July 7, 2024
Cyber and Organized Crimes

Effective Counter Human Trafficking Strategies: Exploring the Latest Research

Since the passage of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) in 2000, the United States has engaged in sustained efforts to combat human trafficking throughout the country. But how successful have these efforts been? In their report, Vanessa Bouche, Amy Farrell, and Dana Wittmer examine the effectiveness of key anti-trafficking strategies and the public’s response.



  • @thankyou6184 June 23, 2024

    Thank You

  • @thankyou6184 June 23, 2024

    I called that number and I got some recording offering some deal on something, I didn’t pay attention because I was kinda mad about it because I think I have pictures of pedophilia symbols in my hospital pictures from the birth of my third child and when I tried calling the FBI I felt more scared of the fact that child sexual abuse and trafficking isn’t a priority, but rather an annoyance to address the issue.
    I am going to continue to research and note ideas and then write letters to elected officials.

  • @thankyou6184 June 23, 2024

    I also had a thought that possibly around the year 1994 phone dating hotlines and were they used to traffic minors? Is there a way to investigate this possibility?

  • @thankyou6184 June 23, 2024

    This was dr Sasha at Methodist Hospital in Des Moines Iowa…the same dr who my mother said was the dr who handled the 1985 charge against Gary Lee Scott and I don’t care about exposing him anywhere. I don’t call out for violence but I do feel like demanding prosecutors to arrest and imprisonments of any and all sexual assault and I will research the labor trafficking because I don’t know much about that aspect of the industry.
    I personally don’t recommend making race of victims or predators a priority although I recognize the point in what is said about the race.
    I was abused by a white, black, Mexican and possibly my sister.. but I don’t consider it a race issue unless you are speaking about politicians race to win a vote…

  • @thankyou6184 June 23, 2024

    First should be incarcerations, then registration of the sex offender, then publicly they are naturally shamed publicly. 1:20:00 I think she got it backwards but

  • @thankyou6184 June 23, 2024

    1,606 th viewer…July 2020..

  • @thankyou6184 June 23, 2024

    Another important point in my situation is that I was 12 years old and sent to a shelter Youth Emergency Services and shelter (YESS) for not going to school and there at the age of twelve was taught how to use and put a condom on using a banana. What grown educated type of person thinks that a twelve year old should be sexually educated in this manner? I am a mother of three daughters and I would never want them to be educated about sex like that. So what I am trying to say is in juvenile group homes and detention centers should teaching children and teenagers how to respect themselves and love themselves and sexual behaviors are adult behaviors and I personally feel like the state encouraged people like me that it is okay to have sex at such a young age. I’m a welfare baby and I don’t know what type of sex education takes place in private schools or schools in richer communities however I’m sure Hillary Clinton wasn’t encouraging Chelsea to engage in sexual behaviors.
    I was 15 in foster care when I got pregnant with my first child and the foster mom knew that I was dating a 28 year old man. Of course I am the one that was responsible for that choice according to everyone I know, but now I know that I was victimized and used by the father of my child. The fostering parent did mention that the age difference was odd but she didn’t forbid it, she didn’t mind that I was “dating” a man 14 years older than me, she didn’t contact the social workers nor did she contact law enforcement. But upon learning of my pregnancy I was kicked out of the home and her reasoning was that being a pregnant 15 year old was a bad influence on her own daughter. That honestly hurts my feelings and I wonder often about what my life path could have been had I been taught how to respect myself and love myself, and that my virginity was not something to just let anybody have.
    Sometimes I feel like I was born an opposition to the United States and the Manifest Destiny “acquire wealth by any means necessary” I learned that in political science class at the local community college. With that being said I would like to know how much wealth the United States Government could make from sexual predators and human traffickers by treating them the same way they would a drug dealer, seize their assets and repo their homes and anything else they have gained from exploiting their victims. Drug addicts are usually broke and have nothing but sexual predators afford airplane tickets and travel for their own sexual gratification for youth as I saw happening in the Philippines on CNN and the movie titled Human trafficking. Human trafficking is said to be a $150,000,000,000.00 a year industry. That sounds like a lot wealth to acquire. Prostitutes also are not wealthy and cost the state money when they are arrested? Sounds like a double standard perpetrated by the governing lawmakers.

  • @thankyou6184 June 23, 2024

    Maybe if pornography websites and establishments employing strippers could be mandated to post a warning poster of the vulnerability they themselves or the consumer of the risks of being trafficked or for the consumer their possible behavior is aiding the illegal trafficking happening.
    I’m not sure if consumers would pay much mind but those who are in the sex industry by choice most likely will be concerned about the fact that they maybe trafficked and not be aware of it due to the technology available today, like hidden cameras and or covert behaviors typical of sexual predators. My choice to be a Stripper (16 years ago) should not be taken as a signal that it’s okay to exploit me and that reminds me of the quote “what you don’t know won’t hurt you” and that’s absolutely false. What I didn’t know about sexual predators absolutely effected my life and my child.
    I never knew of backpage until a woman I worked with asked me “you never heard of Backpage?” I said no and thought she talking about the back pages of the local free city view newspaper. That was late 2014, and I am not sure but I feel or should I say my intuition says I more than likely was recorded having sex unannounced to me of course because if I had knowledge of it I wouldn’t have engaged in sexual behaviors.
    What is really scary about the illegal sex trafficking industry is that people are murdered and suicided for speaking out against the issue and Jeffrey Epstein is a perfect example of how dangerous it is to advocate for the increasing of laws and policy to combat trafficking.
    I personally think that prostitution should be legal and regulated by any means necessary. This would be contrary to my opinion that our sexuality is sacred and should be preserved for marriage but it would empower men and women who are willing to engage sexually for monetary gain and make it harder for traffickers to exploit and profit from the vulnerable population and highly educated people usually don’t engage in professional sex trade such as pornography and stripping.
    I just like to chime in in the case that I cannot overcome my addiction to drugs.
    Again I just want to thank you again for your help, time, and efforts.

  • @thankyou6184 June 23, 2024

    I wasn’t aware of the trafficking issue until the Jeffrey Epstein case…. I thought it was an overseas issue and I was a stripper and I used to watch pornography. I am a survivor of child sexual abuse and it concerns me that I was never warned about this. I appreciate your efforts and your help with your research and help.

  • @thankyou6184 June 23, 2024

    30:30 I think about the commercial for the class action lawsuit against the Boy scouts, and as commendable as it is to see action being taken it is disturbing that in my perception the sexual abuse of women and girls are mostly never publicized and prosecutions are rarely made due to “lack of evidence”

  • @thankyou6184 June 23, 2024

    Help vulnerable people by helping people identify a trafficker or predator. I noticed that most attention is focused on identifying the victims and that is important too, however it would be helpful to know what traffickers and sexual predators are like and the tactics used to coerce the victims.
    Posters in airports and hotels would be helpful. Maybe in the restrooms or something like that.
    Posters in welfare office’s would be a great spot for information because neighborhoods that are economically disadvantaged are targeted by traffickers and sexual predators.
    Warnings on social media websites perhaps like an ad but something like that seems like a common sense thing to do.

  • @meredithr9824 June 23, 2024

    Polaris, if I ever win the lottery, you will too. 💗

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