July 7, 2024
Cyber and Organized Crimes


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You can also access and download the full text of Irena Kraja’s intervention in English and French by clicking to the links below:

Irena Kraja’s intervention in the December 8, 2020 adlaudatosi webinar: Impact Of Human Trafficking On Health: Healing.


Irena Kraja is a psychologist and coordinator of the Mary Ward Loreto Foundation Advice and Service Center in Tirana (Albania).
When asking survivors of human trafficking, they are not able to give a definition of what it is and how it feels. But they can explain it through words like: terror, prison, feeling guilty, feeling lost, feeling dead.
There is no single profile of a victim of trafficking. Victims of human trafficking are survivors of trafficking, but also survivors of trauma, so these two cannot be separated.
It takes time to heal. One person can fully recover from the trauma endured if trauma informed approaches and care are used. This means understanding the physical, social and emotional impact of trauma on the individual, as well as on professionals who help them.

Irena Kraja is Coordinator / Psychologist at MWL Advice & Service Center of Tirana ASC (Albania).

You can also access the video of this webinar available with translations in French, Italian, German, Spanish, Russian and Chinese on the adlaudatosi website: www.adlaudatosi.org

The webinars are organized by the Ambassador of the Sovereign Order of Malta to monitor and combat trafficking in persons with the Collège Universitaire Henry-Dunant, in cooperation with Sister Mirjam Beike, RGS, Representative at the UN in Geneva for the Sisters of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd.

Please visit the following websites:

Links to download full text intervention:




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