July 4, 2024
Property and Financial Crimes

FBI Commits the Largest Armed Robbery in American History

In March 2021, people entered a private security-deposit box company in Beverly Hills, CA, broke open hundreds of boxes, and indiscriminately seized their contents – collectively worth over one hundred million dollars. Box holders lost their life savings, family heirlooms, important documents, and more. But the people who took their property weren’t mobsters; they were FBI agents.

Today we have with us IJ attorneys Bob Belden and Mike Greenberg. They’re going to share with us the story of an unprecedented FBI raid–and how the Institute for Justice is making sure it never happens again.


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Hear about the cases, issues, and tactics advancing IJ’s fight for freedom—directly from the people on the front lines. Beyond the Brief explores the legal theories, strategies, and methods IJ uses to bring about real world change, expanding individual liberty and ending abuses of government power. Each episode gives listeners an in-depth, inside look at how—and why—we do what we do.



  • @bpooboi July 1, 2024

    The fbi is one of the most corrupt organizations next to the justice dept. But the Cia takes the cake

  • FBI's Chris Wray is corrupt. Look no further for the top dog responsible, because it is Wray!!!

  • @terrybreiland4230 July 1, 2024

    Why would boarder patrol choose death over finding a new job ? There must be something else going on .Same thing for Capitol Police . Many of them also killed themselves . Our Justice system is a mess thanks to the law breaking of the Democrat Party . They will destroy our country if we don't vote them out soon . TRUMP 2024 .

  • Weren't mobsters…. 🤣🤣🤣 You crack me up

  • @tonyhelton2788 July 1, 2024

    This is just another perfect example of Garland and his gang of crooks, liars and thieves. Anyone who does not think that January 6th even was a complete set-up is a complete idiot. It was a FEDsurrection!

  • I don’t even like the new FBI show because it’s just so fake. Or is that the way it is in reality?😂

  • @apophis9077 July 1, 2024

    Rothschilds agents

  • @user-kh1tj8vx6v July 1, 2024

    Ypor eso me dejan sin cinco porgue ellos lo administra todo

  • I used to think so highly of this organization it just shows that with all the training, education and all it’s sophistication it goes back to lack of parental guidance not teaching the kid right from wrong from the start. Sure we are all imperfect humans but before you think of taking what’s not yours the sub conscious mind kicks in and says “NO!” not worth it. Keep your great job w/benefits and TV prestige. Shackles are uncomfortable.😮

  • @user-kh1tj8vx6v July 1, 2024

    Yame informe gue debigrs y magdonalg y derechos y taxis todo lo tiene Niki halens

  • Amazing video, you work for 40yrs to have $1M in your retirement, meanwhile some people are putting just $10K into trading from just few months ago and now they are multimillionaires

  • @user-kh1tj8vx6v July 1, 2024

    Yme sale este correo gue es [email protected]

  • @user-kh1tj8vx6v July 1, 2024

    Yole bi unos link guele mandaban de conpany corporection s yunosde biges y mabdonalg

  • @user-kh1tj8vx6v July 1, 2024

    Supuesta mente unos 80 millones gue los tiene halens

  • @user-kh1tj8vx6v July 1, 2024

    Primero me Robaron el money Güemes enbiael exelenticimos presidente donagtrump Melo secuestráron todo el money porgue estube desconectado del bicom osea gue todos los bichos serves guesndaron todo ese money le gueda todo la información gue le guedo anikihalensella yeba el movimiento para extraer los milloncitos Güemes mandan porgue bichos taxis y la corporections es gue todo lode viges lecallem aella eso fue también cuando mandaban unos chekes gue mandaban de india y de oghanistan un cheke de celeski

  • @garylangdon1783 July 1, 2024

    What recourse do renters of boxes have to recoup their valuables from these FBI robbers? How will the FBI be held accountable? Who involved in the robbery have received prison sentences, and for how long were those sentences? Or, has there been no arrests, no accountability? IS this gang above the law?

  • @user-kh1tj8vx6v July 1, 2024

    Helov mister congresistas eso esporgue You no tiene completamente control porgue me tienen secuestrado el teléfono Güemes dieron enindia porgue Nome lo trajeron pero toda mi documentación está excluido

  • @anwornation3399 July 1, 2024

    That's the problem right there just can't be trusted, dam shame, God help 🙏 us

  • Immediately I Flashed IRS …. thugs thief's armed robber barons ..I'm from the U.S. Gvt..WE are here to help …. EMPTY YOUR POCKETS

  • @brett5405 July 1, 2024

    And the fbi still git a new headquarters we live under tyranny wake up people

  • @kevinmather5589 July 1, 2024

    So is he saying that North American Democracy is a Dictatorship?

  • @sandykinneman9869 July 1, 2024

    Ty! Most in depth straight forward coverage of this incident!

  • @lancemairs4956 July 1, 2024

    Someone needs to build a case showing how the use of dogs has become an automatic work around to search without a warrant. They always get the dog to false signal if they want to search or they just say it signaled period. Completely corrupt throwing out the Constitution.

  • @richardmorgan6105 July 1, 2024

    Thank you for more revelation of this (FBI) criminal organization that has with others destroyed and rule this country!

  • @fredschafer6364 July 1, 2024

    Our alphabet agency have gone power hungry. I hear that not all agents are bad. Where are the agents that are not bad? I have to conclude based on all I hear and see ( especially with Trump ) that all agents are power hungry and will piss on the constitution and American Citizens rights.

    Almost exactly how the revolutionary war started. Back then when WE THE PEOPLE had enough they stepped up and stop the lack of due process.

    No respect from me for the jackbooted thugs.

  • @tinastralka7534 July 1, 2024

    SICK OF CRIMINALS WITH BADGES! !! F.B.I. involded in this are felonies they are thieves and need to be charged

  • @agathakirk6380 July 1, 2024

    This is too wild!

  • @PilotPlater July 1, 2024

    Steve Lehto covered this and I'm so glad you guys are taking this case

  • @mikeblake3338 July 1, 2024

    On Joe Biden's watch the FBI feels emboldened to abuse their authority. They know nobody will hold them accountable. Everyone is thinking if Joe Biden can be corrupt why not me?

  • @glynnetolar4423 July 1, 2024

    Just a reality check. The IJ has no incentive to fix this problem. Because if they did they would not have a job.

  • @kdott9476 July 1, 2024

    Every year, the police use “civil forfeiture” to steal more money and property from citizens than the crime of “robbery” does.

  • @lollaausten July 1, 2024

    What about forcing the FBI to return what they stole??!

  • @njosborne6152 July 1, 2024

    Using the power of Roberts Supreme Court, and the approval of Supreme Court’s Judge Sotomayor,
    👉🏼 🙀😤🙀a power grab of our rules and regulations, those that govern our American culture, from, and agenda of the Federalist Society is all but complete!
    The dictates of a “ new and improved Rule of Law” will Now be shoved through the funnel in a little tiny hole, in the impacted Ass-ets of a Roberts Court‼️
    I am fully expecting that the Roberts Supreme Court, with its obvious agenda, will “Uncover” a way to install an Orange Felon as Dictator POTUS‼️.
    A Democratic America is dead, long live the federalist society “ New Order,”America🙀🇺🇸🙀

  • @ErinIsReal July 1, 2024

    How about the gold and diamond jewelry/? That's where the big bucks are!

  • @tompresley639 July 1, 2024

    The US law enforcement, police, sheriff, FBI, etc are the largest organized syndicate they are all legal criminals.

  • @truthseeker644 July 1, 2024

    I hope those people had taken photos of their box contents.

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