July 6, 2024
Hate Crimes

Legislation Against Hate Crimes: Michigan Lawmakers Take a Stand

In a move to address the growing concern of hate crimes, House Democrats in Michigan are pushing for new bills to strengthen existing laws. The emotional impact of these crimes has spurred action at the state Capitol.

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  • @augustusappling139 June 18, 2024

    They only want to steal our freedom of speech. Dont be fooled by these democrat tyrants.

  • @CodeineSkeeter June 18, 2024

    Your a chick in a suit you look ridiculous

  • @VinnySmiles01 June 18, 2024

    Wow.. I can't believe the weakest of us gets to decide with the rest of us have to think. These fucking retards have gone too far.

  • @bannedtwice7767 June 18, 2024

    You mean Anti 1st amendment laws…

  • @dnmr.boomer1448 June 18, 2024

    Violation of the 1st amendment!!! Itll be strucked down in SCOTUS.

  • @R1GAMBLER June 18, 2024


  • @quincyjackson7855 June 18, 2024

    You need men to enforce these laws right? What if they dont?

  • @ScreamTatumRiley June 18, 2024

    About time

  • @Que532 June 18, 2024

    Isaiah 10:1 Woe unto them that decree unrighteous decrees, and that write grievousness which they have prescribed;

    2 Esdras 15:16 For there shall be sedition among men, and invading one another; they shall not regard their kings nor princes, and the course of their actions shall stand in their power.

  • @vitigaymer1053 June 18, 2024

    More ways to jail people/collect fines for non-violent crimes.

  • @Amazonkiller65 June 18, 2024

    Liberalism is a mental disorder that left untreated leads to what you see going on in Michigan with this insane law….only the mentally ill would even remotely think this was a good idea!

  • @oprrrah3498 June 18, 2024

    Dem's… Could you find a more ignorant group of people?

  • @jarodstorm6372 June 18, 2024

    Way too myopic. Doesn’t consider scenarios, free speech and he said she said and it said they said those people and other general colloquial expressions. This is now legislating stupid into society so someone who is non-binary gets to put laws on the majority. What about the rest of us who want to make laws because we got called names or got put down? Freedom to speak is infringed and many innocent people are at risk because of a few.

  • @nickaikens5673 June 18, 2024

    This makes me ashamed to live here in Michigan. I don't have anything against trans people but this is going beyond wanting to be accepted in society.

  • @AndrewGrey22 June 18, 2024


  • @AndrewGrey22 June 18, 2024

    These laws would only apply to the "protected class", not white conservatives/Republicans. You could even be talking privately with a friend and someone could overhear you say something that offended them and they could press charges on you and it's a two-year felony in prison with a $5,000 fine. It says more severe violations can get you five years. This is anti-constitutional and it will certainly be defeated in the Supreme Court assuming we still have sanity there. It's not up to the law to decide what is offensive with this, it is up to the victim to decide if they were offended or not. This is extremely dangerous and this law attempt needs to be overturned at all costs. But I figure the DEMOTURD SENATE will pass it quickly. I will definitely be vacating Michigan forever, if this is the case. Gladly. And I will be taking my American flag with me. And I'm talking about this new "hate speech" law the House just passed at the end of June 2023.

  • @chaseviking5096 June 18, 2024

    A lot of the hate is coming from the left especially the Dems themselves. Also this bill is a complete crock of bs. It includes using the wrong pronouns. Example is if you call a mentally ill guy who thinks he's a girl and mutilate his body to look like such, you can be changed if you call him a guy or use any pronouns to describe him as a male. The tyrannical Dems are pushing more woke bs.

  • @gordonpelto1069 June 18, 2024

    This garbage is unconstitutional!!!

  • @philipcrawford2153 June 18, 2024

    I will not call a biological male a female or biological female a male because they say they are transgender if they throw me in prison over it I will fight it and I will refuse to pay any fine

  • @GN69LOL June 18, 2024

    I don't care about anyone's identity if it's based on mental illness. Your schizophrenic image of yourself isn't compatible with objective truth. If I pose a threat to you because I don't use your pronouns, then go wallow in your depression. Sounds like a you problem. You wanna know what's crazy? These people don't care about the lgbt community. They are just using this as a way to keep everyone in doors so that nobody gets in trouble. It's very ingenious if I'm being quite honest. However, it's very annoying to people like me who don't care about gender expression. Hate speech doesn't exist. Anybody can say whatever they want regardless of feelings. Just because you can't handle your emotions, doesn't mean everyone has to kneel around you and watch their tongues. It just shows how incredibly weak and pathetic you are as a person. Or you support these meaningless ideas because a loved one suffers from being sexually confused. That isn't a good enough reason to change the world you narcissistic moron.

  • @BlueDog241 June 18, 2024

    I'm trying to find out what is now considered a "Hate crime" by this Bill. Feels like "Hate crime" can be whatever people say it is today.

  • @captainnemo3549 June 18, 2024

    Hate Crimes …another way to take away Your Freedons

  • @hawaiiguykailua6928 June 18, 2024

    Haha, bunch of gleetjuicefingledoppers, yep, that's my hate speech word for the day:)

  • @jeff022889 June 18, 2024

    Including gender mis label as a hate crime is complete BS. Who knows what these people want to be called. They have created a whole new language and I am not interested. I have a better idea, STOP talking or acknowledging trans people in MI, it could be a felony.

  • @parkosterwich7274 June 18, 2024

    These government tyrants will stop at nothing to destroy freedom of speech and personal liberties. They must be taught a lesson

  • @garyrasmussen2525 June 18, 2024

    Would this include "mental anguish" to corrupt politicians, for those of us who dare to speak on matters of Public Concern?! This is blatantly arbitrary, capricious, and unconstitutional. Alexander Hamilton is turning in his grave right now. See People v Croswell.

  • @Le_Dislike_Button June 18, 2024

    Noah Arbit Early Life:
    "Noah Arbit was born on September 21, 1995, alongside his fraternal twin brother, to parents [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] Arbit. Arbit was raised with his two brothers in West Bloomfield Township, and attended Bloomfield Hills Schools, including Lone Pine Elementary School, West Hills Middle School, and Andover High School, before completing high school at the Frankel Jewish Academy in 2013"

    so tiresome

  • @Packaroo June 18, 2024

    Michigan needs to blow LGBTQ unicorns out of its butt. I smell lawsuits up the yin-yang. This is America, snowflakes!

  • @buckeyeblaster June 18, 2024

    Who are the deciders ?

  • @melissaverduin3693 June 18, 2024

    Good news! Love wins. Stop the hate in our state! Hate won't win! 💥

  • @lucymolockian1849 June 18, 2024

    Redundant. Interracial crime data shows us who is doing what to who. When these progressives figure out that part of the rise is against WP and Asians from the BP, they will change their tune.

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