July 6, 2024
Legal and Courtroom

Legal expert talks federal trial for defendants in death of Ahmaud Arbery case

The three defendants are still facing a federal trial on hate crime and kidnapping charges.



  • @fredrickmeredith513 June 16, 2024

    These monsters need to rot away in jail. Fucking scum.

  • @soulinspiration1 June 16, 2024

    It's a shame that the elder McMichaels lead his son to a life in prison without parole. What a gift to give to your son!

  • @nannersguyaners2745 June 16, 2024

    As a parent I don’t understand how Greg McMichael led his son to this point in his life … he is an utter failure as a human being …

  • @NativeNYerChicHK June 16, 2024

    FED – ER – AL – There are three syllables in that word. It’s NOT pronounced FED-RUL. It’s just not. Please stop that. It’s so annoying. You’re professional news hosts for goodness sake! Act professional!

  • @kappiah June 16, 2024

    Following a Jim Crow father will send your ass to rot in jail!

  • @sooz9433 June 16, 2024

    So many lives affected by one brutal and hateful decision.
    The saddest loss is Ahmaud Arbery. Justice may be done over and over and they can lock these men up and throw away the key but that won't bring Wanda Cooper Jones and Marcus Arbery's son back to them.

  • @estherglick2967 June 16, 2024

    Why did the guy who took the video, get charged and convicted of felony murder?!
    Can anyone explain what he did wrong?

  • @ndgrandma2124 June 16, 2024

    Thanksgiving platter of guilty, guilty, guilty served to 3 murderers. Dessert will be served to them in February for their crime of hate.

  • @irsinium June 16, 2024

    One more proof that FACTS dont care about your feelings. You dont just take a gun and run to kill someone just bcz you feel like he did something wrong. And in this case, he DID NOT.

  • @dufus7396 June 16, 2024

    In light of state officials willful ineptitude a federal case should seal their fate

  • @faylenebyrd June 16, 2024

    Those babies are looking just like their mother.

  • @joytoyouandme4593 June 16, 2024

    How can your newscaster not know the proper name of the victim in this case? It’s a nationally watched case and his name is Arbery NOT Arbor! 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️

  • @jxxnmatt2065 June 16, 2024

    This Federal charge if they choose to do it, for it to send a message, will be a very powerful message, and one that is SO needed, being that things have taken so long and so many lives to change that hate, and really make them consider their actions of possible malice. And I always wonder how we have LGBTQ hate crime, Asian hate crime… but not Black Lives hate crimes specifically. This verdict is surely a step on the right direction.

  • @silaskimbi2380 June 16, 2024

    Remember the cover up this couldn't be possible without the 🎥 leakage

  • @Nelotepes108 June 16, 2024

    Many of us know these 3 killers ain't gonna last in prison may god have mercy on their soul when they burn in hell

  • @runfayalife June 16, 2024

    I wonder how they felt about the death penalty a year ago vs. how they feel about it now?

    Run 'em right through and release the taxpayers' burden??

  • @bohemoth1 June 16, 2024

    Sentenced to Probation and house arrest.

  • I do not take great pleasure with the outcome because they are white but weep for the souls of those men who played jury and judge. I take relief and weep for I know my son has a chance to survive to be old without his life cut because of white people not considering the consequences that their privilege is not a given by God but what has been placed in their minds throughout centuries of discrimination, hate, injustice, and systemic racism, that supremacy is white. Wearetheworld, why can’t we live together, we are family. Take the time to look those terms up and think about what’s going on. Dianna Emerson

  • @supersquirrel7546 June 16, 2024

    A federal trial after this trial? Snap!
    After the federal trial, then straight to civil court for wrongful death of Mr. A.?
    Looks like the 3 convicted murderers have a full 2022 calendar.

  • For those of you that do not know, A Life Sentence in Georgia requires the convicted to serve a minimum of 30 years before any consideration by The Georgia Board of Pardons and Parole.

    Then, if this Judge thinks that they really effed up, he could tack on another 10-20 years for the Aggravated Assault and False Imprisonment to run consecutive with the Life sentence. The latter charges require them to serve a minimum of 65% of the sentence.

    Needless to say, they'll probably die in prison.

  • @erikabulsara538 June 16, 2024

    Are the federal prosecutors going to use the same laws against antifa and blm at some point?

  • Wonderful

  • @halwarner6688 June 16, 2024

    I'll make the same comment as I did during the George Floyd murder case. ALL of these circumstances were engaged because of arrogance and racism but were completely avoidable. Now everybody involved has lost his life. In a cruelly ironic way it's the ones who will forever look back in prison crying because of their evil hearts and the freedoms they stupidly forfeited.

  • @geoben1810 June 16, 2024

    I'm glad they're spending the holidays in prison. And the rest of their PATHETIC lives too.

  • @iMatti00 June 16, 2024

    👨‍⚖️😡🤷‍♂️👎 ~ How is this a fair trial if the jury never heard evidence that would support the fact that Ahmaud Arbery (A.A.) has extreme mental illness and has been known to fly off the handle at the slightest provocation? I’ll mention more about that in the next paragraph, but first thing I’ll say is that racial bias is real in society. I know that more than most white people saying how I’m married to a black man. And I struggle back-and-forth between seeing myself as someone who would be a “lookee lou“ by going into a house under construction, but I also have sympathy for neighbors that wanted to protect their community. People of all races and backgrounds have stepped in when the first responders aren’t available. The first responders that are available could be police, fire, or ambulance. Do we tell citizens not to rescue someone who is trapped unconscious in a burning car? Do we tell citizens not to perform CPR on someone because that’s the job of paramedics?

    (By the way, I’m referring to Ahmaud Arbery as “AA” because my iPhone’s voice dictation can’t actually type out his name when I say it. So I’m just gonna say AA.)

    But as to AAs past that makes me believe Travis McMichael‘s testimony, do you know about AAs propensity to become angry and act out? What about when he brought a gun to a high school basketball game? What about when he told a doctor that voices in his head make him want to rob people and hurt people? What about how he is no longer on his mental illness medication? What about how he acts out with anger when anybody tries to exercise authority over him like how he look like he was beyond furious when cops stopped him shortly before the murder by a few weeks? He acted so indignant that a cop would dare stop him. Not that he was mad, but he also acted like he was just beyond furious. I also remember reading somewhere that he might’ve attacked his mother at one time, but I can’t seem to find that on news our articles about his history right now. Travis McMichael testified how he pulled up to AAA and asked him what was going on but AAA refused to even look at them and was grinding his teeth like he was furious that someone would dare approach him and ask what he was doing in a house like that?

    Like I said before, I could see myself as AAA because I’ve explored places similar to that when I knew I shouldn’t be there. I’ve even explored places that were businesses around where I worked when I went by one night and saw the door propped open by the cleaning crew so I just walked inside to look around. I never thought of it as a crime, though I knew I wasn’t actually supposed to be in there. Had someone stop me, even the cleaning crew, I would’ve froze at my place and I would’ve felt as though I knew I shouldn’t of been in there and I would’ve apologized. But that’s not even close to what AAA did. And you have to remember that only a few weeks prior Travis McMichael had caught him outside of the house at night and confronted him from a distance on what he was doing there. Travis McMichael said that AAA walked toward him, put his hand in his waistband, and that’s when Travis McMichael jumped in his car and reversed out of there very quickly. Normally I wouldn’t have necessarily believed what Travis McMichael was saying because that seems like a kind of a convenient story, but we know it’s true because he immediately called 911 so it’s all on tape. And after AAA was confronted that night he didn’t run away immediately, but he ran back into the house. Travis McMichael said that he ran into the house, and then we see on the security camera that once he’s in the house he is just walking around like nothing just happened outside. But then he immediately leaves before the cops get there. And when the cops get there they search the house with their guns out. Is there anything wrong with the cops having their guns out?

    Has anybody ever watched a movie that takes place on the streets of NYC in the 90s or early 2000s where a woman has the purse snatched out of her arm? All sudden she starts screaming and pointing at the guy saying stop that man he stole my purse. And then a good Samaritan grabs the young punk and holds them for Police? Should that good Samaritan be charged with assault and false imprisonment? What if the good Samaritan didn’t actually see the criminal grab the woman’s purse, but he saw her chasing him, he saw the guy running for dear life, and he saw the guy holding a purse? I guess someone could claim that that’s not actually probable cause for a citizens arrest because the good Samaritan could have grabbed a guy that was running with his wife’s purse to take it to the subway station before she missed her train. I think sometimes whether you get in trouble for a citizens arrest ultimately Hass to do with whether you actually got the right person or not, legally that’s not how it works in Georgia, but it kind of makes sense to me to say you better make sure you have a lot of evidence before you hold somebody or you could get in trouble. But that say you don’t have a lot of evidence, but you get the right person, should I go to prison?

    Some people have said that AAA would’ve been running scared for his life. Now I can’t believe that because if I was scared I wouldn’t happily run alongside a truck that was scaring me. Now sometimes AAA would stop immediately in his tracks and turn around running the opposite direction. But if you notice in the video right before AA and Travis McMichael start fighting over the gun, there is plenty of space and open grass for AAA to run off the road at a 90° angle. AAA could have easily ran away, he could’ve ran to someone’s door in pounded on the door screaming help, there’s many things he could’ve done. But he didn’t do any of them. Because I do not see him as scared, I see him as furious that someone dare try to exercise authority over him just because he was in a location he shouldn’t have been.

    I do believe this was a politically motivated prosecution to one degree or another. The reason I say so is because they charged William “Roddie“ Bryan With first-degree murder and also felony murder just like the others. And if not for William Bryan then it’s basically impossible charges ever would’ve been filed against the other two. But they weren’t willing to have him testify against the others for a better deal because granting somebody immunity that is considered by the public to be racist is a way to end one’s career in government service where you’ll never be able to run for election or higher office.


  • @Heaxrrtforriaa June 16, 2024

    Abide by the law you created

  • @billg6842 June 16, 2024

    They just will charge them for killing a black man without a vaccine card

  • @sirbey9608 June 16, 2024

    Oh they will do it they just wont record it !

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