July 7, 2024
Sex Crimes

Hidden cameras capture 2 abuse victims confronting Catholic priest

A former Catholic priest pleaded guilty to sexual abuse charges involving two boys. David Poulson faces up to 14 years in prison for incidents that happened between 2002 and 2010. He’s one of only two Pennsylvania priests to face charges since a grand jury report identified hundreds of abusive clergy. Nikki Battiste spoke with two victims who confronted another priest with hidden cameras.

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  • @MartinTroy-ne7ly June 19, 2024

    This men are so strong

  • @LetJesusTouchUrLife June 19, 2024

    1:572:11 That really broke my heart. "I haven't done anything wrong." :((

  • @southerncomfort39 June 19, 2024

    The Liber Gomorrhianus WRITTEN BY Benedictine monk Peter Damian during the Gregorian Reformation circa AD 1051 clearly addresses pedophilia in the Catholic church. this hidden dark secret has existed in the churchs history going back to the 11th century. martin Luther also wrote a letter about the practice of pedophilia amongst Catholic Bishops in his 95 letter.

  • @BridgetWalker-xu8sw June 19, 2024

    If you're a catholic after everything that has happened to children in the church, you're complicit.

  • He took zero accountability!
    “ sorry you FEEL I hurt you “
    That’s what I heard his old perverted self say! 🤢

  • @mysweetchloe June 19, 2024

    You can still see all the past trauma on their faces. Prayers for them!

  • @user-oj4im8bl7e June 19, 2024

    Good to know jesus is the lord and savior for you rape victoms

  • @jimsmith3971 June 19, 2024

    These two guys are real men! Strong, brave and courageous.

  • @TrivkaKovac-es7mj June 19, 2024


  • @GertDekeysers June 19, 2024

    Haha them were the altar boys haah😂

  • @josephcade3541 June 19, 2024

    The Vatican 2 documents explained :

    Without understanding the following you will never be able to understand the documents. I will list here, what the documents consist of, by name and by title. But you will never find the list of these names inside the documents this is deliberate. For the purpose of concealment. But what you will find in every paragraph of every page the “definition” of the terms listed. Therefore the Vatican two documents consist of “definition” only:
    Without understanding the following you will never be able to understand the documents. I will list here, what the documents consist of, by name and by title. But you will never find the list of these names inside the documents this is deliberate. For the purpose of concealment. But what you will find in every paragraph of every page the “definition” of the terms listed. Therefore the Vatican two documents consist of “definition” only:
    1) Indifferentism
    2) Syncretism and Synthesis
    3) Immanent
    4) Transcendentalism
    5) Individualism
    6) Existentialism, naturalism
    7) Stoicism
    8) Pantheism
    9) Evolution
    10) The Sciences such as historian sociology psychology critic…

    If you look up Saint Pope Pius 10 Encyclical
    “ Pascendi Dominici Gregis” you will find he new about Vatican 2 and wrote a detailed comprehensive explanation of Vatican 2, listing in detail more than half of the items above listed, and he even explains, in example, how it is meant to diminish Jesus Christ and the one true church and desecrate all seven sacraments and to leave the door open for more of modernism and Progressive changes in the future. He is not alone !!! Pius 10 on the Errors of Modernism, Pius 9 his Syllabus of Errors and Pope Gregory 16 in his Encyclical “Mirari Vos” see #19 on the waldensians,the Beghards,the Wycliffites, and all the popes condemned the documents of Vatican 2 and the Synod of Pistoia and warned the faithful with excommunication, anathema if you don't reject the Vatican two documents, and church, and embrace the one true traditional Catholic Church, the depository of faith, before the end of your life.

    As you examine these terms and then read the Vatican two documents you can clearly see the “definition” of all the above listed terms, but not the terms themselves, and the evil,and that it is no longer Catholic but a new religion that will lead you straight to hell !!!
    The Vatican II documents : briefly

    1) Christ is united with each man in the Incarnation before Jesus was even born (Gaudium et Spes #22)
    2) Protestant religions are a means of salvation and all other denominations. (Unitatis Redintegratio #3)
    3) non-catholics made lawfully receive Holy Communion and the sacraments of the church.(Orientalium Ecclesiarum #27)
    4) Muslims and Catholics together worship the same God (Lumen Gentium #16)
    5) the Catholic church is united with those who don't accept the Catholic faith or the papacy. Lumen Gentium #15)
    6) some people above the Age of Reason don't believe in God through no fault of their own. Lumen Gentium #16)
    7) and the Buddhism man search the highest illumination. (Nostra Aetate #2)
    8) all things on earth should be related to man as their Center and Crown. (Gaudium et Spes #12).

    Then what are we to do you ask ?

    If you are a true Traditional Catholic then you are supposed to do what the Blessed Virgin Mary told us to do, in these evil times, that she described at Fatima, in the “Third Secret”. Not the fake phony Third Secret that John Paul II falsified and Rewritten, along with the fake Lucia !!! But the real true Third Secret of Fatima. You are also to do what the Blessed Virgin Mary told us to do at La Salette, France and again at Our Lady of Good Success, who described in great detail what is to happen to the Catholic church at the end of the 20th century and she was 100% right !!!

    What do we do then ? what did she say to do ? She said, to say the Traditional Rosary, not the rosary of John Paul II, the Traditional Rosary !! 15 decades, everyday or 5 decades on Monday, 5 decades on Tuesday, and 5 decades, on Wednesday. Since the Mass is the greatest prayer of all !!! you get the Saint Andrews missile (and no other missile) but the St Andrews missile, and you say Mass every Sunday (you're not able to consecrate) but you can still say the prayers of the Mass !!! From only the Saint Andrew's missile!! You can say the rosary, the Seven Sorrows of Mary, the Stations of the Cross, all at home. Have nothing to do with today's fake Catholic Church!!! NOTHING !!! This means all Vatican 2 priests and parishioners also the sspx, sspv, cmri, fssps… It will be a mortal sin and send you straight to hell if you go to any of these groups who support and embrace “Invincible ignorance” and also “baptism of desire and blood” that the Traditional Catholic church teaches against !!! Subjective v.s Objective heresy !!! You can be in the soul of the church and not be a member heresy these groups, the sspx and others Embrace these heresies !!! along with using the St Joseph's missile (THIS IS A condemned missile) if anyone, even the Pope, tells you that it's not a condemned missile they are – A – Liar !! don't believe them, they're a liar and a Heretic !!! Heretics will send you to Hell !!!

    You say your prayers at home, you stay at home, and you say your prayers at home, the Traditional prayers of the church and you say them every day. You read the Bible the Catholic Bible and no other since all other Bibles have been Rewritten with attacks againt Mary !!! and study the lives of the Saints of the church, and stay away from newly written or revised books on the market today !!! Don't buy any books on the market after 1960 !!!!

    What about confession and all that ? You confess your sins to God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost using the prayers in the St Andrews missile, in the confessional which is in the back of the book, or you say one of the seven penitential Psalms along with the act of contrition. That's your confession, at home where you are safe both in body and soul !! For baptism you do the same at home with the proper, Matter, Form and Intent !!!

    But whatever you do have nothing to do with the Vatican 2 Church sspx, sspv, fssp…. even if it's empty do not go in it !!! Judgment day is almost here.

    P.S.- the Most Holy Family Monastery is a good resource me and my colleagues have kept a close eye on them for over 20 years I highly recommend them.

    God Love You

  • @LanaKennedy121 June 19, 2024

    My dad was victim when he was an alter boy in 1979 😢
    In 2015 the priests name was listed in Saint Paul MN as an abuser.
    Karl Wittman, enjoy hell.
    Another victim was abused in the 60s and he wrote a book called Unholy Communion about it and it’s being adapted into a film. And they are filming at the house across the street from my dads house. Crazy…

  • @Choppermv17 June 19, 2024

    Yikes that prest would not have been walking around for 40 years is that was somebody i loved and i wouldn't need enough oroof for the cops that's all im gonna say

  • @ENFPerspectives June 19, 2024

    Bless them. Sigh. Thank you for sharing.

  • @spencerbrown6214 June 19, 2024

    SO Many EVIL men using the guise of religion to ruin children’s lives!!!!!!

  • @MiZtressofSoulzs June 19, 2024

    jesus is onesick F_*k

  • @cherylmartin6338 June 19, 2024

    These entities are pathologically sick and incurable

  • @cherylmartin6338 June 19, 2024

    Apology? What good is an empty and insincere apology?

  • @larrytate5605 June 19, 2024

    what is even more disgusting, are those in the cult, covering it up, sending them to other cults, so they can do it to other children,.so easy to see why so many are disgusted by religion,….the big fairy tale for adults. and it has gone on for hundreds if not thousands of years,.still going on,..and in all religions,.check out the wonderful southern baptist convention,……YUK

  • @Hoggler June 19, 2024

    Sociopath. Belittle the victims 😢

  • @alexl5660 June 19, 2024

    The Holy Bible says it’s okay to Marry. This Roman Laws are unbiblical and meant to destroy Our world

  • @alexl5660 June 19, 2024

    Roman Catholic Preist rules and Nun rules are lies and traditions of men and not Biblical.

  • @SallySmith-up3dp June 19, 2024

    You were babies…you are both so brave…well done!

  • @aliasreco June 19, 2024

    Cleaning the Catholic Church. How far you want to go? 50%? 75% more than that? It's rotten everywhere. But there are some solid honest Christians too.

  • @TCM1231 June 19, 2024

    Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus

  • @helendycha2790 June 19, 2024

    Sexual abuse of boys is epidemic in the Catholic church. International problem. Disgusting! Why are so many of these priests disgusting pedophiles? Love those little boys.

  • @MrGertus12 June 19, 2024

    Just one single instance of child interference should equate to LIFE in prison. EVERY SINGLE TIME.

  • @helenweatherby1694 June 19, 2024

    There should be no forgiveness, no statute of limitations, and he should go to jail for a long time, as should those who enable the cover ups. The catholic church is a stinking cesspit.

  • Hang in there pal. My daughter can't also forget what happened to her in the past. Eventhough she's already 13 now.

  • @ChaseTerrier June 19, 2024

    I am a Catholic but I think every Catholic priest that sexually abused someone should be sent to prison for life. Actually, I think every sex offender should be sent to prison for life.

  • The rapist priests has the satanic papal's protection

  • @marysmith-oz3ei June 19, 2024

    Anyone still supporting that insane asylum they call the Catholic Church, whose priests have been getting away with this buggery for centuries, should be ashamed of themselves. The best support you can give to these victims and to yourself is to LEAVE that hellhole.. This institution will continue to get away with these crimes no matter how many Jim Caviezel movies they put out. Hypocrites. So disgusting that people love their Bingo games so much that they turn a blind eye on the misery these kids endure, year after year after year.

  • @iliesculiliana5846 June 19, 2024


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