July 6, 2024
Property and Financial Crimes

How The EU Created The World's Deadliest Border

We hear a lot about the horrific border policy of the US, but very rarely does anyone mention Europe. Believe it or not, the deadliest border In the world isn’t shared with the US…but the EU. What’s going on here? How is Frontex, the EU border security organization, responsible for tens of thousands of preventable deaths?

This episode is a collaboration with Marxist Paul, so make sure to check out his video next:

How The EU Created The World’s Deadliest Border – Second Thought

New video every Friday!

Citations and Further Reading:

Biden likes walls

Frontex director resigns

Deaths in the Mediterranean



Frontex hides pushbacks


Frontex brief

New border walls in Europe

Frontex budget



“Concentration camp-like conditions”

Coast guard firing at migrants

Frontex maps

Biometric/AI use and discrimination

Failed reforms

Institutional EU support for Frontex

CNN clip

Capitalism and Borders



  • @user-pi9ke2yb3t June 19, 2024

    This video does not contain European perespecive. Look at the boats, there are only men, no families as in the case of immigration to the US. These young Africans are fleeing their country to rape the European welfare system, later they do not find jobs, they just form gangs and cause violence and insecurities around. . That is the main reason why we are afraid to let them into our Union.

  • The EU kills more people in The Mediterranean than trump expells in the USA

  • @SkiBeeTeaTap June 19, 2024

    "Like its some kind of invasion or a war"

    Mate its a migration crisis…why are you manipulating.

    This discusion has been in europe since 2015 and gues what. More left leaning people started to lean towards not leting the migrants in…but you dont talk about that.

    Black people where let in from ukraine. it was chaos caused by THE INVASION. They where letting women children first. and on those videos you showed only a bit of you can see black ladies on the train behind people that let them in.

    EU has every right to protect its borders because during the letting in of people in 2015 some of them where criminals, terrorists and spies. Because you guessed it just because someone is from africa doesnt mean theyre nice.heck, most of them are conservatives, not socialists XD. You litterally are making your votes count for less by letting them in and having less of socialist reforms.

    "Borders in capitalist countries" …my guy xD
    IF you crossed a border of communist Poland to communist Czechoslovakia. you would get shot at worst, arrested and send back at best.

    Its not the imigrant that steals a job its the capitalist that hires him for cheap labor. What you are seeing is slaves 2.0 coming in on their own to a old continent and you are being played like a fidle into making it easier for them. There are companies importing workers from india, banglasesh etc. This is capitalist doing.Dont believe me? There are videos on youtube from africa about people going around and giving people pamphlets about better life in europe and how it needs them and wants them.

    Not once the market that didnt have enough workers feared it self into obedience xD
    Less workers means less people that can do what you do. English peasants had a revolution right after the plague. Because they could afford it.
    Good manipulation with the materials and not providing source and

  • @kyleeames8229 June 19, 2024

    Skin color is not an IFF signal! Racism needs to find a hole to crawl into.

  • @mithocondriaaa9356 June 19, 2024

    lovely perspective from outside yurop

  • @omerta-omega June 19, 2024


  • @naalsocomment9449 June 19, 2024

    After watching another video of your's I thought this YT channel might be interesting to subscriber.
    However, after 5 minutes into this video and completely misinterpretation of the cause and situation but more significant, the misinterpretation of the legal law behind asylum seekers, it is obvious what type of channel this is.

    Some of my issues after 5 minutes:
    – most people are migrations (for economical reaons) not asylum seekers
    – 'push-back' is not a nice wording invented by Frontex but the term used by NGO to blame border patrols
    – you mixed Frontex (private owned company) and border guards (national border securities)
    – people are not only protected during the time of processing their application for asylum (which can take years not weeks) but then are very likely to move into a lawless void by not being under protection of asylum regulations but also not being willing to return home, create an increasing number of stateless and homeless people
    – people are considered refugees until they get to the first country not in war. This is, for people from sub-Sahara, Central Asia, per definition not Europe. Everyone arrive in EU is an exception of the law and not the norm. EU even paid Bosnia and Serbia quite some money to create camps because people didn't want to stay in those countries but wanted to cross to EU.
    – The issue with not denying illegal border crossing is that people will appy for asylum when they are cought inside the country and there is no way to avoid a long unnecessary process that often ends with asylum not being granted but after years of staying in the country the person can stay because of 'humanitarian' reasons.
    – For private companies or national border guards, it is not their duty to go 'up to the coast of Libya' (which is what NGO still do) but to rescue people at the border of the EU.
    – The cause of so many deaths it not that EU does not 'pick them up at eg Libya' and bring them to Europe but the reason is that haulers sell them passage to EU without proper equipment, food or water. The haulers tell them to wait until they are at sea and then call the international number for people in distress at sea (yes they have phones and even satilite phones).
    – It is abosluetly legal to not let people illegally cross the border, even if they want to apply for asylum, if certain procedures are met. This was confirmed by ECHR. (it is another story if Frontex and national guards do comply with the procedures).
    – people get pull-back into 'concentration camp-like conditions' … every looked to any refugee camp in the world? No where are nice living conditions. But those people are no refugees anyways. Pull-backs are just what would happen anyways when those people get their asylum application denied. Again, they are not refugees in legal terms
    – 'immigration is a normal thing to happen'… correct but why deliberatly mixing up asylum seekers and refugees with migration? There are certain procedures for each of them to follow. You cannot just mix words up and say it is the same. Following this logic there would be no illegal push-backs since migrants crossing the border is clearly illegal. Those numbers shown that you name as 'looks like invasion' are illegal immigrants trying to abuse the flaws and loopholes of broken laws on asylum.
    – 'against black and brown people' … here is the US centric view on the world. Well, yes because 'white' people are denied asylum completely lol.
    – 'media to look migration terrifying'… this is not true because most of the media coverage is about the death at sea and only periodically there is some report saying things like 'number reached 2015 migration crisis nivea… but no worries we don't have a crisis'. So yes about all European know about the situation on migrants. lol, like any European could not have heard about it.
    – Ukrainians refugees are treated better than southern migration… yes because it is a bordering country to EU. Those are real refugee according to definition and not some migrations from a country 1000km away

    So all in all a very biased video about EU and migration issues.
    (btw did you know that Europe accepted most western collaborators refugees from Afghanistan, the country that was destroyed by US?! And hundreds of people are still waiting for US VISA (yes, they don't get asylum in US but VISA only)… and they are waiting in Europe)

  • @timantim5449 June 19, 2024

    After watching this video u might be tempted to throw Europe and Frontex in a pit and set the pit on fire, but before u do that just imagine u live in a house next to a highway on the other side there's another house in this house live 100 people one of them gets his hand on a rifle and uses it to asume comand of the house he starts abusing the other 99 inhabitants making them do forced labor, executing them at will , 40 of the people decide to run so they cross the highway into traffic, 25 make it to the other side and they knock at ur door they tell u that they had to run from there house because of the man with the rifle , and they ask to live with u , u being a good person u allow it, so now in ur house live u , the other 60 inhabitants tha originally lived there plus the 25 refugees, now imagine that 2 out of those 25 refugees brought with them machetes and they start to use them against each other and against ur people, among this chaos that u have to fix with ur efforts because it's ur house, 50 more strangers from 3 more houses from the other side of the highway come to ur door and they domand the right to stay in ur house , u don't have the space or the facilities to accommodate all those people, u try to explain it to them but over 25/50 strangers don't speak ur language so they don't understand, so u lock the door, but then they try to break in anyway, they become more desperate and more violent , u decide enough is enough so u build a stronger door so ur not overrun, and imagine after doing all of that here come a dickhead liberal to point the finger at u cause some of the strangers died on the highway trying to brake in ur back yard and it's ur fault even tho u didn't drive the cars that hit them, now imagine the balls on this dickhead liberal to point the finger at u while he's sitting far away from all of this in a house wich supplies rifles to that one man that abuses people in the house on the other side of the highway.😅

  • @MT-ys6ju June 19, 2024

    These people are not refugees.. They are economic migrants.. Notice how they are mostly men.. Victims of human trafficking.. They are brainwashed into believing that if they come to the EU they will become rich, live a good life and will accomplish all their dreams.. These human traffickers charge them thousands of euros and take their entire life savings with the promise of getting them to Europe.. Of course the ones who make it, very quickly realise that it was all a lie.. Only a very very few lucky ones succeed..

  • @crowlsyong June 19, 2024

    this channel is unlike any other channel. thank you.

  • @svensnus1674 June 19, 2024

    The satisfying sneeze 😂

  • @rtdeutschlivestream June 19, 2024

    Check out first who is in EU and who’s not. Before you do such a silly video. Not every country here is EU. But I understand, too difficult for a person like you. Thank you.

  • @riverjane1223 June 19, 2024

    I don't trust organizations that wear an armband with their logo as part of their uniform

  • @onlylovesucceeds666 June 19, 2024

    in hospital? glad youre allright.
    and pls dont bother with the scedule if smthn like that ever happens again thats not really what you stand for is it? ^^
    great channel, love your vids
    yeah a bit late but anyways

  • @yms4355 June 19, 2024

    Thank you.

  • @rafaelnetto8304 June 19, 2024

    Watching this video while the whole Titanic situation is going on makes you wonder a lot of things

  • Oh yes.
    EU Mediterranean Sea border patrol: violating human rights since 1993.

  • So let me get this straight.

    They blame the human right violations on a guy that's been leading them since 2015 even though they have a history of human rights violations in the past, and the guy from 2015 could have just been caught in the crossfire trying to fix the damn problem.

  • @Souchirouu June 19, 2024

    Great video!

  • @KozelPraiseGOELRO June 19, 2024

    If I was a politician with enough power, I would let immigrants get permanent residency after 2-5 years of work in my country, and while they are working, they would be protected from being deported and have guaranted the basic rights (including right to a job). Aside of letting people cross easily if they come to get a job here.

    I thought about this even before becoming a leftist.

  • @ComradeRakosi June 19, 2024

    I advise you to at least if you take time to make a video about this topic that you at least do a research, like what you said about Hungary is literally bullshit, most of the country are not fond of the immigrants and surprise not even the Hungarian communists.
    I get it that you asked Paul but the problem is that Paul is not from the center of the Immigrant problem, so that was a waste of time.
    American talking about the situation in Europe without correct knowledge is like I talking about the US Civil War without knowing when even started.

  • @garyfookins9968 June 19, 2024

    good point, no borders makes sense now thanks

  • @bodeapaul3259 June 19, 2024

    idk what to say about it, i.m a student in engineering and dont really have any fear about my future job but i have a fear about my safety cuz i was raised in a part of town with many Gypsies and i got beaten many times and robed. i cant imagine this emigrants being much more different.

  • @MrMarinus18 June 19, 2024

    I would like to see more about Europe both it's internal and external policies. Many say the EU economy is about to collapse due to it's welfare state and soft companies that can't handle the cut throat competition. But if it actually manages things well I think even if the economic decline does happen I don't think it needs to be relevant.

  • @whitneyANDbunny June 19, 2024

    If you want to help the world (as a white man) DONT HAVE KIDS…. or your DIRECTLY supporting white supremacy

  • @BrenaMagdalena June 19, 2024

    Reminds me of the Pakistani character on Squid games story 🙁

  • @IvanDmitriev1 June 19, 2024

    It's quite interesting because if they were no subsidies to EU companies in Africa, and no European and American interventionism, there would also be no "unorganized" – that is – spontaneous – illegal immigration – because there'd be no stake to get subsidies and there'd be also a lot less international corruption there. It also bears repeating that those illegal and legal and unqualified immigrants are basically the reserve labour pool for the "bourgeoisie" to keep the labor forces down using salary and various other types of economic dumping policies in order to extract themselves from paying a fair wage or maintain the social contract. An actual "Fortress Europe" , as opposed to the "Capitalist Sieve Europe" would neither exert any military strenght abroad for the benefit of private actors, nor would need or have any migration.

    Lastly, migration is indeed a threat, because that's how the current situation in Ukraine happened – Stalin and the MGB/OGPU exterminated and deported the Ukrainian cossacs (an armed minority who would actually take up arms against mass migration of the sort) to the Baikal region in Russia (to expropriate land of the Tungusic and Altaic native people there using those deported as slave-soldiers) and opened unrestricted migration of Russians to the Donbass to create a complete population replacement to colonize this region. The same was tried (unsuccessfully, because the poorer Dutch never had a large enough birthrate nor a significant military presence ) in Dutch Indonesia by trying to "outbreed" the native Indonesians, unsuccessfully in French Indochina (where the same fate awaited the poorer French colonizers) and semi-successfully in French Algeria from 1885 to 1950ies. The same was done from the Ming times to Vietnam; which is why there were ethnic cleansings during the 2 Vietnam wars, and basically which is why Vietnamese boat people aren't necesarily innocent victims they are universally portrayed to be – sometimes this was retribution for colonization towards the Chinese Vietnamese, yes surely towards a generation which did not "colonize themselves", but of a generation which profited from a structurally racist society which was actually oriented towards promoting the interest of the Chinese imperial subjects in Vietnam over those of the native Vietnamese. Same can be said of South East Asia and the Pacific Islands, which is why nobody is probably going to get the entire truth over the ethnic cleansings in Indonesia, the PRC-ROC civil war, the Malay struggle for independence and so on. It's simply too dirty of a laundry to be aired and too profitable of an oppression claim for every participating side to open up instead of continuing to keep it quiet.

    Literally sending hordes of poor people, while threatening a country's elite (in an unsophisticated manner – with guns, but that was rarely done in most massive colonization efforts, mostly – merely hinting at them losing their elite status is enough to ensure their cooperation and by using corruption and nepotism of one group against another group for the colonizer's benefit) was thus a universal method of colonisation even before capitalsm – you can look up the histories of the Champa, Khmer and Viet kindgoms, using those tactics, for example, way before capitalism existed there. You should really read about biopower and colonization, before you blunder into a topic like that next time.

    Edit: and I mean – USA was founded out of a religious extremist idea to create an ideal religious camp where their bretheren would dominate with an ultranatalist policy to outbreed and outgun the natives, no capitalism required.

  • @Dominiksama June 19, 2024

    It is ridiculous. You obviously have not idea about the state of Europe. Let me enlighten you. I live in Germany. Approx. 84 million inhabitants. We got over the past 10 years millions (un unbelieavable amount) of migrants. The huge majority of them seek better lives in Europa as they would have in africa (a friend of mine works in deportation, he had a lot of contact with them)

    I don't blame theme individually, since everyone tries their best to get a good prespective for life. But open borders are absolutely impossible. What do you expect? 84 million Germans to accept 10-15 (i don't know how many you think would come) million immigrants? Do you really believe the social system could manage that? It already bearly manages. There are news every day how cities cannot find space for migrants and housing is already a catastrophe here. It is simply not possible! Also even if they arrive here most don't manage to integrate because learning the language is very difficult (courses are offered but still most will not manage).

    I admit that how the EU handles the Border is a catastrophe. But removing the Border would also result in a catastrophy. You are abolutely right how people in 3rd world countries are exploited for a wage where even living there is not possible but what do you think is the cost of the people living in europa? I travelled a lot through asia and the cost of living there is a lot less. Paying a little more would allow them to have a decent living in their countries instead of working minimum wage in europa and barely managing. Only improving the conditions in the countries where people migrate from can stop that huge movement of people. (But of course many companies will not allow for their profits to perish….)

  • @RainbxwPvP June 19, 2024

    This video cannot ring more true following the recent tragedy off the shores of Italy

  • @MaFFi1987 June 19, 2024

    There are no racist countries in the EU. Babble.

  • This is the first time I'm hearing about these problems and it's been an eye opener. Great video and thanks for bringing light to such an important topic!

  • @gaeron1305 June 19, 2024

    The way I see it, America can't both have stronger socialist policies and open borders. If I had my way I'd strangle the border and do all the socialists policies. If we make Mexico more hospitable we could greatly decrease the spread.

  • @ligdjumvidja8294 June 19, 2024

    Europe destroyed and ruined future of global south and now when people have nothing left in their countries and they only want a better life , europeans make it look like the whole thing is arbitrary.

  • @yiannchrst June 19, 2024

    I knew there was propaganda, but to that extend? I am Greek and when I heard about the thing you said that a border control officer shot an immigrant I was shocked. I hadn't heard about that, so I did a bit of research and no Greek news outlets have written anything about this (ok, my research wasn't very deep, but still). I have some more thoughts on this matter, but this insight, I hope, was useful…

  • @ArturCzajka June 19, 2024

    Can't really argue, but thank you for noticing Poland 🇵🇱, I guess 🤷

  • @StNick119 June 19, 2024

    As an Irishman, thank you so much for drawing light to the unforgivable atrocities of today's Europe, my continent.
    I just returned from a protest outside the Greek embassy, against Greece's arrest and trial of Seán Binder and other humanitarian workers on trumped up charges. What they're really being threatened for is helping migrants land safely once they've reached the shores.

  • @NukeGunray June 19, 2024

    Great video! It's nice to see some content on this channel that is not focussed on the USA

  • @mohammedbelgoumri June 19, 2024

    As an Algerian, I can attest to the fact that many of those dead are not fleeing danger or persecution, but simply seeking access to the better opportunities of the EU. That number includes many of y fellow Algerians, and it is an open secret here that a young man's ultimate goal in life should be to reach Europe via traditional immigration or through the help of human traffickers. I don't think your "non refoulement" objection applies to those. And while I can't provide exact statistics, I would wager these make the better part of people trying to reach the EU through the Mediterranean.

  • @its_gerryz14 June 19, 2024

    As a Greek i can confirm our coast guard is especially…. kind, with the immigrants. As our media put it. (that's especially since the last goverment still running rn is a right wing pro capitalist one. They're even trying to privatize the capital city's water supply…)

  • @lexa_power June 19, 2024

    I’ve had the incredibly good fortune of meeting a lot of people from all over the world who are also socialists – wonder if we just happen to sort of find each other in social settings, kind of like I seem to do with other LGBTQ folks? So maybe I’ve just gotten very lucky.

    It’s possible that living in Los Angeles, the type of people who choose to come here for a visit / as tourists / or to move here just skew a lot more left than people who choose to go to, say, moderate New York or Republican Florida 😂 Literally never sat down and thought about this until this video. I still very much so have a little constant fear inside me about being a socialist living in this city, like any moment they’ll take me out to Pasadena and interrogate me like it’s 1950 🤦🏼‍♀️ so I don’t tend to take enough time to be grateful that MOST of the people who migrate here are awesome.

  • @codemonster8443 June 19, 2024
  • @gracenotme671 June 19, 2024

    Egyptian here. I honestly wish more people in the west watched your videos, because most of them don’t realise the privileged positions that they’re in, and how much they could help others if they were to speak out against their governments’ injustices against the Middle East, other regions, and even their own countries. I’m ever grateful for people like you; people who care equally about everyone, fellow or foreign

  • @Cheretruck_ June 19, 2024

    Why not just add feminizing hormones with sterilizing drugs to water supply of refugee camps, and endlessly show refugee kids a trans agenda. Also, abolish their families, and take their kids to goveremt.

  • @UnholyAle June 19, 2024

    Well I’m not staying in the us

  • @truthismycause2800 June 19, 2024

    Good job, Frontex!👍💪

  • @MultiFederico01 June 19, 2024

    Applause from Italy. Thank you.

  • As a European (german) Im absolutely horrified. Even though I watch and read lot of investigative content and did know some of the atrocious acts of Frontex, I had absolutely no idea of the extend of it. Thank you for this video, ill make sure to share it to spread awareness

  • @dion789 June 19, 2024

    I don't know about other European countries, but there have been news items about discrimination against black Ukranian refugees and how the EU tries to forcibly stop refugees coming from Africa. There's a lot discussion about immigration and there's something to say for both sides. A lot of us want to help people who need it. On the other hand, a comedian rightfully described the Netherlands as a neighbourhood with some gardens in reference to how the country is built full with barely any nature left. We're hugely overpopulated. I welcome people who need help because I think it's important, yet I can't wait to leave this overpopulated country myself. I absolutely hate how full of people it is. I totally get why everyone wants to come here, but the more people do, the more we all resemble sardines in a can. A lot of Dutch people have the hearts to help immigrants, but geographically our tiny country doesn't have the land mass to sustain them all. Several people in my family have already moved abroad to less densely populated countries.

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