July 6, 2024
Hate Crimes

Is the Black Lives Matter movement racist?

In CNN’s town hall, Black, White & Blue: America 2016, an audience member asks if the Black Lives Matter movement is racist.



  • @fordon2897 July 3, 2024

    It's racist and offensive because it has 'Black' in the name. People don't realize how disrespectful it is. Same thing goes with 'White Lives Matter'.

  • @sgtmitchell July 3, 2024

    Yes it is. It shouldn't matter what color you are or what religion you are. All lives are precious in the eyes of our lord. That is how we should all treat each person's life. As a gift. Regardless of color. Those that don't see it that way really need to do some soul searching to figure out why they feel one person's life is more important just because of they are a different color then the person next to them.

  • @PoliticalSins July 3, 2024

    They aren't seeking justice; they're merely cloaking their hunger for praise and vengeance in righteous rhetoric. They aren’t going to save nobody with their screaming if they can’t even try to investigate anything.


  • @jamesnavas8272 July 3, 2024


  • @jimtursich5751 July 3, 2024

    If all lives matter is racist, then it goes without saying that black lives matter is undoubtedly racist ….. hence the name.

  • @marmarmixer July 3, 2024


  • @sandrastewart2450 July 3, 2024

    Yes its racial

  • @SmokeyMcb July 3, 2024

    BLM are a terrorist group that wants to kill all whites.

    Here is proof in the link provided below:

    BLM-branded ‘kill a white on sight’ posters found in Scotland


  • @junglee7940 July 3, 2024

    Yes, ALM🎉

  • @SylvainSybaris July 3, 2024

    Yes, this is good, it's perfectly fine, and I agree…. I also love White American History & White Lives Matter.

  • @terrymalloy3541 July 3, 2024

    It’s filled with racist ppl yes. Total phonies. Agitators

  • @FBLM1969 July 3, 2024

    He is HEARING him but not LISTENING.

  • @namdavid4071 July 3, 2024

    I need to say because i have real African friends they always say white man from America and European most racist people and the black American just like them because they have more in common with the white Americans than with Africans all know they have same language same mentality same view the most also same culture even their name is same if you ask a real African immigrant you know it very easy find out !! Never let Americans in your Country they want to change it or want something from it !!!

  • @maxxwellbeing9449 July 3, 2024

    What can a white person do, that a black person can’t? Skin colour does NOT matter, merit does. If you work hard, educate yourself and become a contributing member of society… you can surpass all of those who don’t, regardless of the colour of your skin.

  • @BPEntertainment1 July 3, 2024

    Sadly the person who started BLM, got rich from it.

  • @Justkillinchillin July 3, 2024

    White lives matter

  • @Abel-lz1pw July 3, 2024

    BLM group are clowns

  • @user-ym5se8iu3t July 3, 2024

    Blacks are racists period !!!
    Blacks cannot be racists what a pile of puke

  • @LoneWolf-zd7lh July 3, 2024

    I don't care what they think & say. The Black Lives Matter Movement is nothing but a black hate-group bent on gaining black privilege & entitlement.

  • this didn't age well. BLM means getting away with rioting, and looting, that your life holds more value than anyone else's, gets you out of trouble by pulling the "race card". remember if there is a Black Lives Matters, then there will be extremism on the other end, you can't be that ignorant to how these things work.

  • @libgurl01 July 3, 2024

    I don’t pay attention to racism or hate. I just live my life. As long I’m a child of God and God loves me, I’m fine and hate no one!🥰

  • @othellosson1621 July 3, 2024

    Tricknology at its finest! 🤷🏿

  • @GreatBirdOfHope July 3, 2024

    Yes because black lives only matter to them when a white person takes it.

  • @bambambambam3351 July 3, 2024

    Yep its racist.

  • @YamatoNaoe July 3, 2024

    This is why i dont support BLM . Its disgusted me

  • Yrs later and black Americans are worse off

  • @flukyreview9128 July 3, 2024


  • @bradgreen4469 July 3, 2024

    All a person has to do is read BLM's original demands. It does not get any more racist than that.

  • @thejathapru9650 July 3, 2024


  • @user-eb4rj2vz9c July 3, 2024

    If u were in line and u got a burger and i didn't? Its simple. that means u were in line ahead of me. lol.

  • @moc9893 July 3, 2024

    It's a typical wolves in sheep's clothing type of thing. It's been an anti white movement since day one.

  • @wingsweep1 July 3, 2024

    People that scream ALM are also the ones that call MLK a racist and that he was a threat to amerikkka

  • You bet your life that movement is motivated by racism most blacks are racist because the black family is institutionally racist 🇬🇧

  • @chrisdorman9704 July 3, 2024

    You want equality fine iam okay with that i have always treated my brothers of color the same as a white person idgaf what color you are but when the title of a movement starts with a single race not only are you being racist but your actually creating a "click" / segregation i feel bad for what your ancestors went through but a black man started slavery and whites were actually slaves as well maybe not in america as much but def were so i dont feel bad for you today iam not sorry i was born white you act like it was my choice 😮 now stop the BS and act like adults and work for what you want not cry and riot about the white man holding you down cause thats cap af!!!!! I am a GM and i hire mexican blacks whites browns yellows fuck ill hire a purple if you can do the job 😂😂 but stop wasting rime complaining about how the white man owes you!!! We dont owe you shit 🎉🎉🎉 YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELVES TO SAY FUCK THAT AND BUST YOUR ASS TO GET WHAT YOU WANT

  • @petropetrika9542 July 3, 2024

    White lives matter!

  • @sforti01 July 3, 2024

    Is a
    Great time to
    Everything and
    Realize the real problem.

  • @chesleynunnery3480 July 3, 2024

    Lmfwao, there is an old saying that if you have to ask, you probably already know the answer.

  • Even the question offends, it's obviously racist, the fact that it's not convenient for them to accept it is another thing

  • It's selective, very very selective. My dad was murdered, run over multiple times, and then blocked the street for hours, blocking ambulances even, by a SC Sheriff in California and nobody came running to help. No protests no nothing

  • @donneyvogel7366 July 3, 2024

    Fuck off al lives matter

  • @nuthajason July 3, 2024


    As we advance into the high cosmic realms

    and delve deep into quantum technology,

    I can’t help but be bemused – not amused –

    noting how we revert to phrenology

    (the “science” of character from cranium)

    and other quasi- pseudo- stances.

    I mean, how can we land on a comet

    or scan and tunnel in electron dances

    while also becoming so backwards,

    so lean in thought – our sensibility thin –

    that we allow ourselves to be put into camps

    based on superficial things like hair and skin?

    I am a South African who studies history

    and I will tell you how Apartheid starts.

    It is when those in charge segregate us

    and put ‘us’ and ‘not us’ in our hearts.

    Jason Horsler
    (Published poet – find me)

  • @Journeyoflove13 July 3, 2024

    Yes, it's racist. All lives matters.

  • @FOXMAN09 July 3, 2024

    1:20 – The irony of this question is the only time I have heard of a person being rejected a meal in america based on the color of their skin in my lifetime was a white person going to a black run restaurant in a black neighborhood. When the white couple (who weren't even American) went in to have a meal and waited in line, when it was finally their turn to order, they were told the restaurant was closed.

  • @Valour-iz7ro July 3, 2024

    Context matters.

  • @chimpanzeefriend July 3, 2024

    I am not black, not even American, and this movement has only worsened racism, and a rift in society that has no need to be, in no country. we brothers and sisters of mother earth all feel the same sun, the same rain, the same wind, we may have different tastes in fruit juice, feet color, fashion and fluffypuss* but we all get it it from the same place. EARTH. peace.

  • Left vs right…red vs blue… black vs white .. was intended to do ONE THING, distract the masses from THE truth. The truth is, Jesus. It is to distract you from the truth that Jesus Christ is about to take vengeance on this evil wicked country. Prepare your heart to see this, repent and believe the gospel.

  • The burger analogy makes as much sense as BLM movement..

  • @user-ng4io9rv3g July 3, 2024

    History on Black race. Noah had 3 sons. Ham was darker than his brothers. Why because Ham send outside in the Sun. What happens to white skin people stay in the sun? White turns to yellow, light brown, dark brown and Black. Slaves came from Africa in Egypt started in Moses times. It was white people give them freedom. Learn your history. O yeah their changed history by and removed and replaced history books. To believe in the lie just like their Master Called Pimp Satan. Burn Satan Burn into the lake of fire baby. This is spirtiual warfare and he taking as many people with him.

  • @amolsonawane1476 July 3, 2024

    In my school I saw so many times black kids harassing and throwing racist slurs at Asian and Indian kids and sometimes it would get physical too, it was a really bad situation and still is.

  • @maxsinventions8913 July 3, 2024

    Can someone explain the burger analogy to me?

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