July 7, 2024
Legal and Courtroom

Julian Assange and WikiLeaks | 60 Minutes Archive

Steve Kroft interviewed Julian Assange, the controversial founder of WikiLeaks who shook the world when he began releasing government secrets online, in 2011. Assange has agreed to plead guilty to violating the Espionage Act, ending his longstanding legal battle with the U.S. government.

“60 Minutes” is the most successful television broadcast in history. Offering hard-hitting investigative reports, interviews, feature segments and profiles of people in the news, the broadcast began in 1968 and is still a hit, over 50 seasons later, regularly making Nielsen’s Top 10.

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  • @leenaviie June 28, 2024

    Such a calm, conscious interview coming from a clear place of integrity.

  • @SuperLuckao June 28, 2024

    Im glad he is free but this is not journalism. He leaked documents he never shoulve had. Its a pilice matter, not a journalists job. Lets not get whistleblowing confused with journalism. Journalists have to have gotten their info legally, not illegally. Had rhe gov taken his files and published them..thered be an uproar.

  • @user-ck1mm2vc3r June 28, 2024

    gorgeous manipulator. Strongly doubt he is fully innocent.

  • @markbarnaart2381 June 28, 2024

    After deleting 20,000 DNC messages!

  • @user-km3hv8qo9p June 28, 2024

    What do journalists do? (1) Protezt anonymity of source, (2) ensure factual, (3) ensure in public interest and (4) cause no harm. Assange was meticulous in following this resulting in only a small fraction (less than a thousandth) of what he received being published. He is not only a pure publisher but one of the few left. Others always ignore half those filters, and add a fifth (5) censor the release of it embarrasses power. He didn’t add this clause which is the only reason he was smeared and jailed.

  • @zekinumanoglu3152 June 28, 2024

    Julian Assange is an Australian and yet does not have an Australian accent? Why is this 🤷‍♂️

  • @wedoish3350 June 28, 2024


  • @spanial June 28, 2024

    What an absolute legend for thinking of the people.

    The truth may hurt sometimes but I’d rather know it than be in the dark with false views.

  • @tw897 June 28, 2024

    Unfortunately Assange was not a U.S. citizen, so due to his espionage and leaking of classified information they were unable to nominate him as the Republican Presidential Candidate.

  • @michaelturner7641 June 28, 2024

    I am an American and you are a hero sir. Thank you for all that you've sacrificed. There are no words sufficient enough to thank you.

  • @User_Paris_0606 June 28, 2024

    A win but lost and the same time . Assange got his freedom but journalists have no freedom to divulge info about war crimes

  • @locksmithdb5987 June 28, 2024

    "Oh no! We better get our fact checkers" dnc(demonic networking corporation)

  • @locksmithdb5987 June 28, 2024

    Us government war criminals?! That would NEVER happen……..

  • @DanielKolbin June 28, 2024


  • @wahab.s June 28, 2024

    And today the great man is free

  • @Nathanaelelliott June 28, 2024

    It isn't Julain that put troops in harms way its the very people committing the crimes. He would've had nothing to report about if you hadn't committed the crime. Stop blaming Julian.

  • @alfredos.m4377 June 28, 2024

    The fact that he behaves and talks just like elon musk and is also a computer tech geek is fascinating

  • @emilesmith-ip8zm June 28, 2024


  • @emilesmith-ip8zm June 28, 2024


  • @emilesmith-ip8zm June 28, 2024


  • @jelenapljakic8775 June 28, 2024


  • @tigpowerleck998 June 28, 2024

    Bottom line as an American . You can’t be an accomplice to a crime to expose a crime.

  • @carljensen5730 June 28, 2024

    60 minutes is SO STUPID. They say he has been described as a "martyr". Are they so STUPID to not know that martyrs are dead? They could have selected from thousands of ways Assange has been described, but they selected one of the most STUPID ways to describe him. It seems like they were floating a vailed threat.

  • @carljensen5730 June 28, 2024

    A society can NEVER put "secrecy" over criminality. Julian Assange revealed the most heinous criminal activity and they charged him for revealing so-called "secrets". Criminal activity can NEVER be a "secret" or "classified".

  • @elenaw7998 June 28, 2024

    Why were you silent for 13 years 60 minutes?

  • @superpeaceloveunity June 28, 2024

    Julian Massage

  • @terireed3740 June 28, 2024

    It's extremely ironic how he's concerned that some words said and printed can be fatal to him yet he wasn't concerned about some of the words he printed being possibly, or more so probably, fatal to others.
    It's a fact of life, a necessity in this imperfect world of ours, that sometimes, probably often, unsavory things have to be done in order to keep our country and her citizens safe. Human assets are used all over the globe, and by every country, to acquire intelligence for the safety and defense of our country. Human assets are spies and by definition of the job requirements they're shady and they lie. And thank God for them and their capabilities to deceive because without them we would have had to endure attacks that would make 9/11 look like child's play.
    Would I like transparency in things that affect my life, like elections , and would I like politicians, especially those running for president, to stop lying and driving a wedge of hate and mistrust between the citizens of our country? Most certainly. Do I feel the need for my government to be transparent about the covert actions taken to insure the safety of us all? Absolutely not. Because that would be reckless, it would make it impossible for all of those human assets to do their job at the least and for them to stay alive at the most. As the saying goes.. that's above my pay grade.
    That's what Julian Massage did.. he made public things that aren't supposed to be made public in order for those global assets to do their job safely and keep themselves safe while they risk their cover being blown in a hostile country so they can acquire the intelligence needed for the defense of our country. I think it's selfish and reckless and maybe as he thinks about his safety from words that might cause him harm, he should give a thought to the lives he endangers with the words he publishes . It takes many years and a lot of money for these assets to create a backstory for a person made of thin air and then to be able to insert that fictional character into hostile territory and set up contacts, everything it takes to make a lie become the believable life of someone living a real life within a fictional life. I can't imagine the stress. When that character is compromised, if they're lucky they get pulled out and all of that time and money.. and fiction, is wasted. At worst though, they don't get out and they're killed.
    He wants to tell the secrets of cults like scientology or whatever.. go for it. Nobody gets tortured and/or killed but leave countries, all others included, alone. Outing them is what our forefathers called treason.

  • @flora1407 June 28, 2024

    As an Iraqi
    Thank you Julian

  • @Micaelbarnes June 28, 2024

    Freeeddoooommm! All secrets will be revealed. Great timing, I’m yelling timber

  • @rdm3373 June 28, 2024

    Let him rot in prison

  • @12345CONWAY June 28, 2024

    That dude looks like Chelsea Manning

  • @bubblybull2463 June 28, 2024

    A hero and martyre of the citizen’s rights to have free press and all the information needed to decipher the world…

  • @JaneDoe-xy2os June 28, 2024

    I hope Julian has learnt from being show off and does not think the consequences of his actions. He used his intellect in a wrong way and endanger the lives of people who are working hard to secure the safety of democracy….

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