allowed slavery with various severity.
    Secession was indeed focused on the good standing and preservation of slavery, however the north's invasion of the south had little to nothing to do with ending slavery.

  • @jamesgreen1838 June 20, 2024

    Only a very mall portion of the of the seceding states mentioned slavery as a cause of secession in their documents, and even most of those mentioned it as being incidental to the Federal Government failing to honor its obligations to the southern states.

  • @CoastalReaction June 20, 2024

    Northern Anglo Elites just Hated the Southern Anglo Elites. Simple as.

  • @user-ti6bv5bs7n June 20, 2024

    The war wasn't started completely because of slavery, Lincon didn't sign the emancipation proclamation until 1861. The North fought to preserve the Union up until that point and only signed it to look like they were fighting for a good cause so anyone in Europe wouldn't intervene in the war.

  • @guillermoelnino June 20, 2024

    "States rights to do what" the most ret arded argument. But y ou ret ards pretend it sounds clever. Y ou can do this with literally any right.

    "Right to say what?"

    "Right to worship what?"

    "Right to press to do what?"

    "Right to assemble to do what?"

    "Right to petition what?"

    See what I did there?

  • @stephenroney2366 June 20, 2024

    Victors are the ones that usually write history. In this case the "lost cause" version of history was written by the losers.

  • Look at the facts(numbers don't lie),where are blacks now?

  • @TylerJacobson-ux7oo June 20, 2024

    Daughters of the confederacy so opposed so brave 😂

  • @seankermani1906 June 20, 2024

    This is proof that the saying, "history is written by the victors", is a lie.

  • @AlanEmmons-qw6bg June 20, 2024

    So it was all about free labor and excess profits? Sounds familiar! But you got to give them money so they can feed themselves.🤔. Then God created Amazon and Piggly Wiggly……. So?

  • And you call yourself educators but I guess that lie won't fly anymore after the year with no flu

  • @marcoburba9563 June 20, 2024

    Mentre gli Yankees erano tutti pronti a dare la vita per gli afroamericani….
    Ma va là! Buffoni!

  • @RickCasner-sy7mm June 20, 2024

    Everyone has a story to tell. Discerning the truth is a lot harder.😎😎

  • @spacetruckin6555 June 20, 2024

    For The South, it was about slavery. For The North, it was about consolidation of power. Jefferson warned us about it decades before.

  • @darrellbrown8165 June 20, 2024

    History has a funny way of being rewritten by propagandist. I would say, don't forget the Civil War in the 1860's, but also, one should be prepared for the next one, that is probably not too far into the future.

  • @toadskinjim4178 June 20, 2024

    I'm sorry but there has never been a time in the entirety of human history where a war has been fought purposely and solely for the purpose of human existence or the betterment of human existence. We did.
    Not fight for f**** slavery.We did not fight to have slaves.We did not do any of that. You fight for territory for power for money and for revenge that's it those four. You should lead and read about how The industrial side of the northern states actually coincided with higher taxations of the southern states because of infrastructure.

  • @RH-bp7st June 20, 2024

    Man ignorance is the reason for War.

  • @markstuart901 June 20, 2024

    The issue that led to secession was the federal government deciding that all future states would be free states. Not allowing states to decide for themselves. The Radical Republicans ran on that platform if elected. Its as simple as that.

  • @Shanniereb June 20, 2024

    This whole video is biased and inaccurate. All the South had to do was ratify the Corwin Ammendment. It would have made slavery legal forever.

  • @CJ-eo2yj June 20, 2024

    There are a lot of biases in this video. The reality is, the confederacy would have eventually abolished slavery anyway, even if they had won.

  • @leelashbrooks8780 June 20, 2024

    The south was fighting for states rights, you are promoting a narrative, do your homework please, you are promoting the idea the wrong idea that every southern owned slaves lol which is not true!!! Shame on you for not telling the truth

  • @leelashbrooks8780 June 20, 2024

    This is simply not true, you should not promote misinformation

  • @VeniVidiVici456 June 20, 2024

    More broadly the Civil War was fought over the 10th Amendment.

  • One of the main causes of the war was taxation of southern crops they were getting taxed so heavily they couldn’t profit a penny

  • Look up what Lincoln wanted to do to blacks ship them back to Africa . So there you have it he did not want them here either and that is fact.

  • Your missing a lot the north was the one who invaded the south. Most Virginians simply fought to defend their families. Yes this video does point out some things but just imagine back then with no cell phones , no tv and only maybe a couple newspapers back then you heard around town we are being invaded and we need to defend are homes. Listen to the journal of an older southern soldier search older southern civil war soldier talks and he said it best I won’t do justice writing it go and watch it you might just change your mind

  • @Southerner700 June 20, 2024

    It’s a shame that history can’t be taught correctly. The south seceded for states right, among other things, not specifically slavery. But we are culturally unique people with our own rich culture, this is why us southern stick together.

  • @jamesglover3604 June 20, 2024

    The States Rights argument and the slavery argument is the same thing.Democrates have always tried to play with words to make bad things sound good.

  • @mr.battledroid2195 June 20, 2024

    The lost cause has a part of truth (a small part of it) and a part of lies (a big partof it) yet even then the north of the united states had been destroying the south for a long time, and the south itself was already performing a slow but effective and actually realistic abolishment process, unlike the union which pretended to do it on a quick and unrealistic way which lead to slaves in the union not being freed until years after the civil war.

  • @user-ff4lr2jj5r June 20, 2024

    Slavery was the number one reason for the southern states going their own way…but for the average Confederate soldier it was not. And that is why the 'myth' of the Lost Cause has hung around so long.

  • @MsNerdsRevenge June 20, 2024

    The corner stone was Liberty. England had Carolina why dont souls speak up for the lines of Europe who wanted Slavery.

  • @Robert_L_Peters June 20, 2024

    I appreciate that newer comments are the more rational ones. 👍

  • @DooshWahZ June 20, 2024

    Well here is fact. Secession from the Union is a right that ever state has. Fact 2 the Confederacy was it's own nation for 2 months BEFORE the USA/Union declared war on the Confederates. Fact 3 this makes the Union the aggressors and punished the CSA for acting on their literal rights to secede. The war was a result of the Union wanting to remain in control of the Souths raw resources.

  • @michaelshigetani433 June 20, 2024

    it was about slavery
    there were a ton of other factors, but that was the main one.
    if they say otherwise; follow the money.

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