July 7, 2024
Sex Crimes

Eric Schmidt on sexual harassment, controversial Google memo

Alphabet executive chairman Eric Schmidt tells CNN Tech’s Laurie Segall why James Damore, the author of a controversial manifesto, was fired from Google.



  • @psychowookiee3706 June 19, 2024

    "… higher percentage of women in the workforce." Yet main pay 70% of taxes and women consume 70% of welfare.

    "… women are his inferiors." Not what he said and that strawman borders on slander.

    "… unconscious bias." Women have this for each other and men have it FOR women. There is no evidence of subconscious bias AGAINST women.

    "… You can't have such people in your workforce." Sure you can. He never even said women were his inferiors but even if he did who gives a fuck? It's just business. That involves dealing with people whose views you don't like sometimes. Crybabies.

    "… it's very difficult for women to work with people they disagree with." lol no

    "… the science says women are equal OR BETTER." Cite sources. Also, say the reverse and see how it ends.

    "… You can't work in a prejudiced environment. It just doesn't make sense." Why? How? Who cares?

  • @HealthySkepticism June 19, 2024

    “You have to police internal prejudices…”, this is jaw dropping unbelievable.

  • @iviewthetube June 19, 2024

    This is precisely why many people think that CNN is fake news.

  • @jzk2020 June 19, 2024

    Women are taking our jobs! #BUILDTHEWALL

  • @francis6489 June 19, 2024

    The only people who think this memo was "sexist" or "controversial" in any way, are the people who haven't actually read it.
    It's sad to see cnn push this so far

  • @NicolasIbarra June 19, 2024

    PR strategies are killing these companies reputation… nobody trust Google and YouTube anymore…

  • @MartinPaoloni June 19, 2024

    Stop with the PC already. The memo is not as controversial as you say it is.

  • @petereberle June 19, 2024

    Inferior? Eric you are a fucking liar.

  • @jimbobblehead7362 June 19, 2024

    I want to work for Google, so as a man, I can get 30 days off when I get pregnant.

  • @aurelius2251 June 19, 2024

    He says: the sience says women are equal or better.
    Imagine the outcry if he would say this about men…

  • @bilbobeutlin6979 June 19, 2024

    What was controversial about the memo? He never claimed women are inferior. He said women have different INTERESTS from men. What was absolutely ridiculous is that women took days off afterwards at Google. Must convey a great image of them.

  • @fabrizio483 June 19, 2024

    There was NOTHING controversial about that memo.

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