The Real Crime Diary Blog Violent Crimes Ex Parte Meeting Transcripts – Full Reading with @DearWokeChristian | YSL Trial Updates
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Ex Parte Meeting Transcripts – Full Reading with @DearWokeChristian | YSL Trial Updates

Ex Parte Meeting Transcripts - Full Reading with @DearWokeChristian | YSL Trial Updates

Ex Parte Meeting Transcripts - Full Reading with @DearWokeChristian | YSL Trial Updates

Full YSL Day 100 Recap Stream with @DearWokeChristian :

Ex Parte Hearing Transcripts (Searchable PDF):

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  • @ndot1979 July 3, 2024

    Also remember when the DA started questioning him she asked…do you want to be here today…are you going to answer my questions…this was a set-up…i felt the question was an odd opening unless he shared he wasn't going to answer

  • @Juicetheeunuch July 3, 2024

    1:44:30 I guarantee Copeland doesn't fully understand the terms but he understands that the State is not your friend. He can smell ratty people. Criminals know their own.

  • @Juicetheeunuch July 3, 2024

    Bumpus and Melnick should do everything they can to represent Copeland in the multimillion dollar lawsuit against the state violating his constitutional right to invoke the fifth.

  • @Juicetheeunuch July 3, 2024

    Somewhere Steele and his friends are reading this and using pages to light their cigars.

  • @raff723 July 3, 2024

    Fulton county is a cesspool. His attorney committed malpractice. She doesn't appear to understand basic criminal law. She seemed unaware that your 5th A right can be satisfied by granting immunity. Shocking. 2d- It also appears the immunity agmt does not include immunity for federal crimes (which would require participation of the feds). 3d- the claim that the statute of limitations has expired is false. Woody knows murder has no SoL. 4th- Hylton's cajoling was unethical- she lied when she said he could not be prosecuted for lying (as the judge read to him). 5th- judge sneakily got the perjury issue on the record but i'd like to hear the recording to hear his tone. 6th- state speaking to Woody without counsel is a violation in many states, not sure about GA. Finally, that 29 minute recess looks shady in the transcript. They go off record, but then transcript continues; judge returns. there's something off about that. I wouldn't be surprised if the judge edited the transcript. However, the court reporter would be criminally liable, so it seems unlikely she would participate in this. Unless there is an errata sheet certified by the judge that has not been shared with the parties.

  • @Juicetheeunuch July 3, 2024

    1:15:30 FINALLLY!!!!!!! IT makes sense why Glanville is so invested. He let the prosecutor extend immunity knowing that she would strong arm Copeland into testifying. If Copeland doesn't testify the prosecutor looks bad but the judge looks worse. Beacuse he should have inquired why Copeland would get such a blanket deal without terms. That's why Glanville had to hold Copeland in contempt…to save himself. WOW.

  • @Juicetheeunuch July 3, 2024

    1:00:00 You feel like Hylton is reading an essay because she's re-cap in front of everyone what she discussed with him privately.

  • @KK-bb3ux July 3, 2024

    The court needs to give up the video not the manipulated transcripts.

  • @martinezlucia101 July 3, 2024

    Even if the defendants are guilty the state decided they would proceed without sufficient evidence and they would proceed with trial. We should be afraid. If this case wasn’t so public, we would have never known these details. This trial has been unconstitutional in so many ways. It’s terrifying.

  • @Juicetheeunuch July 3, 2024

    If this can happen in a chamber between all black judges, prosecutors, and lawyers with court reporters and the country paying close attention, imagine what happened before cameras to some poor black field hand and a racist judge or prosecutor or jury! He didn't have an ice cube's chance in hell.

  • @Juicetheeunuch July 3, 2024

    I think the most revealing things in this transcript are:
    1. Copeland's hearing problem. What young man wants to wear a hearing aid? So he probably doesn't. Many times on the stand he would respond to a question and then when pressed on the question one could tell that he wasn't listening. Rather, he couldn't hear and was embarrased to admit it.
    2. Copeland has a very poor attention span which is frustrated by poor hearing and questions about events he cannot recall. How can his "testimony" be counted as valuable?
    3. Copeland says over and over and over again that he did not want to testify. Both the judge and the prosecutor are telling him "yes, you did."
    4. Copeland says from the beginning "everything I said before today was a lie." And the judge and prosecutor still want his testimony!
    5. The judge and prosecutor are absolutely horrible at explaining to a witness his rights and obligations. He was pressured. He couldn't even take the weekend off to think. He literally wanted to walk into court with his jail uniform to show the jury that he was not present willingly.

    Imagine how many men and women are in prison because they have a poor education, poor understanding, and poor representation.

    The real MVPs are Woody and his two reluctant lawyers. Wow, if this were a movie, I would say it's over the top, not believable. But in hi-def real life, how can I deny it?

  • @Juicetheeunuch July 3, 2024

    I can't believe the judge sat there while the man is saying I don't want to testify and the prosecutors are saying "yes you do." Let's say he agreed to testify (which I doubt) how can you trust a witness who said yes last week and says no now?

  • @Juicetheeunuch July 3, 2024

    They made him an offer he couldn't refuse. Mafia mentality.

  • "Hylton is having a conversation with him (Copeland, a represented individual) in the courthouse."

    Hylton and Love arranged to speak with a represented person without his lawyer present.

    There is reason to believe there are many other instances where the met with him outside the knowledge of his counsel.

    That is a disbarrable offense.

    These people have d without any regard for ethics for so long they don't even recognize basic rules of professional conduct and fundamental principles of due process.

  • @DrStealthbug July 3, 2024

    This is not nearly as bad as it sounded before the transcript was released. It reads like Copeland just didn't trust that immunity meant immunity, and didn't realize "purge" and "perjury" meant different things here. I thought they were going to tell him that it's okay to lie. What they told him is that they can impeach him if he testifies differently than what he told the State before.

    He said he was going to plea the fifth, so the State gave him immunity. They can do that, and it extinguishes the 5A privilege since he can no longer incriminate himself. Copeland's concern (other than his safety concerns, that's a totally separate issue) was that he didn't seem to trust the State's grant of immunity. He was worried that if he testified, and said something a little different, it would be some kind of "gotcha". What was explained to him is that he's immune, and if he testifies differently, they were going to impeach him on the stand. They said again and again, the only thing that would put him in jail was pleading the 5th when he no longer had a 5A privilege.

    That's what I gathered from it, at least.

  • "I haven't told the truth a day in my life, until right now (admitting that he always lies and ergo lied to investigators about the defendants.)

    That is Brady material. The State MUST disclose that to the defense, but they were going to put Copeland on the stand without disclosing that information, and the Judge was going to allow that to happen as well.

    All involved should be disbarred.

  • @LoriMac17 July 3, 2024

    Kat thank you for introducing us to ‪@DearWokeChristian, he is amazing! This was pure gold, I can't wait to see Steel, Shardt and Weinstein's response! 🍿💥

  • @derrickbrown1043 July 3, 2024

    So ok let’s just change judges and get justice for nut

  • @johngreally9599 July 3, 2024

    Granville brewed this Sly Rights Reduction with Hylton secretly and at length, when? where? Then officially he did the pro forma forced granting of immunity, then he messily tried to make it stick in an ex-parte, then with quiet but wild words he did a hurried re-glue job in court at Copeland, and it remains to this day his fantasy, not Copelands. It's like he put up wallpaper with unsticky glue and now it's peeling and falling on to him while he is on his knees putting the finishing touch to a botched decorating. Granville has made himself little more than a performing juridicial fantasist, unable to out-thug any thugs — simply because it is not thuggery that is present — it is a mass of fearful and fickle humans represented by fearless or fickle human lawyers. Why won't everyone play Granville's Game properly? Because it is solely his interests being served.

  • @huritaponi2987 July 3, 2024

    SMH @ dearwokechristian, like wow…. but Katt another good observation on the corruption, luv how yu fly throw the bs on your videos….invitation back revoked (sorry not sorry)😁🤦‍♀️

  • @adhdpersons July 3, 2024

    I know you both like and want honest feedback, but I really struggled with following you both yesterday with that transcript and switched off earlier than I wanted to. Time difference didn't help either. Your programs are excellent individually & i regularly bounce between them, but, it didn't work (pour moi); you coming together. Too much distraction for my adhd brain.

  • @woodburykim July 3, 2024

    It was not necessary for you to say he doesn’t even have a GED!!

  • @Lawmn1 July 3, 2024

    The DA office was unethical in their dealings with the LIL WOODY and entrapped him in its this immunity deal and they need to be SANCTIONED

  • @Lawmn1 July 3, 2024

    Attorney Bumpus is obviously an inexperienced lawyer. I’ve seen her interviews with TLA and she did not know what an IN CAMERA HEARING WAS … LIL WOODY was not well served

  • @MATTHEWS_IXXI July 3, 2024

    Those seem like redactions to me… why don’t they do audio recordings too?

  • @auntygigi1 July 3, 2024

    Two wrongs don’t make a right! Makes me thinks their learning their gangster skills from the local legal system. 🤔 RUN WOODY RUNNNNNN!

  • @atsylor5549 July 3, 2024

    I can tell you right away with full confidence that Ms Love is not married. Her personality would drive a man, woman or even a demonic beast out of the house.

  • @byrd6269 July 3, 2024

    You both stop so much that you are not understanding what is being said

  • @INjustice375 July 3, 2024

    This speaks volumes about the legality of even calling it an ex parte hearing bc the only defense they had was imminent peril / "extringent circumstance "45:49 which he reinforced and continues to stand on… yet this transcript obliterated that and in their very own words , wow they have repeatedly bent the law to what favors themselves the only thing I can't figure out is why would the judge put him self in jeopardy like this , or is he just that Power drunk? This is a disgrace and theres no way to argue that this didn't give the prosecutor a tacticle advantage . I mean there's so much wrong here it's hard to wrap one's head around bc it's multiple violations , misconduct , and unethical behavior. They should make an example and charge them under rico. This is the real Racketeering Influence & consiparcy organization

  • @RoyEgan54 July 3, 2024

    This transcript is a mess, especially trying to understand what the heck Love is stating. The Court Reporter needs to correct typos but more importantly, in every case where a pronoun is used (he, his, you, I, etc.), the pronoun needs to be connected to the actual individual that is being referenced. I think in at least one sentence alone, Love used he for both Copeland and for Merrick. Even these youtubers couldn't keep it straight as to whom the pronoun pertained! Maybe include proper name in parentheses/italics.

  • @tishboyd6270 July 3, 2024

    This explains why the Judge was so upset the meeting was leaked. Wow.

  • @byrd6269 July 3, 2024

    Get on with it man. Too much wondering

  • @mrkaj0607 July 3, 2024

    You ruined the whole show whole time you over talked the gentleman by the time you got done talking I forgot what was being read you need to slow your roll

  • @tishboyd6270 July 3, 2024

    How do we know Woody fid not really kill Nut? We have to remember the streets thsught it wss him in the begenning. Hes the one putting Thug them as the shooters. Just food for thaught..

  • @martinezlucia101 July 3, 2024

    They called him before the vacation purposely 😮

  • @ericjohnson5003 July 3, 2024

    Sorry the first part of the transcript read in third person for the two I’m wrong.

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