July 8, 2024
Property and Financial Crimes

EVEN MSNBC SLAMS Pelosi’s Defense Of Insider Trading | Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar

Krystal and Saagar respond to the surprising comments made by MSNBC pundits that expressed criticism over Nancy Pelosi’s justification of insider trading by members of congress

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  • @dlawrence2053 July 3, 2024

    All members of congress need to go to prison for insider trading. So, is Breaking Points doing anything or calling for congreas to go to prison!!! Nope… start a petition and then I'll believe this fake outrage.

  • @Sashacat820 July 3, 2024

    If the corruption is real then how is it that these people aren't in some kind of trouble?
    Who stands up in the light of the law and defends the right thing to do? These people have to be removed from office

  • @LaminarSound July 3, 2024

    And yet, those who question the bullshit that is last 2 yrs are labelled conspiracy theorists and anti-factsers.

  • @GypsyEncounters July 3, 2024

    Let's observe what we are looking at:

    These PROFITEERS at msmbc point at pelosi who is NOT SUBJECT to term limits, nor will she be investigated by the agencies they are deeply imbedded with..

    220k yearly salary. That's not enough?

    Seriously. Let's stop all the goddamned chit chat, and recognize that where we are …and how we are heading into a depression our generation has never known.

    Yip yap and giggle all ya like.

  • @tammyteej861 July 3, 2024

    Pelosi and her husband need investigated immediately, their assets frozen, and she should be put in prison just like Martha Stewart was for insider trading. She should not be above the law, so she has always thought that she is. It’s time to quit allowing her wealthy handlers to get away with this!! Pelosi is among the most corrupt in Congress. Investigate this! You know she needs prison time and her husband also needs investigated and indicted for these actions. She is an embarrassment to her party, so I suspect many in her party are doing the same thing. Send them to prison

  • @brianhoadley6496 July 3, 2024

    If I was in charge, first write an order to make it illegal to lobby, and seize all lobbyist. 2nd would make it illegal to trade in stocks in ALL elected positions except through 401k like the rest of us. I think that'd be a good start.

  • @Timmeh_The_tyrant July 3, 2024

    Trump is a criminal but Pelosi is a saint…. Democrat logic.

  • @darylhenry9595 July 3, 2024

    No one should be defending Democrat or Republican leadership in any capacity after contents like those from Pelosi and zero pushback from anyone in government

  • @IJ72 July 3, 2024

    And there is nothing you can do! Voting is like rapeing a hagehog in the back! More you do, more you bleed! Enjoy

  • @bingsterc7621 July 3, 2024


  • @Matthiass721 July 3, 2024

    I’m amazed there is any public trust left to be eroded

  • @pars1eyf1akes12 July 3, 2024

    How many own stock in health insurance companies? Most? All? So weird that we couldn't pass any meaningful healthcare reform, even in the middle of a pandemic.. 🤦‍♂

  • @bentwookie348 July 3, 2024

    Nanci Pelosi has been so corrupt for so long that she can no longer understand that what she is doing is wrong.

  • @slprogressive1929 July 3, 2024

    Pelosi may be a lying, greedy POS but she does pray. So there's that.

  • @scottwatson4584 July 3, 2024

    Politicians should not be able to invest

  • Pelosi is the most corrupt bitch we've ever had in politics. She's worth over $150 million. She and her DNC media minions blacked out Tulsi…who should be our first woman POTUS. After that I said fcuk it …I'm voting Trump and conservatives until I see Pelosi gone.

  • @thelizfactor6056 July 3, 2024

    Didn't Martha Stewart, with no access to policy making, go to jail for insider trading? Are these politicians above the law? (Rhetorical question)

  • @MikesComic_n_Stuff July 3, 2024

    "He's got the wall street unicorn blood, or whatever they're drinking over there"… sure Krystal… 😉 it's "unicorn" blood that they're drinking.

  • @kbrock1145 July 3, 2024

    Yet nothing will happen so who cares

  • @Kryojenix July 3, 2024

    Those pundits should've had the nerve to ask Pelosi to her face. Keep asking it.

  • @Wordsley July 3, 2024

    Tito’s and Crancy “Do as I say, not as I do.”

  • @gulllars4620 July 3, 2024

    In an unexpected turn of events, Nancy triggered other elites bound by insider trading laws to feel it's unfair that politicians who are much stronger in conflict with the principles for why insider trading laws are required for them are not bound by those laws. This could actually trigger an elite outcry including from the donor base who hadn't been paying attention to the politicians' trading until Nancy harshly and blatantly made that comment.

  • @Dan-pd9ys July 3, 2024

    Super random but totally related. So Teresa Giudice from the Real Housewives of New Jersey’s husband Joe was DEPORTED because he had run ins with the IRS evading taxes, and she had to spend 11 months in prison for having co-signed documents and faced humiliation from being on a reality tv platform,, but NANCY PELOSI and dozens of government officials get to profit MILLIONS of dollars on the stock market from insider trading and blatant conflict of interest violations and we’re gonna allow it because it’s “a free market?” Get the fk out of here.

  • @vamocrew10 July 3, 2024

    Stop using the word brazen

  • @valeoschultz3073 July 3, 2024

    When will Americans understand that there is very little difference between Republicans and Democrats? Republicans call heads, Dems get tails, and the people win if the coin falls on its edge. But its okay, because we enable them.

  • @grapentine739 July 3, 2024

    Finally ppl are starting to see what us real leftists have known for a long time. Nancy is one of the richest people in Washington. The richest is Fauci.

  • @7swordmary567 July 3, 2024

    PELOSI Created Corporate Fascist CONgress' "FREE MARKET Human-Sacrifice MassMurder" for Wealth Supremacists PERSONAL PROFITS

  • @frankm7254 July 3, 2024

    Rarely do AOC and I agree on anything. She is living in never-never land and mocking the elite while she is one, but in this case, AOC nailed it.

  • @davida.mourino9749 July 3, 2024

    media seems surprise but they always knew there just acting because pelosi is stepping and now they are acting its bullshit people are not stupid

  • @NPak-cw1ny July 3, 2024

    Do what Andrew Coumo did, grab it and brush it off.

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