July 8, 2024
Hate Crimes

Hate Crime Hoax Explained with Wilfred Reilly

This is an excerpt of my conversation with Wilfred Reilly.

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#ColemanHughes #WilfredReilly #HateCrimeHoax #ConversationswithColeman #CwC



  • @lindathomas5500 June 18, 2024

    The other thing that is really important to note, is that news coverage when they pull figures (especially news papers) tend to quote “hate crimes reported” rather than convicted! I’ve always said that the reported gives false statistics, as it is a figure pre-investigation!

  • @Maelstromaku June 18, 2024

    Hate crime IS a hoax

  • @johnharrison6745 June 18, 2024

    "Hate crimes" ITSELF is a 'hoax'; and, go watch Wilfred get the brown-sauce kicked out of him in his "debate" against Jared Taylor. 🤣

  • @hitmanhart670 June 18, 2024

    Who tf is Wilfred and how did he become so famous? Never heard of this guy but now he’s risen to prominence on this whole anti “woke” bandwagon. Just another annoying grifter with nothing meaningful to contribute. Just like Coleman

  • @user-jq9oo2tx8i June 18, 2024

    Racism is an industry.

  • @reddirtwalker8041 June 18, 2024

    We are teaching our kids that they are a victim in one way or another, so is it a surprise they seek validation that they are and to show that they are indeed victims in a culture that prizes victimhood?

  • @Arcimedes June 18, 2024

    Your application of Münchausen syndrome to people who fake these hate crimes was genius.

  • @oraz. June 18, 2024

    The cancellation of Richard Stallman had a similar dynamic. A girl wrote an invective piece claiming falsely how she was harmed and coordinated with the media. Noone came to his aid though and he's still exiled.

  • @DMWayne-ke7fl June 18, 2024

    He lost to Jared Taylor.

  • @omegamale7880 June 18, 2024

    Hate crime hoaxes are needed because the supply of true hate crimes is not meeting demand.

  • @TomAZ1984 June 18, 2024

    Isn’t this the guy who debated Jared a few years back? Was that debate a red pill for him??

  • @ransakreject5221 June 18, 2024

    There’s tons of anti black hate crimes so obviously we must fake hate crimes to show evidence of these other real hate crimes that are definitely happening

  • @derekrushe June 18, 2024

    When victimhood becomes currency, everyone wants a bit.

  • @eatabagofdicks6500 June 18, 2024

    It’s like these people are acting out their own delusions, with gusto!

  • @Vesuya June 18, 2024

    It's also simply a source of power that is actively encouraged and validated. Look at Bubba Wallace… It wasn't a hoax, but he certainly got all of the attention he wanted, and there was no repercussion.

  • @RandomCarrot2806 June 18, 2024

    For me, the more attention a supposed hate crime gets the more I'm convinced it's a hoax.

  • @edictzero June 18, 2024

    I like to call this Racial Munchausen's Syndrome. People love the attention they get from being victimized

  • @johnwinchester6934 June 18, 2024

    The left will destroy everything if people continue to allow them to win the culture war. Every walk of life will be racially segregated once more. Hatred and disdain for one another will ferment and actual racism will be far more commonplace. The really terrifying part is that the woke left has the same end goals as actual white supremacist just with differential outcomes.

  • @Jeremy-th5pt June 18, 2024

    Hot mic. Sounds good, a bit hot.

  • @johnnyfk480 June 18, 2024

    Kent State University rock was painted with “All Lives Matter” and this was quoted as racist by the regional and local media. There wasn’t any follow up that I could find that this was deemed a hate crime or an instance of hoax or trolling.

  • @matthewheadland7307 June 18, 2024

    Is it just my feed or am I not getting your channel updates?

  • @saintdenis11 June 18, 2024

    That man’s chin hair is a war crime

  • @FrogQueenie June 18, 2024

    Could possibly also be that hoax hate crimes are more likely to be exposed on campuses. (more security cameras, lots of people around, gossip, duty to investigate threats, etc)
    (vs. an actual higher rate of hoaxes on campus)

    But if the goal is to get the victim attention, campuses would be an attractive location for maximum attention. (so it could have a higher rate)

  • @atomshizz8630 June 18, 2024

    Hammurabi Code would solve that pretty quick. Turns out everyone has their sight intact when it's Eye-for-an-Eye.

  • @niriop June 18, 2024

    It’s the state of our cultural, educational, and political discourse—to advance one has to be presented as a victim.

    We should just call it “Smolletting” and be honest about it.

    And I may have misinterpreted the numbers, but if 60% of hate crime accusations are actually malicious nonsense, then analytical scepticism (but NOT automatic dismissal, obviously) should be the default response.

  • @Boethius411 June 18, 2024

    Half of the mainstream narrative is one big hate crime hoax.

  • @llIIIIlllIIIllI June 18, 2024

    i want to understand the value of this book if it isn't to do a rigorous investigation of the ratio of true to false hate crime reports. is it just to speak casually about some hate crimes that have found to be false and not make any valuable claims? does he investigate the reason people are false reporting? the societal consequences?

  • @deal2live June 18, 2024

    Shortage of hate crimes and shortage of outright racism.

  • @ladyj3173 June 18, 2024

    I cracked up at "shoot them a smile"

  • @lizp5004 June 18, 2024

    HOAX HATE ON THE MATT &BLONDE SHOW has been a wkly segment for the last 4+yrs if that tells u anything

  • @rifrafbarker June 18, 2024

    It’s munchausen for sure, but there seems to be an academic culture around looking for oppression in order to score points. Call something ‘problematic’ and you’ve got upranked!

  • @ricodelavega4511 June 18, 2024

    sounds like Coleman's much lauded essay to come will be subtitled "Racial Munchausen in America".

  • @jedichild6815 June 18, 2024

    Does Coleman Hughes meditate? He’s so level.

  • @julianfischer2341 June 18, 2024

    Help! I'm a damsel in distress!

  • @eliselavallee June 18, 2024

    If all of these hate crimes truly are hoaxes, created by those who are seen by society as archetypal victims, then what does this tell us?
    If only a few of these were staged it would still be alarming, but hundreds sounds like an epidemic. For example the amount of mass shooting that have taken place since the late 90’s, as well as the increase in suicide rates, in my opinion, is major indicator of the over all status of mental health in the US.

  • @MrTravelWriter June 18, 2024

    Jordan Peterson: “The morality comes when you’re a monster… If you start to understand who you are, then you understand the Nazis. And who wants to understand the Nazis? You know, I can understand sex criminals. I can understand them. Right. I can understand Nazis. And the reason for that is because I can see that as an aspect of myself. Truly.”

  • @jamberry8026 June 18, 2024

    Did he also talk about the many hoaxes created by white women that was the cause of many Black men getting lynched? How about Emmet Till?

  • @mikekeller5202 June 18, 2024

    It’s ok kill someone out of love but if you hate them that crosses the line.

  • @QuatMan June 18, 2024

    I would also like to hear your take on the FBI Report detailing White Supremacist infiltration of law enforcement in the USA. That would be interesting!

  • @ihearttubing June 18, 2024

    This is what happens when you make hate a crime.

  • @drakerogers9709 June 18, 2024

    I think this would be a wonderful opportunity to pause for a moment and give thanks for the great contributions of the Black community to our society. Their peaceful and generous nature make them ideal neighbors, lending testimony to their dedication to exceptional civic values, stable traditional families, parenting skills unrivaled by any other culture, and their unflagging pride in maintaining exemplary clean, neat, and orderly homes. Their commitment to academic excellence enriches our schools and serves as an example to all who hope to achieve prominence as a people.
Property values are boosted and energized by the entry of African Americans into an area thanks to the caring and sincere respect they show for these communities, their absolute dedication to lives of law-abiding peaceful neighborliness, and the examples of all they have achieved through their enthusiasm for self-improvement by hard work and a self-reliant, can-do culture of integrity and honor. Without their industrious and creative drive, we would be poorer as a nation.

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