July 6, 2024
Sex Crimes

Did This Influencer Kill Her Cat? – H3 Show #26


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  • @juliegraziano1685 July 1, 2024

    Dan calling i4 “the 4” killed me😂 s/o Orlando

  • @laishatakami3771 July 1, 2024

    I LITERALLY never comment on this channel. I love the pod but I’m currently at the part where Ethan is questioning the guy saying he’s making a lot of assumptions… YES he is making assumptions HOWEVER, a cat that length should never ever weigh 3 pounds?!?? Yes it’s young but it is a not a 4 week old kitten. Three pounds is absolutely unacceptable. When I found my STRAY cat she was a 6 month old baby and she was around her length. She weighed 7 almost 8 pounds at her first vet appointment and she looked very skinny but not like poor Seven did. Again, my cat was a skinny STRAY 7 month old cat and she didn’t weigh any less than 7 pounds. Please, this cat was insanely sick she had to have taken it to the vet, if you love your cat you’ll notice strange behavior. THIS IS NEGLECT AND NEGLECT IS A FORM OF ANIMAL ABUSE. Maybe she didn’t starve it but the cat not eating properly to the point of it being 3-4 pounds?????? Do something, change it’s food, watch it closely, TAKE IT TO THE VET. Bro if I saw constant snot coming out of my cats nose I’d run to the vet. Her not eating well or finishing her food for days?? VET. I’ve had my cat for three years, she’s never had a cold or anything. Just normal cat acne that I treat. He was just trying to help a cat that was clearly not healthy, I would’ve done the same if I saw someone I lived with neglecting their sick cat and not taking it to the vet. Maybe if Ethan and Hila ever owned a cat they would understand how unhealthy it was.

  • @heidy6441 July 1, 2024

    Unsubbed after years…

  • @zoewang13 July 1, 2024

    you guys suck. remember when you found the dog on the street? what if someone treated you like this after you saved it? pricks

  • @eringrayyy July 1, 2024

    Olivia, well done.

  • @miaorefice July 1, 2024

    ethan and hila this is disgusting

  • @MariAle2411 July 1, 2024

    It is like some people just want to cancel H3 for no reason. It was a nice conversation that I enjoy a lot coming from somebody that didn’t know about the situation, they literally went back and forth about each side and I think the fact that Jacob lie so much, really affect his credibility and judgement. You all are so crazy to cancel people that is clouding common sense. I hope this doesn’t affect the crew whatsoever.

  • @kirrraaax3 July 1, 2024

    It seems like Rhegan didn't take her cat to the vet immediately after adopting her. When I adopted my dog, it was required that I take him to the vet within 7 days for an initial checkup, and I had to send the adoption agency proof as a part of the contract. This is to ensure that the adopted animals have an established vet and someone to go to for continued care. I understand that as an 18 year old, she might not know this. But at the same time, she's technically an adult and should have researched tips on how to care for cats before taking on the responsibility. It's a shame it wasn't required by the adoption agency. I feel really bad for Sevyn and how much she was probably suffering for 4 months. RIP sweet kitty ❤

  • @akhilsindher4023 July 1, 2024

    Ethan and Hila completely nailed the point while interviewing him. When you're taking such a drastic measure and kidnapping someone's cat, you do that thinking it's an emergency and we need to get it the best care. Not wait 3 days. This guy definitely had an agenda against her. And there's definitely something sketchy reason behind why he did that. Also love it when Ethan and Hila are talking to a person such as this and they can sniff something's wrong here and they go at them and ask the right questions. LEGENDS!!!

  • @chocokorey July 1, 2024

    I’m at 2:59:00 so far and I’m so confused. I read the comments before watching the video and I was fully prepared to agree with the commenters but so far I still agree with Ethan and Hila…it’s seems wild that someone would just take a cat before talking to the person after only seeing it for an hour without a bowl and water while she was moving.

  • @deus911 July 1, 2024

    This influencer and chat are batshit crazy. That's all I have to say. Also, free Tupac.

  • @cloudysleep4732 July 1, 2024

    ??? in what universe are they defending the girl. i feel like I'm crazy reading these comments man. ethan and hila are right this time

  • @Chiefpigloo July 1, 2024

    Buncha snarkies on here acting like hila slapped olivia or something

  • @hopeseyeball July 1, 2024

    i just don’t understand the whole “i don’t trust him just off his word” but you trust her word? you don’t know either of these people. to just disrespect the one who actually called in is insane to me. i love y’all to death but this felt like a hit piece on this poor dude. don’t you think the one who DOESN’T want to call in would seem more guilty? and the romance angle is just disrespectful as well i hope he’s doing okay.

  • @hopeseyeball July 1, 2024

    i just don’t understand the whole “i don’t trust him just off his word” but you trust her word? you don’t know either of these people. to just disrespect the one who actually called in is insane to me. i love y’all to death but this felt like a hit piece on this poor dude. don’t you think the one who DOESN’T want to call in would seem more guilty? and the romance angle is just disrespectful as well i hope he’s doing okay.

  • @dr.finneigh3723 July 1, 2024

    The records being thrown out is sus. You have to keep medical records for 7 years. Sincerely, a vet.

  • @tarag5231 July 1, 2024

    Hila is very loud and very wrong. It doesn't take a pet four days to get that sick to the point of dying. The cat was being neglected beforehand

  • @mollllllly65656 July 1, 2024

    Hard watch. Really poor views from you guys and the treatment of Jacob whilst he was trying to explain himself was embarrassing to watch. Thank god for Olivia and Dan.

  • @talay5149 July 1, 2024

    Yall are so fucking annoying

  • @dropbearzzz July 1, 2024

    Why did he wait so long? If he took the cat because he thought it needed immediate medical attention? And he also chose to take this cat knowing he wasn’t going to care for it himself but his roommate or friend was? I don’t like the girl or think she’s a responsible pet owner but this guy did the wrong thing. Who knows why he took it. Maybe to get back at her for something or just to be cruel? I don’t think he cared to actually help the cat. I hope it’s not for any worse reason though. I kind of think maybe this cat is still alive and the roommate guy kept it? Because in the clip where they were talking on their own podcast he talked about having a cat that he brushed and took care of everyday. How do we know the cat died? Also don’t people in America micro chip cats? Why did the vet not check the cat’s microchip when someone brought it in saying it was being treated poorly? Or just to make sure it wasn’t a run away or stray. The whole story gives me creepy vibes. Also the weight of the cat at the vet was so so low for that age. Too many lies and weird cover ups and bad intentions from all of the people involved.

    Edit. Also if this guy really had a problem with how she treated her cat he should have told the manager or rental owner or animal control. He should not have just taken it without even discussing it with the owner of the cat. I love Ethan and hila but I do have problems with them sometimes. I wish they would do better interviews and research. But the comments saying they grilled this guy is crazy. I would have been so much harsher. This is a serious issue.

  • @ameibabei July 1, 2024

    I feel like I'm taking crazy pills seeing all these hate comments 🫠. You can have a different opinion to Hila without all his hysteria, my god. At the end of the day we don't and will probably never know the full truth about what happened to the cat. So all we can do is play detective, which is exactly what they were doing.
    These comments are acting as if Hila sat up there defending serial killer with her full chest or something.
    Please remember the crew are just normal people like everyone else, they don't have all the perfect answers and the perfect takes about life.
    Peace and love, leave and love ❤ ✌️

  • @zagzug247 July 1, 2024

    it's getting harder to watch the podcast. not gonna say why so hardcore fans don't come at me. but if we wonder why subs and views are going down, watch this ep

  • @dropbearzzz July 1, 2024

    Where are the timestamps? The other comments got me concerned

  • @hsanchezisidora July 1, 2024

    3:32:55 hila this went over your head, a cat is not malnourished in 1 day, it takes time. Neglect does not only mean not giving water of food to a pet, it also means seeing that your pet is skinny, gets sick too often and not taking him to the vet. The guy didnt kill the cat, it was a lot more coming from before that did. Had he not taken the cat would've died in her care, cause she certainly didn't do enough the previous 4 months.
    3:48:50 of course he was starving, he weighted 3 pounds, thats visible to the eye, had the guy have had a bad and quick judgement in 5 seconds, the facts are that it was confirmed at the vet the cat was underweight and starving after.

    My chihuahua is underweight, he was neglected from previous owners, could asses that in 5 seconds, he eats and drinks water and it has been difficult for him to gain weight, so I took him to the vet and his on treatment.

  • @blackmagician1927 July 1, 2024

    From the first time watching Jacob’s response video, he had a stare into the camera that I’ve only seen in a diagnosed psychopath tiktoker. His body language also changes when he is interacting with people and not just alone with a phone. I did not fully trust him from the beginning because of this and then the added lying (which psychopaths are very good at and hard to be recognized from just body language). I think it’s easy to believe that he could be innocent of assuming he isn’t neurodivergent. This is just my perception of seeing similar patterns I’ve seen before.

  • @elsie91xo July 1, 2024

    I feel like yall were trying to have a gotcha moment and kept speaking over the kid. And then getting mad when he wouldn’t let you do that. Terrible interviewing on your part.

  • @Thickfila July 1, 2024

    I thought Hila and Ethan were animal lovers..

  • @Thickfila July 1, 2024

    First ever disliked H3 video….

  • @ohhjasleen July 1, 2024

    delete this while you can, this makes you guys look so bad

  • @d3sziiii July 1, 2024

    Waiting for an apology to this kind young man .

  • @pissboy6755 July 1, 2024

    what the fuck they are acting like there literally isn’t videos of seven seizuring

  • @St99748 July 1, 2024

    I think Jacob had good intentions, but he went about it the wrong way. Like they said, it would be like you took someone’s neglected child. You’ve got go about it the right way. You’ve got to at least try to talk to the owner and not just immediately steal the cat.

  • @cs4632 July 1, 2024

    the cat was stressed from the beginning because it was stuck in a house with like 30 dumb asses

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