July 6, 2024
Hate Crimes

History vs. Richard Nixon – Alex Gendler

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The president of the United States of America is often said to be one of the most powerful positions in the world. But of all the US presidents accused of abusing that power, only one has left office as a result. Does Richard Nixon deserve to be remembered for more than the scandal that ended his presidency? Alex Gendler puts this disgraced president’s legacy on trial.

Lesson by Alex Gendler, animation by Brett Underhill.



  • @justfun985 June 20, 2024

    Part of me still wonders if Nixon was set up by agencies of the government. After seeing the corruption of the 3 letter agencies and the kind of operations they run to convict people today. It would not surprise me if they had.

  • @thankzcomputer June 20, 2024

    What's the deal with the vocal fry

  • This cartoon SUCKS!

  • @user-iy6rm6pm4j June 20, 2024

    Is there a History vs. JFK? JFK wink-winked the CIA murder of South Vietnam President Diem because he was not obedient enough as an American puppet. JFK also attempted to overthrow and murder Fidel Castro in Cuba.

  • @user-iy6rm6pm4j June 20, 2024

    Nixon didn't cover up his own crimes. He covered up JFK's crimes and LBJ's crimes 'for the good of the country.' Watergate conspirator E. Howard Hunt, a CIA 'wetboy' for JFK, threatened to expose the crimes he committed for JFK. Nixon paid Hunt to keep quiet. The Pentagon Papers were all about JFK and LBJ war crimes in Vietnam.

    "The coverup is worse than the crime'" is baloney. The crimes Nixon covered up were CIA contract killngs and war crimes authorized by President Kennedy. So the crimes were worse than the coverup.

  • @skymabile2855 June 20, 2024

    5:06 Judge: Final Verdict . . . GUILTY!

  • @Blackmourne1 June 20, 2024

    Wait so before Richard Nixon became president he commited treason?

  • @thebrycks8766 June 20, 2024

    This channel is a joke. I like how the good things Nixon did have to be the progressive things

  • @IamCaptainDeadpo0l June 20, 2024

    Well, I'm not a crook. I've earned everything I've got. I shall resign the Presidency effective at noon tomorrow. Vice President Ford will be sworn in as President at that hour in this office.

  • Congratulations to the USA and its fantastic justice system that let such a criminal walk free.
    (And those guys claim that they want to spread democracy to other countries.)

  • @donavonknoblock1373 June 20, 2024

    He was a great President one of a few

  • @russellpayne070 June 20, 2024

    Nixon should absolutely be remembered for more than Watergate. People learn about the scandal and they stop learning about Richard Nixon. Nixon had one of the most successful first terms of president in history. He won reelection by a landslide margin.

  • @russellpayne070 June 20, 2024

    Nixon should absolutely be remembered for more than Watergate. People learn about the scandal and they stop learning about Richard Nixon. Nixon had one of the most successful first terms of president in history. He won reelection by a landslide margin.

  • @marufsiddique9613 June 20, 2024

    You didn’t mention the 1971 Genocide in Bangladesh by Pakistan Military which he supported along with Henry Kissinger. Almost 3 million people died in the Genocide.

  • @Daniel-rj8of June 20, 2024

    What that’s not normal!?!?! 1:29

  • @jalenikezeue4114 June 20, 2024

    It was For The Good of the country Bull%@%@$$$

  • @user-zo8gz9yp7n June 20, 2024

    Cover ups include FDR, JFK, LBJ, as well Eisenhower but the media was silent on those presidents.

  • @Borrelaas June 20, 2024

    How can you fault him for ending the vietnam war after 2 years? You cant end a war when you are fighting along side an ally in a week… Its like the propaganda takes centuries to fade away

  • @ShadowChrome518 June 20, 2024

    there has never been an american president that has been good for any country outside of canada, israel and western australia

  • @hanhtooaein6368 June 20, 2024

    Endangered Species act is a disaster

  • @user-sg6ce3tx7s June 20, 2024

    Slavery in America is abolished who or what President wish to contend with this matter…..

  • @judsongaiden9878 June 20, 2024

    Nixon was railroaded by the deep state. Apparently, George Lucas and Hunter S. Thompson never got that memo.

    2:42 Yeah, they were internationalist pinkos setting fires and stuff. Burning down buildings. All that sort of thing.

    3:29 Those internationalist pinko arsonists were also guilty of treason, so maybe that evens things out.

    4:37 Just like every president before and since.

    4:47 The prosecution's case fails from the use of the word "democracy," seeing as how we're a republic.

  • @LethalBubbles June 20, 2024

    not nearly as bad as j edgar hoover but he's the one who got caught so here we are

  • @WARDEATHFUN June 20, 2024

    I don't know if I agree with antagonizing Nixon over the war on drugs. It's easy to be against it with hindsight, but back then drugs were just a part of a scary subject that needed to be stopped. It's easy to be more libertarian about it now and say people should consume what they want and make it more available so drug cartels loses income, but before hindsight all we saw was something dangerous, bad for people, possibly taking over since it was rising in usage. It's like how we want some ingredients to be illegal in food, but with the unforeseen commitment addicts took to get it anyway.

    I don't even think war on drugs is a bad idea, just specifically the approach they took in antagonizing victims of drug use and the lack of reasonable compromises for drug dealers since they were antagonized in spite being nowhere near the top of the empire.

  • real

  • @aaronjennings8385 June 20, 2024

    Satanic Nixon's secret bombing campaign in Vietnam, known as Operation Menu, was a covert military operation conducted by the United States during the Vietnam War. It involved the use of B-52 bombers to carpet bomb areas in eastern Cambodia, which was officially a neutral country at the time
    . The operation was authorized by President Richard Nixon on March 15, 1969, and was carried out from March 18, 1969, to May 26, 1970
    The primary target of the bombing campaign was the Central Office for South Vietnam (COSVN), a supposed resistance headquarters located in the Memot plantation near the Fish Hook area of the border
    . However, the bombing also targeted supply routes and communist sanctuaries along the border, with the aim of disrupting the North Vietnamese army's operations and destroying their bases
    The operation was kept secret from the American public and Congress, with Nixon's administration fearing that admitting to bombing a neutral nation would damage his credibility and be seen as an escalation of the war
    . The bombing campaign was carried out under the guise of standard bombing runs in South Vietnam, with B-52 bombers being redirected to the border with Cambodia
    The impact of Operation Menu was significant, with estimates suggesting that hundreds of thousands of Cambodians were killed, and the bombing contributed to the destabilization of Cambodia, making it vulnerable to the rise of the Khmer Rouge
    . The operation was followed by Operation Freedom Deal, which expanded the bombing to a larger area of Cambodia and continued until August 1973
    The secrecy surrounding Operation Menu was maintained through careful planning and execution, with only a small number of individuals having complete knowledge of the operation
    . The bombing campaign was eventually exposed, leading to widespread protests and criticism of the Nixon administration's handling of the war

  • @aaronjennings8385 June 20, 2024

    Richard Nixon, the 37th President of the United States, pretended to want to end the Vietnam War by claiming to have a secret plan to achieve "peace with honor"
    . During his 1968 presidential campaign, Nixon promised to end the war, but his actual strategy involved escalating the conflict, including the use of nuclear weapons, in an attempt to bully Vietnam into submission
    . This approach, known as the "Madman Theory," was designed to make the North Vietnamese believe that Nixon was unpredictable and willing to take extreme measures to win the war
    Nixon's public stance on the war was that he wanted to end it, but his actions behind the scenes told a different story. He increased bombing in North Vietnam and invaded neighboring countries, such as Cambodia and Laos, in an effort to cut off supply lines to the North Vietnamese army
    . These actions were part of his "Vietnamization" strategy, which aimed to reduce American casualties by having South Vietnamese forces take on more of the fighting
    Despite his aggressive military actions, Nixon presented himself as a peacemaker, claiming that his policies would bring a swift and honorable end to the war
    . However, his true intentions were to prolong the conflict until the North Vietnamese surrendered or until he could negotiate a settlement that would allow the United States to withdraw without appearing to have lost the war
    Nixon's deception was successful in convincing many Americans that he was working towards a peaceful resolution, but it ultimately failed to achieve its intended goal of intimidating the North Vietnamese into surrender
    . The war continued for another five years under Nixon's administration, with the United States eventually withdrawing its troops in 1973

  • @aaronjennings8385 June 20, 2024

    Richard Nixon, the 37th President of the United States, played a significant role in prolonging the Vietnam War before taking office. During the 1968 presidential campaign, Nixon allegedly worked to undermine President Lyndon B. Johnson's efforts to negotiate a peace settlement in Vietnam
    . Nixon's actions were motivated by political ambition, as he believed that if Johnson were able to negotiate a peace agreement before the election, it would boost the Democratic candidate, Hubert Humphrey, and harm Nixon's own chances of winning the presidency
    Nixon's tactics involved using classified information and covert communications channels to frustrate Johnson's peace efforts. He worked with his adviser, Henry Kissinger, who had access to secret information about the peace talks, to sabotage the negotiations
    . Nixon also instructed his supporter, Anna Chennault, to persuade the South Vietnamese government to boycott the peace talks, which would have delayed any potential agreement
    These actions by Nixon and Kissinger were seen as an attempt to prolong the war for political gain, as a peace agreement before the election would have benefited the Democratic Party
    . Nixon's strategy ultimately succeeded, as he won the presidency in 1968, and the war continued for another five years under his administration

  • @Zekor4 June 20, 2024

    If one believes abortion is wrong then one should not judge a president for a scandal like Watergate since abortion is light years more wrong and is supported by some presidents legally.

  • In a swirling vortex of time energy, Gizmo the Star Wizard twirled the dials on his magnificent Chronoship, destination: 1970s America. He emerged, not with a flourish, but with a slight cough, in a cloud of cigar smoke-laced air. His target: The White House, during the reign of Richard Nixon.

    Gizmo, with his usual pizzazz, materialized in the Oval Office, startling a flustered Nixon mid-sentence. After calming the bewildered president down with a wave of his hand and a dazzling smile, Gizmo launched into his query.

    "Mr. President," Gizmo boomed, his voice echoing in the stately room, "I come from the future, and I'm curious about your stance on a particular plant – cannabis."

    Nixon, ever the politician, narrowed his eyes. "Cannabis, eh? That hippy lettuce? Well, it's a dangerous gateway drug, that's what it is!"

    Gizmo chuckled, a sound like wind chimes tinkling in a summer breeze. With a snap of his fingers, a holographic image materialized in front of Nixon. It depicted a bustling cityscape, unlike anything Nixon had ever seen. Buildings gleamed with an otherworldly sheen, seemingly impervious to flames. People strolled by, radiating an air of health and vitality.

    "This, Mr. President," Gizmo explained, "is a glimpse of the future – a future where cannabis wasn't demonized."

    He elaborated on the marvels this future held. Homes that shrugged off fire like a pesky fly. Cancer, relegated to the dustbins of history, thanks to the healing properties of cannabis. Revolutionary materials derived from hemp, leading to lighter, more efficient batteries and a world powered by clean, wireless energy. Clothing softer than silk, yet durable enough to last a lifetime, all thanks to the wonder that is cannabis.

    Nixon stared, agape. The future Gizmo presented was a far cry from the one he envisioned, a future choked by pollution and ravaged by disease. A seed of doubt began to sprout in his mind.

    Back in his own time, Gizmo pondered the ripple effects of his visit. Perhaps Nixon would have a change of heart. Perhaps the future wouldn't be quite as utopian as his vision, but maybe, just maybe, it wouldn't be as bleak as the one on the current trajectory. After all, a little nudge in the right direction, a glimpse of what could be, can have unforeseen consequences, like the butterfly's wings causing a hurricane on the other side of the world. Only time, the ever-flowing river, would tell.

  • @cjscreations_2012 June 20, 2024

    2:23 🤵‍♂️👉🧍‍♂️🧍🏿‍♂️🧍🏿‍♀️🧍🏿

  • @toastedclubsandwich June 20, 2024

    When you gotta narrate the edutainment YouTube video but mom is sleeping

  • 4:14
    Tbh most leaders cant predict that

    Remember how Britain and france first glozed over Germany in 1938?

  • Compared to what brandon is doing rn

    Nixon is considered small fry now a days

  • @Cormac2023 June 20, 2024

    Very clever. Now, do that for the entire history of the Democrat Party, and then I'll critique it and give MY counterpoints.

  • @GOODYGOODGOOD789 June 20, 2024

    0:26 That's just something Nixon made up because he knew that he would rather be remembered as the first president to resign than the first president to get convicted during impeachment.
    1:12 It's hard to make an argument Nixon didn't at least have some idea of what was going on with Watergate since he was extremely hands-on when it came to his administration.
    1:42 He would have been able to do more if he hadn't gotten into a scenario where he wouldn't have avoided leaving office.
    2:38 He really didn't have anything to do with the 26th Amendment.
    2:55 After Congress forced him to by cutting the Vietnam War's funding.
    3:49 Like it or not the fact of the matter remains that if Nixon hadn't visited China then Reagan would have.
    4:00 I love how that line is basically "People were doing bad stuff so the bad stuff that Nixon and Augusto Pinochet did was justified."
    I also may note that Nixon started the war on drugs which only made drug and organized crime use worse and started the prison industrial complex (yes future presidents escalated it but he was the only one who started it and all of it's horrible repercussions because he didn't like hippies), started the misguided incentives for framers to grow way too much corn which is why a lot of the food we eat today is unhealthy because of the excess amount of high-fructose corn syrup which is one of the main reasons we have the obesity epidemic in the U.S., started wage and price controls which were a reason the stagflation of the 70s happened, got one of the worse vice-presidents (with one of the best names) in Spiro Agnew who was basically Nixon but without any of the good aspects (and like Nixon resigned because of his crimes), appointed Lewis Powell to the supreme court who wrote the Powell memo which is a reason why the current corporatocracy we have today exist and was a justice whose views on the constitution were easily influenced and swayed because he never really had that strong of views on them, cut off the U.S. currency to the gold standard which hurt down the line because it made inflation more common, appointed Henry Kissinger (a crazy war criminal) as secretary of state who thought it was a good idea to bombed Cambodia heavily which lead to a massive amount of civilian deaths and made the Khmer Rouge a lot more popular which caused them to win the Cambodian civil war which caused the Cambodian genocide (if you wanna see a great film about that I recommend The Killing Fields), if you said bad things about him he would send the IRS after you, and was against busing but that was divisive both then and today so it's okay if you don't hold that against him, but on the side of good things you didn't mention he did found O.S.H.A. was president during the Apollo 11 moon landing (even though that was mainly Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Johnson), visited the U.S.S.R. and got S.A.L.T. I negotiated and signed, improved relations with Native Americans, began the war on cancer, repealed the McCarren Internal Security act (one of the biggest infringements of civil liberties in U.S. history), and ended the draft. Also, a fun fact Nixon's reelection in 1972 was actually the highest popular vote a Republican president ever got, his opponent Neil McGovern only won Washington D.C. (which always goes Democrat), and Massachusetts and that was mainly because of Ted Kennedy.

  • @dmitrykarkov4747 June 20, 2024

    So he was a pretty normal politician

  • @deshaun9473 June 20, 2024

    History vs Neville Chamberlain please!!

  • @justinsanders5272 June 20, 2024

    This video might have been about the good Nixon did despite his being a villain, but instead it felt the need to do this artsy-fartsy, both-sides nonsense about his overall character

  • @Giga_Chad_ June 20, 2024

    This motherfu*ker destroyed the world currency
    spiked inflation, and let America have all the power
    Even satan would have hesitated to stop the exchange from dollar to gold

  • @Giga_Chad_ June 20, 2024

    So nobody's gonna speak about the nixon shock?

  • @VLSMITH1000 June 20, 2024

    Don't forget that the Vietnam War was started by Democrats(Kennedy) and expanded by Democrats(LBJ) , Nixon ended it! It's like when somebody stole your car and the thief wrecked it. Then you are charged with the accident just because the car is in your name! Nixon is blamed for other things that someone else did!

  • @Kasadoll June 20, 2024

    I will say this Richard Nixon does seem a lot better than any president that's been in office during my lifetime… Keep in mind I'm a lefty

  • @pokethegreat4145 June 20, 2024

    Didn't nixon supported Bengal genocide happening cuz of pakistani army in 1971😊

  • @thuyluong5925 June 20, 2024

    I love the fact that the men graduates are like "Oh wtf"when they first see girls with them but not 5 secs later they were like: Yay!

  • @charliebaker5499 June 20, 2024

    “Weren’t tyranny and violence the reasons why we opposed communism in the first place? Or was it fear of the lower class rising up against the rich?” Good Lord that goes hard!

  • @victoriaman117 June 20, 2024

    “The same people that got Kennedy got me”- Richard Milhouse Nixon

  • @AFT_05G June 20, 2024

    I just don't get it, Nixon was supposed to be a liberal's one of the favourite presidents but he's somehow far more respected or less disliked by conservatives.Ah, that bloody partisanship.

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