July 7, 2024
Property and Financial Crimes

How Congress Gets Rich from Insider Trading | Hasanabi Reacts to Johnny Harris

Hasan reacts to Johnny Harris breaking down the biggest Wall Street scandals that US congress has gotten away with and why they have never been punished for it!

Edited By:
Intro Animation By:
Outro Animation By:
Music Composition By:
(Yes, right now it’s just me making everything)

Editor’s Note: My edits were all made to keep the video on one, central topic by editing together relevant commentary from many parts of Hasan’s streams to create a storyline that is still followable by the viewer. I also edited in commentary of my own in places, in addition to relevant external information that improves the viewing experience. A lot of edits were made for comedy purposes, or to enhance the comedic timing of certain beats, but never to misrepresent Hasan’s point of view.

If you like my edits, leave a Comment, Like, and Subscribe. It helps a lot, thank you 🙂

Discussion Video:

Unless otherwise stated, all visuals, audio, and commentary added during the editing process is created and owned by Hasan Reactions.

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About Hasan:
Hasan Piker is Political Commentator turned Twitch Streamer (#13) known for his Turkish heritage and leftist takes, often speaking on topics like Socialism, Communism, Capitalism, and Marxism (and occasionally 9/11). He loves reacting to political news, and occasionally goes on IRL adventures with his friends. He likes to react to popular media content with his audience as well, such as Jubilee, JCS (Jim Can’t Swim), Joe Rogan, Andrew Tate, Ben Shapiro, Steven Crowder, True Crime, trending Twitter posts or TikToks, and other creative videos.



  • @timmeeow June 29, 2024

    The explanation of the republican-democrat differences in handling insider trading is representative of the two groups entirely. ~15:40

  • @aaronkelley8909 June 29, 2024

    Then they go on TV and call each other “corrupt”

  • @JediKlai June 29, 2024

    Wth? I can’t believe countries less developed (like mine) have tougher laws about inside trading. One of the consequences is jail. I guess USA is freer to do imoral things by the people in power.

  • @Crazy09starkillor June 29, 2024

    You can't leverage their trades since it is severely lagging. So no, you can't "speculate the same" as them. By the time you even see the news it's too late. They front run extremely early.

  • But its us dumbass poors that are the problem 🙄

  • @gregwillett2710 June 29, 2024

    This is one of THE MOST MADDENING SEGMENTS EVER. If I hear this RIDICULOUS "probable cause" argument one more time – this stupid idea that "there's no way to prove one way or the other" – I will lose my mind lol. That's not true. It's INHERENTLY PROVEN BEYOND ALL DOUBT.

  • @fartsmella69420 June 29, 2024

    36:46 even kaya was laughing

  • @dirtyalex5973 June 29, 2024

    Bro these senators have walls

  • Love how a teen (possibly black or poor) friend on Instagram with an alleged gang related person is basically a criminal, while this is all regular buisness

  • The problem isn’t that there’s no way to prove it, the problem is that there’s no way to CRIMINALLY CHARGE THEM FOR WHAT IS EVIDENT

  • @YellatBrandon June 29, 2024

    i cannot heAR ANYTHING WTF

  • @darkfox2401 June 29, 2024

    Its Illegal for them to do this. They collapse our economy and cause people to die for money than nothing gets done.

  • @eonnoe June 29, 2024

    All these fines should be paid in jail with prisoner wage rates

  • @Relers. June 29, 2024

    "y-y-you can't make good financial decisions! that's unfair!"

  • @karl_margs June 29, 2024

    So gross to see invest bros look at what the Pelosis do and say "we should do that" rather than "hey that's messed up"

  • @evanvanwormer6805 June 29, 2024

    Sometimes I wish Hasan would shut the fuck up and let a video finish it’s sentence. So often he’ll pause to rant about the video not addressing something that it literally addresses 20 seconds later.

  • Life feels like one big Ponzi scheme!

  • @vassinarain June 29, 2024

    Bro they’re laughing at your face while fucking you with these interviews. You can see they’re smirking. It’s time you took those arms you so constitutionally love and used them for good. French Revolution these guys, it’s been so long they forgot they bleed just like everybody else

  • @kirko5246 June 29, 2024

    kaya is so big now OMG

  • @noahmarosok8168 June 29, 2024

    return to tradition

  • @h.l4650 June 29, 2024

    Johnny harris my favorite liberal

  • @straightblast569 June 29, 2024

    This is criminal get all the money back they scammed out of us by manipulating the market

  • @straightblast569 June 29, 2024

    Everyone needs to watch this all round western countries

  • @kami2099 June 29, 2024

    Is it just me, or is the background music louder that the vocal audio?
    Was his mic off?

  • @blueforyoulove1948 June 29, 2024

    He is so out of pocket for that joke 🤭 you know the one

  • @Rompelstaump June 29, 2024

    Johnny Harris

  • @mounne13 June 29, 2024

    And to think, this stuff is happening daily under everyone's noses because Sam Brinton stole another suitcase and Dylan Mulvaney is on a beercan.

    Or some black kid breathed

  • @EM_vi_ix June 29, 2024

    I don't know who he works for but a lot of Johnny Harris's videos feel like propaganda.

  • @BoopMeHard June 29, 2024

    This sht is infuriating

  • @j0j0dartiste21 June 29, 2024

    I haven't gotten the end of it but Johnny Harris isn't being facetious?

  • @curmudgeon1933 June 29, 2024

    22:35. Do you really think Goldman Sachs bankers are NOT committing insider trading through proxies? $10 million dollar salaries and obscene pensions, bonuses and benefit packages, are never enough for these sociopaths. There are plenty of jurisdictions with opaque banking practices, many of them in the US. Biden's home state of Delaware is one of the most notorious.

  • @VARMOT123 June 29, 2024

    ro khanna's wife stocks are in blind trust . harris din't even mention that

  • @-Mushroom_Kid- June 29, 2024

    I know Dianne Feinstein is a monster but the way Hasan describes her FEELS ableist.😂😂😂

  • @ryankelly8074 June 29, 2024

    It's not a free market if we don't all have access to all the information.

  • @_TriGN June 29, 2024

    17:00 just watching the old glizzard wizard atrioc

  • @joeyrufo June 29, 2024

    10:27 favorite brother in law of his brother in law 😅

  • @justoneman13 June 29, 2024

    Our lawmakers are blatantly prioritizing their own wealth over the prosperity of the people they're supposed to be serving, and that's problematic because it looks really bad. Great fucking take

  • From a socialist perspective, if individuals engaged in insider trading to consistently achieve a 25% return on investment, regardless of market changes, it would be argued that they should face legal consequences, including imprisonment. This perspective emphasizes the need for accountability and justice in economic systems.

    Insider trading is seen as a form of financial fraud that exploits asymmetrical access to information, enabling a select few to gain unfair advantages and accumulate wealth at the expense of others. In a socialist framework, such practices are viewed as fundamentally unjust and detrimental to the collective well-being.

    Imprisonment can serve as a means to hold individuals accountable for their actions and deter others from engaging in similar illegal activities. By enforcing strict penalties, including jail time, society can send a clear message that those who seek personal gain at the expense of others will face serious consequences.

    Additionally, from a socialist perspective, the punishment should not be limited to individuals engaging in insider trading. Efforts should be made to address the structural issues that enable and perpetuate such practices. This may involve implementing stricter regulations, increasing transparency, and fostering a fairer distribution of wealth and resources.

    Ultimately, the goal from a socialist standpoint would be to create a society where the financial system is more egalitarian, where economic power is not concentrated in the hands of a few, and where fairness and justice prevail. Imprisonment for those involved in insider trading would be seen as a step towards achieving this goal.

  • @AgitpropPsyop June 29, 2024

    I can’t help but to be filled with rage while watching this. We need more honesty in politics, we need more people like Bernie.

  • @aldenfriend9625 June 29, 2024


  • @majikss June 29, 2024

    Can you not do the dumb intro thing

  • @scarf420 June 29, 2024

    Hmmm… 25% abnormal return rate you say hmmmmmmmm

  • @needmoresnacks June 29, 2024

    Congress is like WAH BUT I SHOULD BE FREE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE STOCK MARKET. Okay then, do that and don't serve a government position and trade stocks instead. They are supposed to be SERVING the people. They make it a much less free market.

  • @dentyH June 29, 2024

    the amount of drama contained in johnnys editing passively raises my stress levels so much that I can barely get thru a vid these days. like please can you be less absolute in everything you say sir im suffocating

  • @tomnelson341 June 29, 2024

    Can't say Im surprised to hear any of this. Capitalism is inherently corrupt.

  • @dr.zoidberg8666 June 29, 2024

    I love how the free market always seems to freely make the rich richer & poor poorer.

    It's almost as if "one dollar, one vote," recreates feudal aristocracy where poor people have no say at all.

  • @winnow1668 June 29, 2024

    Johnny is a glowie its true, its damn true

  • @DarkMustard1337 June 29, 2024

    even Ro? got damn

  • @MGC-XIII June 29, 2024

    Want to be a successful criminal? Go into politics in the US.

  • @Amylenka1585 June 29, 2024

    I would literally get fired and jailed if I ever attempted this in my finance job so I am bamboozled that they can get away with this..

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