The Real Crime Diary Blog Property and Financial Crimes INSIDER TRADING? Pelosi DEFENDS Congressional Stock Trading | The News & Why It Matters | Ep 926
Property and Financial Crimes

INSIDER TRADING? Pelosi DEFENDS Congressional Stock Trading | The News & Why It Matters | Ep 926

INSIDER TRADING? Pelosi DEFENDS Congressional Stock Trading | The News & Why It Matters | Ep 926

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is asked about the increased crime in San Francisco and claims the “attitude of lawlessness … springs from I don’t know where.” Nothing to do with the defund the police movement, huh? And Pelosi loves the free market all of a sudden, as she defends congressional stock trading. Anti-vax protesters were arrested in an Applebee’s in New York City. And lastly, North Korea publicly executes people just for sharing K-Pop music.

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  • @plightfoot8491 July 2, 2024

    Typical corrupt politician ok for me not for thee

  • @stevegrgas4535 July 2, 2024

    She is the offspring of mafia lineage. The apple hasn’t fallen far from the tree. She is a thug plain and simple.

  • @jdoubleu7905 July 2, 2024

    Let her rot behind bars.

  • @berenjervin July 2, 2024

    I know where the crime spree is coming from….its coming from democrats.
    Someone needs to get Durham investigating congress for possible crimes (kinda like what dems push for on Trump). Betcha three quarters of democrats end up in prison.

  • @cgoad5045 July 2, 2024

    You'll never get criminals to prosecute themselves.

  • It is written in 2nd Timothy 3 of how the people will be in the end times u should check it out

  • Martha Stewart went to jail for insider trading why does Nancy and congressional think it's OK LOCK HER UP

  • @donniey.8891 July 2, 2024

    And yet everyone complains but no one does anything ever

  • Put Pelosi in jail with her ice cream!!

  • @stevenwagner4790 July 2, 2024

    This is why the get in office, to make themselves and there buddies richer NOT help the people! It's discussing and they all need to go!

  • @Stormprobe July 2, 2024

    People getting tattoos saying “Please don’t kill me. Thank you.”

  • @kingallsup4 July 2, 2024

    Yes to all of them its illegal lock them up

  • @chrishalling8518 July 2, 2024

    I think that anyone elected to serve as a politician should only be allowed to invest in penny stocks. No crypto, no nasdaq, no s&p, no foreign markets. See how many will run for 30 years then.

  • @airink8114 July 2, 2024


  • @ianbrown9082 July 2, 2024

    Dumbacrats have no self awareness

  • @65chevy27 July 2, 2024

    Hoodies need to be out law'd, it is a tool use by people to hide their ID's race, age.

  • @rebeccagray986 July 2, 2024

    She's paid too much! She's not worth $147,000 (or whatever).

  • @annsmith5913 July 2, 2024

    Also Chili’s SUCKS!!

  • @paulmartin2386 July 2, 2024

    Congress/Senate should have what's called a "Blind Trust" – an anonymous/protected trustee who handles all of their personal investments while they are in office.

  • Most of these attackers are young true but they are also "people of color" for the most part so is this why we can't enforce the law? We might offend the perpetrators?? Enforcing the law is racist?? BS.

  • @slamshift6927 July 2, 2024

    Just fucking say it. They're all BLACK.


  • @rossmeldrum3346 July 2, 2024

    Nancy Pelosi questions why all the looting and yet continues to allow politicians to loot the stock market. Can we all say HYPOCRITE??

  • @richardbalogh6452 July 2, 2024

    They can't legally arrest you sue the pants off of New York through the mirror through the police department it's time for people to stand up. Sometimes I don't feel bad about what happened in California New York because the idiots voted for him you get what you vote for dumbasses tired of listening to everybody cry do something about it quit whining cop shows up to your door do something to me make him understand he can't do that to you the word is I will not comply and here's my gun to show you why and people in New York and in California need to be packing and when they come to take it use it that's what the laws therefore that's why you have a second amendment nobody's allowed to come to you and say either take it or we put you in jail give them your bullets that's what the second amendment's for they can't take away your second amendment but you have to fight for it sometimes the blood of patriots must be spilled to water the tree of Liberty life and freedom wake up America you're being enslaved

  • @bopsonline3935 July 2, 2024

    Term limits prevent many problems, try slipping it in one of these omnibus bills that nobody has time to read. Asking people for health information before providing goods or services violates HIPPA regulations doesn't it?

  • @getsumeimarson2628 July 2, 2024

    It's sad to hear of those ceos resignation.

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