July 7, 2024
Property and Financial Crimes

Destiny Reacts to “How Congress Gets Rich from Insider Trading”

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# Chapters
[00:00] How Congress Gets Rich from Insider Trading
– 01:00 Average senator investment returns
– 03:08 OneGuy’d
– 04:03 Pattrens and data
– 08:53 Researching the 12% study
– 13:09 OneGuy’d 2
– 14:45 Are Congress members beating the market?
– 20:27 Why are you doing all this reading?
– 23:01 Why don’t you just say it is bad?
– 24:37 Ragepope joins, insider trading

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  • @ucchi9829 June 28, 2024

    Not p hacking Destiny. Maybe you're thinking of data mining. But in a corrupt way.

  • @ryanv8783 June 28, 2024

    What would it take for destiny to believe they were using their power in government for profit and that its wrong?

  • @Scardor June 28, 2024

    "Outperforming the market by X%" and "Getting X% return" are not synonymous. I will already not believe anything this guy in the video says if that basic understanding is not met.

  • @Scardor June 28, 2024

    Bruh, Americans need a class in how to speak maths and numbers. It's horrendous to hear them talk about percentages, percentage points and number correlations.

  • @Scardor June 28, 2024

    Claim: "Congress members are beating the market by 12%" First slide: "Average return on selected transactions is 12% between 1990 and 1999" Well that is what you call clickbait, I guess.

  • @boshamburger123 June 28, 2024

    Destiny 14:00 minutes in. I would love to explain you why that method is better way of seeing potential insider trading the actual portfolio value is irrelevant.

  • @pjhaze June 28, 2024

    I knew he would be defending this before I even watched. THEY ARE JUST SMART AND AWESOME!! Everyone else is just dumb! Of course

  • @despair_bear June 28, 2024

    When Steven complains the study has a small time horizon, isn't that because senators serve on-average 9 years in total? Also when he complains about "congressmen underperforming index funds" isn't that validating "Most congressmen aren't insider trading, but these select few are" and this is about what we would expect?

  • @whoknowsbb5705 June 28, 2024

    Why is he so ban happy 😂

  • @sghost128 June 28, 2024

    I used to really like Johnny, but it's pretty clear he has a bit of an agenda which is a little bit of a turn off.

  • @Soggy__302 June 28, 2024

    The government could devour destiny's firstborn right in front of him and he'd still find an excuse for them.

  • @hrolfthestrange June 28, 2024

    Also the other thing is that if congress people were doing yhis broadly and especially were involving their entire family and staff + likely disclosing some of the behavior to associates in business or social circles there would be leaks of specific behavior and specific trades that were done based on specific information because of the amount of people involved in the conspiracy rather than just allegations of the behavior by implication.

  • @hrolfthestrange June 28, 2024

    The other thing to remember is that most congresspeople are 1. Wealthy 2. Educated 3. Have some background in a professional trade that might give them an advantage in investing(mostly attorneys) and 4. Even without private info, follow the publicly available news and economic situations more closely than the average person. 5. Have demonstrated some type of ability to act prudently to advance their own position(until recently at least congress people were known to be fairly prudent and strategic in how they conduct themselves and their management of their campaign, careers, and finances in general).

    Someone like this would not only have an advantage if they invested entirely independently without any advice BUT would also have access to the best commercial advice and counsel from investment/financial managers just based on their wealth. AND unlike many other investors are unlikely to be motivated by risky gambling even if they might be aggressive investors, they probably dont get sucked into mental fallacies and high risk situations that many ither investors do.
    A good point of comparison might be to see if congresspeople beat high profile/high earning attorneys from large and successful firms.

  • @hrolfthestrange June 28, 2024

    I think there's a fair point that Congress/politicians directly making individual investments is just optically bad for public trust/confidence without any grand conspiracy or specific wrongdoing. Congress maybe should have some rules to make financial/capital only investment decisions(not like property or buying art) separate from them or diffuse like mutual or hedge funds, but the problem is that the argument gets bogged down by claims that it's a sort of conspiracy.

  • @conot4006 June 28, 2024

    Destiny always bashed conservative for picking variable studies but he is doing the exact same thing her. He had a bias going in and was going to do everything in his power to keep it.

  • @conot4006 June 28, 2024

    In Disney World Warren Buffett it's just a bad trader and call. Senators are just aggressive. Traders that seem to get lucky on a regular basis.

  • @angelkovatch1212 June 28, 2024

    Can you cover $NGL stock sometime? Nancy Pelosis husband and Mark Green just loaded up shares! Could be a big runner over the next few months.

  • @joshsmallen June 28, 2024

    Destiny holding the line so when he goes into his politician arc his streaming money goes to the moon

  • @markerickson6320 June 28, 2024

    destiny's take failed reading comprehension. The senators were OUTPERFORMING by 12.5%, not earning 12.5%, meaning they earned ~23%. Just FYI

  • @theonetruetim June 28, 2024

    (PC data tracking didn't start until early 90's) we should talk. I'm-a do one last stream, tomorrow. Everything & everyone sucks. And I have no appetite for more of it.

    I have major questions about your positions(s). Particularly about MONEY in politics. I appreciate the Goals/Strategy planning, you pulled up, there. But- considering Buffet as a conservative/basic investor- is extra weird to me.
    (u are wrong. and I'd be happy to "jump in Discord". any time)
    Incentives to see returns v a functional-clean- commitment to governing/legislating, etc= is problematic, no?
    Lots to talk about.
    Non-retard, mutual seether, hope to hear from you one day, some way,
    hope u still have my email address.
    Be well,

  • @alephnull8377 June 28, 2024

    L take

  • @maxworld2416 June 28, 2024

    I liked the part where he watched it😊

  • @kohvazein7798 June 28, 2024

    Get one guyd bitch 😝 13:11

  • @D3adfac3 June 28, 2024

    He’s coping so hard about the comparison to Buffett. Berkshire has generated 20% annualized returns over the last 60 years.
    1. That is not “extremely conservative”
    2. Compare senators instead to hedge funds, which in aggregate actually UNDERperformed the market by almost 5% in the same time period

    Destiny is just so horny to push back on any anti-establishment take that questions his precious system.

  • @hjge1012 June 28, 2024

    I know we're establishment shills here, but can you at least watch the video you're criticizing first?

  • @D3adfac3 June 28, 2024

    Destiny thinking that shorts are derivatives and not direct trading in the stock is indicative of how far out of his depth he is, even against a dunce like ragepope

  • @colbythom223 June 28, 2024

    I’ll be the first to say Johnny Harris is a shock journalist, and nit picks facts to back up his videos. But is destiny really about to say there isn’t insider trading from congress? Come on man.

    And tells a guy to kill himself in the first minute.

  • @alim5549 June 28, 2024

    Normal people: it feels like there is a lot of dirty money in politics

    Destiny: kill yourself for even thinking that

  • @CastorTroy98 June 28, 2024

    RagePope just never has any idea what he's talking about, does he?

  • @hxlize4913 June 28, 2024

    i remember tracking pelosi trades in 2022 and she consistently fucked up to an absurd degree. no chance she has insider info in roblox but there she was investing in it

  • @alexkelly6746 June 28, 2024

    "Senators out earn warren buffet because Warren Buffet is a conservative investor whereas Senators are generally agressive investors. Thus, because Aggresive investors out earn conservative investors, and the amount that senators outearn warren buffet is similiar to the difference between these two groups we can discount that Senators gains are due to insider training where they are instead accounted for by this difference in investing style." -This is basically the take Destiny implies at the beggining. Absolutely retarded. Presumes without reason that the reason senators are agressive investors is not because they have inside knowledge.

  • @DZMegamind June 28, 2024

    Oh my god the way destiny is soying out at the hint of even dissing establishment is crazy also let the video play you dont have to be expert on everything the guy probably spent month gathering stuff

  • @jesterbob828 June 28, 2024

    Destiny is a content thief. React content should be demonitized for the reactor all money to the original creator

  • @patternrecon5271 June 28, 2024

    Steven "The Crypto-Jew" Bonnell

  • @karljonson3287 June 28, 2024

    Desteny the only pleb to defend insider trading without a single logical reason

  • @GasDude1011 June 28, 2024

    Johnny and his team probably spent 60 hours studying for this video and he just flippantly refutes things, classic 😅

  • @Chadmlad June 28, 2024

    Love that he just gives up on the video lmfao

  • @prohealer3398 June 28, 2024

    It's wild to claim this is a sweeping issue but regardless there's also no reason to not enact more laws. Wild how much people analyze thier trades when they would be using other accounts, corporations etc. Means of placing those trades.

  • @Jones-ke6bt June 28, 2024

    Insider trading is based.

  • @DarkestKnightshade June 28, 2024

    i havent watched yet, I immediately know he's going to either stay silent when Johnny says something right, or just spend the whole time arguing why he's incorrect for some asinine reason and why they should be allowed to do insider trading.
    I hope i've predicted wrong.

  • @IGiveTheBestTakes June 28, 2024

    People want the US government to be as corrupt as Russia SO BADLY but all they ever have is "i watched this youtuber say its true"

  • @nighthowell June 28, 2024

    Destiny is so bluepilled/contrarian on this subject it's beyond tiring. Please bro believe one thing outside of mainstream establishment shill talking points, we are begging for a single crumb of intellectual curiosity against established power structures/politicians.

  • @CakesWarden June 28, 2024

    20:46 Destiny defends Mauler’s content format with a based longman take 😎

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