July 4, 2024
Sex Crimes

Ex-Pastor at Gateway Church Responds to Robert Morris Scandal

A former pastor at Gateway Church in Southlake, Texas, is speaking out in the wake of the Robert Morris scandal to share what he believes are helpful steps to address and prevent abuse in Christian circles. Bob Hamp worked as executive pastor of pastoral care at Gateway Church from 2005-2014, developing the house of worship’s Freedom Ministry.

Hamp told CBN News the allegations that Morris molested a 12-year-old girl in the 1980s were not known to him before hearing accuser Cindy Clemishire’s harrowing account. Hamp said he joined the church well after these purported events took place and had no involvement; he now runs Think Differently Academy, helping people heal and find spiritual fulfillment in Christ. “I’m heartbroken,” Hamp told CBN News.

Hamp helps people who have been sexually abused. He spoke compassionately about the tragedy of Clemishire being forced to deal with what unfolded as a child and then carry it throughout her life. He also said something else noteworthy surrounding the Morris saga: the specific allegations surrounding the pastor were not in line with what he had been told in the past. “The first thing: my heart just went out to her,” he said. “And I think, secondly, I felt a sense of, ‘This is not the story that I was told.’ So … a sense of betrayal, and anger about that, and sadness.”

Hamp said church leadership at his level at Gateway and the public were seemingly both given the “same information” about Morris’ past sin issue. “That information is that there was an inappropriate relationship with a young woman,” Hamp said. “And, in that, I think there’s a language there that leads to a certain conclusion.” He spoke about the ways in which language can sometimes be used in these circumstances to “fog the actual truth.”

“So, I, along with, I think, the general public, had heard the same story, which is, at some point in his life, there was a period of, or an experience of, immorality,” Hamp said. “Or an inappropriate relationship with… ‘a young woman.’ I had no idea that it was a 12-year-old little girl.” As CBN News previously reported, Morris, 62, who resigned from Gateway Tuesday, offered a recent statement on the allegations against him in which he again used the term “young lady.”

As for Hamp, he is speaking out in an effort to try and help people navigate the complex feelings and emotions surrounding this case and church abuse more generally, especially as moral failings, sin issues, and overt instances of abuse continue to unfold within Christian environments. He recently published a post on X explaining, in detail, how he hopes people will react to the situation.

“The purpose of that post was to say, listen, we ought to deal with whatever happened at Gateway Church and … the years prior. We ought to deal with that in spirit and in truth,” he said. “But, if we don’t have the bigger conversation, this will happen again, and this will happen again, and this will happen again.” Watch the interview to hear Hamp’s advice for churches.

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  • @juliachildress2943 June 28, 2024

    We can wail and gnash our teeth over stories like this, but as long as ideas like female submission, male headship, and women having no power and authority in churches is perpetuated in the faith, women and children will continue to be victimized. Stripping women of their independent agency and training girls that they must obey the men in their lives is the foundation of this problem.

  • @randynelson1124 June 28, 2024

    Morris filled the pulpit in full knowledge of his own unconfessed sin…how could he not have been convicted unless he was not Spirit indwelled?

  • @paigefogg5966 June 28, 2024

    WELL SAID ! I have often thought that as well …. Why did the woman get called out and not a man !

  • @johnwool June 28, 2024

    What if Cindy Clemishire is lying? Does she have to serve the sentence Pastor Morris would serve should he be convicted of whatever he is accused of? Hmmm…big money at stake here. Maybe she has money problems.

  • @kathycollier6144 June 28, 2024

    Why didn't her father have him arrested as soon as he found out. This was rape and he went along with the churches elders instead of his daughter.

  • @derkeheath5172 June 28, 2024

    When evangelicals and other religious groups spout hate speech accusing LGBT people, liberals and public schools of grooming children, they are projecting. Every accusation they make is secretly a confession.

  • @maryking9415 June 28, 2024

    Sin is sin in the eyes of God, but not all consequences are the same!!!

  • @mjwallace8953 June 28, 2024

    I pray God reveals all pastors that are full of pride and control! Maybe they start with a pure heart but they fall in love with money and power.

  • @judytripaldi9256 June 28, 2024

    So sad to hear this about Robert Morris GATEWAY CHURCH 😢

  • @marlenecarter1416 June 28, 2024

    Not sure this is wise to post

  • @crazyleaf257 June 28, 2024

    It's also crazy with just smaller conflicts in the church and how there's more fair justice in the secular world and in the church. Which is crazy because the Bible literally advocates for a fair trial. It says that two people that have a disagreement should talk to each other and if they can't work it out they need to get one or two other people to help them

  • @crazyleaf257 June 28, 2024

    17:00 dang

  • @crazyleaf257 June 28, 2024

    16:22 my brother did this when I outed my dad for his sexual abuse to me

  • @crazyleaf257 June 28, 2024

    11:42 ❤❤❤❤

  • @crazyleaf257 June 28, 2024

    And abusers seem to pick people that are empathetic and innocent and sweet. It's demonic

  • @crazyleaf257 June 28, 2024

    8:00 yess as a child my father was very sexually inappropriate with me and there was just a war in my mind that I didn't have words for. I knew it was wrong but I also didn't know it was wrong because he was an adult he was my dad and my parents taught me that everything that they did was right. It was also very confusing as well because he was never forceful or mean or violent. Just subtly manipulative

  • @crazyleaf257 June 28, 2024


  • @user-nj8yx7cf5i June 28, 2024

    Wow this guy is good!

  • @denisehandley2410 June 28, 2024

    Thank you, Pastor Hamp! This conversation in this interview is helping me with what my family is dealing with. A cover-up in our church five years ago involved a Praise and Worship singer in a sexually immoral relationship and not married, asking our 19-year-old daughter to turn a blind eye to her behavior and covering her relationship with this man in the church and her workplace!!!! Her family also helped to keep it hidden and they were in Leadership positions in this same church. I will be able to use this conversation in our meeting this Sunday🙏🏻❤️Blessings

  • @tonysanchez3366 June 28, 2024

    Excellent view on these power abuse issues within the church! Well done. Thank you.

  • @oneeyeddog3045 June 28, 2024

    His poor family

  • @LindaKayok-qh5sv June 28, 2024

    When is the body of Christ going to address freemasonry/secret fraternities within the church?
    Any organization that requires human beings to acknowledge another human being as "most worshipful master" should set off a huge red flag. These type "brotherhood" clubs only serve to enable creeps to continue their crimes without being held accountable.

  • @DavidSobel-lq5kk June 28, 2024

    It is my understanding that his wife knew as well as the elder board and they should all go to prison.

  • @sarahpamula778 June 28, 2024

    Was Robert Morris, Donald Trump's spiritual advisor or one of them?

  • hierarchy = the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which Jesus hates

  • @cynthialuann3703 June 28, 2024

    AMEN. Many in the Church protect abusive husbands, because they don't know what they've done

  • @happyswim1836 June 28, 2024

    And, if she came forward, there are other victims.

  • @maximinovelez8806 June 28, 2024

    Poor Woman What’s “”Y-S-Saing

  • @luv2travel2000 June 28, 2024

    My question is does Bob Hamp think the parents should have gone to the police so Robert Morris was charged as a pedophile?

  • @luv2travel2000 June 28, 2024

    This is the BEST video covering the topic about this pastor and the bigger picture of what happens in some churches.

  • @LoriTheLender June 28, 2024

    As always Bob, I so appreciate your thoughts on this horrible situation. Leading with empathy for the victim is something we have all come to expect of your character. Thank you for stepping up to a national platform to share your perspective based on having developed Freedom Ministry for Gateway and selflessly serving so many of us for so many years; for clearing up your lack of knowledge of this past crime that was committed by Robert Morris, for your prayers for all concerned, and commitment to healthy conversations and correct and needed perspective on the real issues at hand. Simply forgiving is not the answer! Simple forgiveness is not even the issue here. Addressing the actions, validating the victims pain, empathizing with her over the years of life she has lost because of this unthinkable betrayal of an adult she trusted … all are so desperately needed. Forgiveness and grace all come in time because we serve a risen savior who has lavished all this on us. We receive this from God as his children, so we are able to give this as well. Thank you!

  • @lucydjeddah7044 June 28, 2024

    Jesus protects the Children 🙌.

  • @praisemoves2438 June 28, 2024

    The victim's Parents are at fault. [Why didn't they call the police?] Why were they so blasé about their Child's suffering and the ongoing sexual molestations? That is very sick thinking. Why were they so willing to have this (married) young man stay overnight in their home where he had access to their daughters?

  • @lucydjeddah7044 June 28, 2024

    This case is child abused fourth years is crime

  • @lucydjeddah7044 June 28, 2024

    It is a child under the law

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