July 6, 2024
Hate Crimes

FREE SPEECH UNDER ATTACK! Controversial Law Opens Up $57 Million Fines For “Hate Speech” Online

Sometimes I have to defend people that disgust me, but thats because they should be protected the same way I am.
Why I work on July 4th…:
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People Are FREAKING OUT Over Blackmail Accusations and Attacks on Mika:

German Social Media Censorship

Charlie Gard: Can’t Leave the Hospital

SNAPCHAT: TheDeFrancoFam
Edited by:
James Girardier –

Produced by:
Amanda Morones –

Motion Graphics Artist:
Brian Borst –

Attn: Philip DeFranco
16350 Ventura Blvd
Ste D #542
Encino, CA 91436



  • @PhilipDeFranco June 20, 2024

    Excited to hear your thoughts on these stories today. That said, I'll see you tomorrow! Going to go home to hang out with my little man.

  • @Xamry June 20, 2024

    The thing about the nazi stuff looking back and thinking about it now is..
    What about VPNs?
    Even if that stuff is banned in Germany someone in Germany could change their location and access the content, thus breaking the law.

  • @RichieRage June 20, 2024

    Truly miss Philip de-none-bias Franco before he became a lefty bot

  • @reedy8585 June 20, 2024

    free speech

  • @chuckdalton1614 June 20, 2024

    Germany censoring it’s Citizenry? Again?

  • @diamondking3421 June 20, 2024

    Hate speech is free speech unless it offends liberals.

  • @DamagedF0X June 20, 2024

    Few videos in my faves list got flagged for hatespeech? Wtf is this gay ass shit? Are people now officially this gay?

  • @yell50 June 20, 2024

    America watch and listen free speech is under attack you are basically the last country on this planets that still advocates free speech so beware of those spineless liberals.

  • @michaelhensley8203 June 20, 2024

    Many have said the definition of hate speech is complicated, vague, and non-objective. It's really not complicated at all. Hate speech is anything those who passed the law hate to hear. It is so simple! Want an open borders policy? Hate speech is anything that states facts which dispute the narrative. Multiculturalism isn't working out as planned? Hate speech is anything that even begins that conversation. Want to push an ideology? Hate speech is anything that criticizes or identifies the flaws in that ideology. Running for re-election? Hate speech is anything that weakens your chance to win.

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  • @dylandownright8844 June 20, 2024

    The fosta bill is now attacking online free speech. People need to wake up!

  • @Zalley June 20, 2024


    In the debate between free speech supporters and advocates of hate speech law, free speech supporters argue that, yes unfortunately in society there is a terrible disease called hate speech. However, despite this, the ONLY speech that should be criminally penalised is threatening speech and speech that incites violence. We do have to think about things that can be done to lessen hate speech in society (about which see later), but making hate speech laws is not the answer. Why? – because the proposed cure for hate speech, hate speech law, IS FAR WORSE THAN THE DISEASE of hate speech. Of course there is a price that we have to pay for this allowance of freedom of speech, and that price is the possibility of being badly offended or upset by what others say, but this is a far lesser evil and price to pay than the negative outcomes that hate speech laws produce in a society or have on an individual.

    What are the negative outcomes of hate speech laws for a society or for an individual?

    • The only way to discover truth is through fully free and open debate. Without free speech an individual and society loses the ability to discover truth. This very fundamental and valuable knowledge is lost. A very bad outcome.

    • The fully free market place of ideas can flush out bad ideas. Preventing free speech would prevent this. By exposing bad ideas to the disinfecting light of free speech we can improve society.

    • Hate speech laws stop people from saying what they really think, because everyone starts worrying that what they say will get them into serious legal trouble or make them lose their job. This means that totally free debate and the free flow of ideas are stopped. The positive outcomes that could have arisen from this free flowing debate and totally honest dialogue are all lost to society. Totalitarian states are always less creative and productive than free states.

    • With hate speech laws society becomes an Orwellian nightmare where everyone is afraid that other people will report on them. In addition some people will make false hate speech claims for revenge or other purposes. This would be a terrible society to live in.

    • Hate speech laws will have a major influence on the opinions of all members of a society, making them more likely to criticise and hound people whose opinions differ from the line taken by the state. In fact the main threat to free speech doesn’t come from the state, it comes from public opinion. The pressure from the masses is the one that you are most likely to face, and it is the hardest to resist. You may be called a bigot or worse if you criticise a religion for example. This pressure from the “community” can lead to self- censorship – a very bad outcome for a society. In addition, social hounding, especially these days on social media platforms, has a profoundly insidious effect on a society.

    • Hate speech laws can be used an idealogical tool dressed up as a moral good. That is hate speech laws, whilst claiming to protect people, can be used in a political way to further a political agenda by preventing political opponents from putting their case forward. A terrible outcome for society.

    • In denying someone else’s speech you are denying yourself (and society) the right to learn something that might change your life (or society) for the better. That is, free speech is not only about the other person’s right to speak, it is also about your right/need to hear and be exposed to ideas different from your own.

    • The person who says something outrageous, in your eyes, may have put a lot of thought into what they have said and, even if outrageous to you, there may be a grain of truth in what they have to say that both you and the rest of society may learn a lot from. These grains of truth would be lost in a society with hate speech laws.

    • Other people’s outrageous views, in your eyes, may force you to look again at what you believe and why you believe it, making you go back to first principles and improving your understanding of why you believe what you believe and your understanding of the issues involved. A very valuable outcome.

    • To paraphrase George Orwell, if free speech means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they don’t want to hear. If this freedom is lost, society loses the ability to improve.

    • In the USA you have no right to be free from being offended. If you don’t like what you hear it is up to you to debate and counter what you disagree with. Without such debate society cannot improve.

    • If you and society in general are shielded from different ideas and perspectives you (and society) will not reach your (and societies) maximum potential. Censorship infantilises people and weakens their “intellectual muscles”.

    • It is particularly important to defend the speech of the person who thinks differently. Free speech must be applied fully and consistently. When someone has ideas that seem extreme, radical, inflammatory or controversial, that’s the person, in particular, whose free speech must be protected. That person may be you one day.

    • The FIrst Amendment of the USA was particularly passed in order to allow a minority to say what the majority may find offensive. You may find yourself in that minority one day.

    • By curtailing the free speech of others, you may in future find that you yourself are prevented from speaking, that is, you are in potentia creating a rod for your own back.

    • It is important to defend the free speech of your worst enemies. If they can’t speak then your speech becomes a privilege and not a right. A bad outcome for a society.

    • If free speech is not applied fully and consistently eventually there can be a silencing of speech “creep” because the justification to silence one person sets the precedent and opens the door to justifying the silencing of another person and then another and so forth. A terrible outcome for society.

    • If people can’t say what they truly feel, they may become frustrated and take more aggressive or violent routes to vent the issues that they feel strongly about. A very bad outcome for society.

    In addition we have to ask these questions

    • Who would you want to entrust to decide, for you, what hate speech is?

    • What individual on earth is uniquely qualified to make this critical decision for you?

    • Who is to decide, for you, where the line is to be drawn between speech and hate speech?

    • Do you want to be ruled by what is in effect a “Thought Police”?

    • Once we as a society lose critical thought and freedom of speech what is left between us and totalitarianism?

    In Conclusion

    • Nobody should be in fear for their liberty for speech, unless it is threatening speech or speech inciting violence. Apart from these two exceptions it should never be “you can have free speech, BUT”. There should be NO BUTS.

    • Hate speech laws produce far more pernicious results for societies and for individuals than beneficial results. As they say, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

    • Free speech is the most important value in a civilised society, in fact a civilised society is not possible without free speech.

    What CAN be done to reduce hate speech in society?

    Of course some groups are more vulnerable to hate speech than others, so what CAN be done to protect these groups and reduce hate speech in a society?

    Civility and respect codes can be used instead of implementing hate speech laws. People tasked with drawing up such speech codes should be chosen from across the political spectrum with equal numbers from the left and right. What these codes should be can be controversial, so they need to be thought about carefully before coming to a final consensus. The “policing” of these hate speech codes should also be carried out by people chosen from across the political spectrum and all hearings and rulings should be fully open to public scrutiny. No one should be prosecuted or fined or lose their jobs for transgressions of these codes. Transgressions of the codes would only result in people being temporarily banned from public spaces, social media etc or suspended for a defined time period from their place of employment.

    This much more lenient civility code system would mean that the vital free flow of ideas in institutions, on social media and in society generally, would not be restricted by fear.

  • @iron60bitch62 June 20, 2024

    Germany has some baggage that is such a week statement I am awestruck

  • @iron60bitch62 June 20, 2024

    The German government is now building a political wall around its people this happened in 1930

  • @iron60bitch62 June 20, 2024

    The left is now the new suppressors of free speech

  • @MrVpassenheim June 20, 2024

    I find it curious that you would give Germany an "out" by mentioning that they have "some baggage", referring of course to the atrocities of the Nazis from 70+ years ago. Newsflash: Today's Germany has absolutely no resemblance to the Germany of the early 1940s. The RELEVANT baggage which of course you so politically correct failed to mention is the MUCH more pressing baggage of, oh, I don't know, RAPES, MURDER, THEFT which has significantly spiked in the last 5 years+ and MOST of which originates from illegal/legal Islamic migrants and particularly also 2nd and 3rd generation Islamic migrants who have, for the most, refused to assimilate with German culture and actually look down upon it, even though they have no problem whatsoever with the German welfare system. This law, is just another in a long string from European progressives (cultural Marxists/socialists/communists) who despise the Western culture upon which Germany society is built.

    Maybe a little bit more honesty/analysis next time.

  • 7:24 id do anything to get what I want if he was my son. Poor baby.

  • @jackflemming7788 June 20, 2024

    I agree with the hospital

  • @JudyTheAlien June 20, 2024

    It is not illegal to be an asshole. I hate racist and ignorant speech but i still disagree with the law

  • @hellmutgumz2186 June 20, 2024

    This is bullshit designed to make us stop thinking for ourself.

  • @yaromonster June 20, 2024

    Sounds to me like the German government is forcing some very fashist legislation. Oh The irony

  • @serj238 June 20, 2024

    welcome to the fascist world the left is pushing for. hahahaha good luck.

  • @dasutanehineri June 20, 2024

    This fucking pisses me off, even if the child has to die, you can't even let him fucking die with his own god damn parents?! In his home??! No. Fuck this.

  • @BahbSilunt June 20, 2024

    so germany seems to want as a whole country to be blocked by youtube and facebook. its pretty clear that that would be the cost-effective way to respond to this law from social media sites.

  • @skippymasters5736 June 20, 2024

    Devils Advocate:

    What if the reason for censoring is to prevent EU citizens from antagonizing the migrants that were allowed in.

    It's not too far out to think that the EU politicians realized how dangerous it could be if their citizens were allowed to criticize Islam, the migrants' actions, etc. on social media now that there are so many of them in the EU now. This is only one small facet of the larger issue though.

  • @maynardmiller1736 June 20, 2024

    Good ideas, no way will banning guns stop gun violence, in fact, it would probably increase it. Google and Utube should stick to what they do best and that is not to impede free speech.

  • @Xarai June 20, 2024

    this video is hate speech against my hate speeching we should all flag it

  • @TheItrucker June 20, 2024

    Yeah yeah Germany zzz…I care about my 1st Amendment rights being trampled by political correctness here in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 2017.

  • @TheItrucker June 20, 2024

    Homosexuals are behind the new censorship. sad

  • @sone3550 June 20, 2024

    Y los subtítulos??

  • @fluffykitten4532 June 20, 2024

    fucking goverment … they let parents not vaccinate their children then this story comes up = we shouldn't allow people with double digit IQ rule over us = middle ages are gone

  • @bigk_games8181 June 20, 2024

    Does anyone else think Germany is trying to make up for something by "attacking hate speech #callingthekettleblack

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