July 5, 2024
Property and Financial Crimes

Is Farage’s Reform bounce over? | The News Agents

The latest numbers from More in Common suggest that Nigel Farage may come to regret his comments over Putin and the Ukraine war.

Reform has slipped back in the polls – and one in four voters believe that Farage is sympathetic to Putin.

How will any of this play into the way people vote for his party next week?

But we start with the gambling scandal.

Keir Starmer has become the latest party leader to dispatch a candidate for betting – after Ipswich candidate Kevin Craig was found to have placed a bet on himself losing. North of the border, the Conservatives Scottish Secretary has come under fire for his own political flutter – even though it was not done with any inside knowledge. Are we in danger of descending into moral panic over any gambling?

#nigelfarage #reformuk #generalelection2024 #rishisunak #keirstarmer #conservatives #labour #taylorswift #polls #News #Politics #NewsAgents #EmilyMaitlis #JonSopel #LewisGoodall

Download The News Agents with Emily Maitlis, Jon Sopel and Lewis Goodall from 5PM every weekday on Global Player:

Emily Maitlis, Jon Sopel and Lewis Goodall – three of the UK’s top journalists – host a brand-new daily news podcast: The News Agents.

They’re not just here to tell you what’s happening, but why. Expect astute analysis and explanation of the day’s news – and a healthy dose of scepticism and the ability to laugh at it all when needed!

Episodes are available every weekday afternoon.

The News Agents is a Global Player Original podcast.



  • @Hugh9 July 1, 2024

    Farage is only interested in power.

  • @regwedde July 1, 2024


  • @JimmyTimmy-wh8dz July 1, 2024

    Politicians gambling..? Never before? Not last month or last year? All these politicians decided to do it now!! Bs

  • @charlespirate1 July 1, 2024

    Please please please please stop the “it’s John, it’s Emily…” schtick it is so cringe.

  • @newpeasantsrevolt July 1, 2024

    That’s what you want to think the metropolitan self appointed elite. So desperate to stop Farage and Reform that channel 4 hire an actor to pretend t to volunteer and then meet him and film him saying utter nonsense. Channel 4 set out to undermine Farage but just proved yet again the sort of outfit they are and undermine themselves

  • @Woofersgalore July 1, 2024

    Come on….. are all police officers MEN!!!!! How many times did you refer to the officers being men…..You are supposed to represent fairness and inclusivity…..the police service opened its doors to women a long time ago.

  • @sonofsomerset1695 July 1, 2024

    Reform is only just getting started now the fraudulent CH4 hitpeice is being is being exposed as an election interference staged hit piece!

  • @BoiseLou July 1, 2024

    Without a realism vs. liberalism perspective of what is happening in Ukraine that discusses the viewpoint of this as a proxy war between the USA and Russia, no one ends up having a realistic argument regarding Farage's comments. I find Farage's opinion on many things appalling, but these comments were not naive to what is happening in Eastern Europe between the USA (NATO, CIA, and the executive branch of American govt), Ukraine, and Russia.

    It is, however, naive to assume that Ukraine can win this war – whether you agree with the actions of Putin or not. The legacy media knows that Ukraine will not win the war against Russia, and is in fact losing heavily, but it chooses to toe the line of US State Department propaganda regardless.

  • @Nemesis-ie2qf July 1, 2024


  • @g0801215 July 1, 2024

    It's illegal in sports so why not politics?

  • @paulhcan July 1, 2024

    Farage copying Trumps homework fits in nicely with his Grifter reputation

  • @davidnelmes5357 July 1, 2024

    The Farage bounce was over before it started. Content matters and his opinions (are they policies?) appeal to a minority on the right. He operates in that constituency. There is another much larger portion of the electorate where it will make a very small impact. Electoral loser.

  • @robb2650 July 1, 2024

    The way I look at it is they tried the smear tactics with Trump and it's backfiring massively and the same thing is happening with farage he's trying to fix the country and the media have done nothing but smear reform and farage

  • @dandlion1958 July 1, 2024

    Left wing A holes

  • @johnn4842 July 1, 2024

    What a load of twaddle – betting with insider knowledge is morally and ethically wrong and should be treated harshly. Even the Labour guy – done as a joke or not – was displaying a form of insider knowledge. As for the Tory who made three bets – if I wanted to hide my intent, I would not make just one bet. Making multiple bets gives a hint of deniability – and clearly you guys think that when you said he made three bets – so it couldn’t be insider knowledge. And yes, if Starmer was to uncover other Labour candidates betting on the election, he should fire them also.

  • @finnjones9979 July 1, 2024

    Apologists for insider trading ffs

  • You guys are just too great

  • @adamlee3772 July 1, 2024

    Six percent say what? Shut up Emily. FFS.

  • @lesleylamy July 1, 2024

    Of course people are beginning to see the light, he is only full of wind

    Its fraud, its a crime, its like insider trading. These people are shameless and think they are above the law 🎪🤡🧛🏻‍♀️

  • @video-carl July 1, 2024

    "Last time I looked, [gambling] was completely legal". Look again, Jon 🙂 Gambling is regulated and laws have been created to prevent gambling under some conditions. When law-makers break those laws, they need to be held account. No moral panic required.

  • @stanjenkinson4520 July 1, 2024

    The News Agents!!! I thought it was the BBC I was watching😢😢

  • @debbiepowell6751 July 1, 2024

    How do you know the person in the room did not pass on the information to the mp in Scotland and he placed 3 bets to cover his tracks.
    All gambling should be banned just as it is for footballer.

  • @unaontour July 1, 2024

    If they betting on themselves to win then that's dodgy but maybe okay but if they're betting on themselves to lose … that's match fixing or insider trading. If you have the ability to sway the outcome in the favour of your bet then that has to be a crime.

  • @willharris2278 July 1, 2024

    Your country needs you to do your duty and vote Reform. Say no the 2 party political merry go round of corruption, lies, and broken promises.

  • @StookyBill July 1, 2024

    It should just be illegal to vote if you're a politician altogether

  • @stephenkerensky710 July 1, 2024

    IN 2012, the UNHCR wensite posted 1.5 million Ukrainians had applied for asylum in Russia. Two years later, they were no longer there. Possibly or probably they`d been housed by Russian relatives. Ukraine was part of Russia (Kievan Rus)in 800 AD before England was England. In 1550 (approx) Ivan IV (Terrible or Thunderer) drove theMongol oppressors out of Ukraine & Catherine the Great built all their cities. But I still think Farage is demented.

  • @ProTantoQuid July 1, 2024

    In what world do you lot live? Having seen how most people reacted yto Sunak's passive response to betting on the election, what rational opponent in an election period would be so complacent as to react to another betting episode by doing nothing? The Press is neither neutral nor fair. At best lazy.

  • @stephfoxwell4620 July 1, 2024

    Reform on 18% now.
    Tories on 20% and retaining only 75 seats.

  • @colincampbell4261 July 1, 2024

    Reform plc want to cut "overseas" spending…….?

  • @JohnSmith-mn6jz July 1, 2024

    He's on facebook… 😂😂😂

  • @colincampbell4261 July 1, 2024

    UK people are being misled about the war in Ukraine.

  • @returner323617 July 1, 2024

    OK, but when a sitting Tory candidate bets £8,000 on himself losing, there's a huge incentive for him to influence things…and it's pretty easy to say "the wrong thing". A lazy £50 "Gallows humour" bet is one thing, but "life-changing" money is another…

  • @mungojones July 1, 2024

    Yes. Obviously he has to come down hard. We need politicans that have high standards and are held to account and not all crooks.

  • @paulbrady5561 July 1, 2024

    Why is it football players are banned from betting on football games but our politicians are not banned on betting on elections they are involved in?

  • @huwtraylor July 1, 2024

    Any form of betting on a national election by a politician or candidate shows a willingness to trivialise the democratic process. That is true whether there's insider knowledge or not. Why should the voting public respect the process if candidates don't?

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