July 8, 2024
Hate Crimes

Hasanabi Reacts To “The Highly Controversial Case of Daniel Holtzclaw” | Matt Orchard

Hasanabi Reacts To “The Highly Controversial Case of Daniel Holtzclaw” | Matt Orchard – Crime and Society
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  • @ScarletFox039 July 1, 2024

    Why does every video of Hasan have just his chair for 20 minutes straight while watching another person's video with no commentary overtop it? At that point, I think it's just straight up copyright infringement.

  • @theonetruetim July 1, 2024

    I'm glad you kinda get there, in the end. [also, see resignation of judge who presided….]
    My commentary stands. [however]
    I WANT you to get it right.
    I dont want to just sh!t on you. [This case is hella meaningful. Pardon my vitriol. But understand my position, if u can help it. Wheat from chaff] thank you

  • @theonetruetim July 1, 2024

    NOTHING, Hasan & Co., "about this" says guilty. Not the pathology, not the forensics, not the testimonies, not the detective work. NOTHING. Daniel is 100% demonstrably innocent. Calling someone a 'truther' as a counter to this – is lazy and worse. [it is typical and wholly part of, if not THEE, problem. Solutions aren't even on your horizon. So back da fuq up. & use your brain. Be careful, and you WILL reach this obvious conclusion.] * as an innocent man is in prison for your crimes. [feeding the cruel & false justice you claim as Progress…]
    The video you watched from Matt Orchard is excellent. But you will not observe that unless you get past the half-way point. Learn something, fool. Be thorough and deliberate.
    An innocent man and a demonstration of this society's corruption and bent are on full display for those whom care to be even moderately observant in this case. [keep in mind i'm ACAB all day]
    Nothing! *That is; nothing, but for a narrative you swallowed and reacted to as if it is simply another binary choice [thus Orchard's purposeful tact in presentation and steel-manning your 'side', first. It is the lazy and poisoned one, for the record] for 8th graders to play fatalist with – a politically coerced narrative, wholly outside of the facts. i.e, e.g. evidence, GPS backed locations, timeline, reports, history prior to police, etc]
    THIS is typical of why your whole 'understanding' & undeserving influence are false-bottomed, & not obtained through facts, or Just outcome; but bias and a false nuance. [trends thou traffic in, on a Judge's throne that you will never fill fitfully when deliberating like such. Its disgusting in this and many other instances] NO due diligence. All reactive false binary schtick and sycophantism, perpetuating ACTUAL and easily proven INJUSTICE!!!!

    Get it right.
    [it only takes a lil mo work]
    or please for the love of The Ideal

  • @brady3319 July 1, 2024

    The chat spamming EZ Clap at the end is pathetic and cringe

  • @T61APL89 July 1, 2024

    yo the source video isnt even on youtube

  • @mr.dr0bot731 July 1, 2024

    This Australian dude has a better moral compass than most of Hasan's racist ass chat.

  • @EJuliusF July 1, 2024

    Innocent or not, he should not be found guilty.

  • I feel like Hotzclaw wasnt alone in these acts which can explain some of the inconsistency

  • The investigators were just sexually harassing him by the end 😂

  • Sorry but Hassan always pauses at the worst times to talk about something irrelevant. Hard to watch these sometimes.

  • 2:54

  • @papayamya111 July 1, 2024

    the most confusing part of this case to me is that. he apparently has. just one pair of pants? like they say stuff should have been there if it happened right before he turned in his pants but like. that was when he got to work that day at the start of his shift. what about the possibility that he had more than one pair of pants? or that he washed them? i feel like im missing something bro

  • I know this is hella old, but thanks for calling out couple assault❤❤

  • @weirdautumn July 1, 2024

    That true crime channel is based. Which one is that?

  • @llamaczech July 1, 2024

    Seems more likely this guy did do at least the assault that got him caught and was supported by her DNA on his fly… But got a whole bunch of other assaults pinned on him in the best case because as Hasan's public defender friend says, cops like closing cases, most likely to cover up widespread rapists in the department, at worst to cover up some initiation ritual gone wrong.

  • @oven_face1729 July 1, 2024

    Cops are such freaks

  • @luneellise21 July 1, 2024

    Michelle MalKKKin??? what the fuck lmao thank you for wasting 2h40 mins of everyone's life

  • @cjvaye99 July 1, 2024

    yo that lady detective was sooo turned on by this dude 😂😂😂😂

  • @paulpoyer0822 July 1, 2024

    Really dude?!? Turning off the GPS when he's off duty means nothing! Do you stay clocked in at work when you're done for the day?!? Fuck no! Give me a break! Holtzclaw was set up as a scapegoat in this case. Something else was going on in that department and he took the fall because they didn't want another Ferguson!!

  • @TheJonnyEnglish July 1, 2024

    28:24 love when hasan goes on a murder rampage and bans a bunch of people lol

  • @atharva-naik July 1, 2024

    I still don't get the complete hatred for cops. Yes, I get how the police force is responsible for the systematic brutalization of black people, but so is the US for systematic international interference and war crimes. Coming to the conclusion that ACAB seems to me the same as all Americans are bad.

  • @that_mars July 1, 2024

    If at all biased it would be against the cop yeah because they started with false and then tried to prove a negative which is much harder

  • @Jaimzz July 1, 2024

    Annoyed but not because i want this guy to serve less time but because the others ( i think he was used as a scapegoat) are out free when they should be in jail for their crimes as well

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