July 8, 2024
Cyber and Organized Crimes

Human Trafficking in America: Myths and Realities

Are politicians making the same mistakes with sex trafficking as they did with the war on drugs? What effects have stricter laws had on consenting sex workers? Is forced prostitution a growing problem?

On Monday, August 3, Reason Foundation Director of Criminal Justice Reform Lauren Galik moderated a discussion at Reason’s Washington D.C. office about the myths and realities of human trafficking in America, the misguided ways government is addressing the issue, and how these laws are undermining recent criminal justice reform progress.

The participants include: Sex Workers Outreach Project board member and Georgetown University researcher Katie Hail-Jares, Families Against Mandatory Minimum Government Affairs Counsel Molly Gill, and Reason Staff Editor Elizabeth Nolan Brown.

About 40 minutes.

Filmed and edited by Joshua Swain.

Scroll down for downloadable versions of this video, and don’t forget to subscribe to Reason TV’s YouTube channel for daily content like this.



  • @llamasarus1 July 1, 2024

    Sex workers? Just say 'prostitute' or 'porn actress'.

  • @williamchase5698 July 1, 2024

    From someone actually combating trafficking…

  • @wordplay799 July 1, 2024

    In the 1992 I met a girl, we got married and in 1996 we had a daughter. In 2002 after a long separation we divorced. In 1998 she told me that she was a sex worker, she did shifts at a "massage parlor" and also worked in a room in a flat where the local crack and smack dealing pimp lived and had been doing this for over 2 years She told me her biggest regret was that she hadn't become a prostitute earlier in her life. Then she brought a 14 year old boy into the marital home we lived in with our child and told me that this boy was her true love and would be sleeping upstairs in our bedroom and it was up to me where I wanted to sleep. I was denied access to my child, she had reported me to social services and the police for "abuse" to her and my daughter. Complete and utter lies. That little girl wanted to make her mummy happy so said whatever her mummy told her to. Then she told her family that I had got her addicted to drugs when the truth was that she'd done pretty well in that respect all by herself. I had no contact with her or my child for a very long time. After several rehabs and relapses She died young. Not quite 40.⚰☠

  • @hippyvan July 1, 2024

    She took an unnecessary jab at Jada Pinkett Smith… this whole panel is "random"… oh yea and down with human trafficking

  • @itsmatt2105 July 1, 2024

    According to US DOJ stats, there are less than 200 cases of "human trafficking" in the US each year. That is >200 too many but not a big enough deal to throw more money at. Over 10,000. people die each year just in drunk driving crashes, close to 300,000 are injured in same, a million babies get aborted a year. These are real problems that deserve to the the smack down put on them. A hot button emotional issue with statistically 0 victims is not a crisis just because it involves females, it's a jobs program for a few women with women's studies degrees. I couldn't even finish the video.

  • @hattorihanzo2275 July 1, 2024

    Legalizing Prostitution: From Illicit Vice to Lawful Business by Ronald Weitzer is a book I'd highly recommend that explores many reasons how sex works is safer across the board when legal.

  • The host's "up-speak" is really obnoxious.

  • @nustada July 1, 2024

    1) -$1500
    2) -$2000
    3) $1000
    4) $750

  • @Mastikator July 1, 2024

    Katie sits there in a pajamas and drinks beer. I like her style

  • @magister343 July 1, 2024

    I might support Kate's Law if it were amended to only apply to the Federal agents who are so negligent as to leave their firearms unsecured out in public where anyone could come pick it up and accidentally shoot someone.

  • @Ozma337 July 1, 2024

    Will you PLEASE stop calling the sale of sex "massage"?! It's getting out of control. 
    I'm all for legalization of prostitution (especially so they quit claiming to be and advertising as though they're actual therapists), & I hate all the political correct crap too. But I am fucking pissed that these whores keep up the "massage" charade, and even more pissed to keep hearing the word "massage' used interchangeably with sex for money. Not only has it  cast a shadow on the entire spa & bodywork industry, but it puts legitimate licensed massage therapists in very real physical danger from (albeit stupid) men who think they can treat us like … well, whores. 
    It's gotten so out of hand that I no longer tell new people I meet what I do. And the high end day spa I work for has had to go to the length of making all our clients sign a document acknowledging that if they even hint at anything sexual, we'll end the session instantly & have cops waiting for them in our lobby by the time they've changed into their clothes. (We have lost great clients as a result of them feeling insulted as a result.) 
    So please stop denigrating educated, licensed, medical professionals, who paid  huge sums of money in tuition, national board exams, licensing fees, etc., in favor of validating prostitutes by calling what they do "massage'.

  • @8520204 July 1, 2024

    In the mid-eighteen hundreds Britain had over 200 capital crimes on the books. One of these hanging offenses was for the stealing  of one-pound of cotton.

  • @Berelore July 1, 2024

    Wait you cut out the Q&A wtf reason?

  • @maxjosephwheeler July 1, 2024

    blah blah blah…..get to it already….

  • @d8d810 July 1, 2024

    If prostitution was legal the problem would be solved.  Government created this problem.

  • @Lurch685 July 1, 2024

    the second one from the left could have not dressed like she just rolled out of bed for this.

  • @AKlover July 1, 2024

    Were all the female audience pushed forward to appear in camera or were there actual non-employee women at a Libertarian event???

    Libertarian gatherings tend to 99% sausage fests.

  • @be4unvme July 1, 2024

    Were they drinking beer?

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