July 6, 2024
LIVE! Real Lawyer Reacts: Read Trial Day 28: Read's Angry Voicemails + Medical Experts
Violent Crimes

LIVE! Real Lawyer Reacts: Read Trial Day 28: Read's Angry Voicemails + Medical Experts

#lawyeryouknow #karenread

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  • @007nadineL June 28, 2024

    FYI: Statement Analysis on KAREN'S words 100% show deception.


  • @chillchaser8976 June 28, 2024

    At 12:59 she left a voicemail that contains the phrase "and nobody knows where the f@# you are". Why did she say those words when she knows where he is?

  • @Carabsn June 28, 2024

    CW twisted Karen’s search for an atty

  • @Carabsn June 28, 2024

    After listening to the prosecutors closing argument I feel Karen did not do it. Plus the expert testimony on the defense side

  • @sheriking4041 June 28, 2024

    I believe that Chloe was kept in the basement during the party of the younger generation and the early arrival of the parents next generation. When JOK arrived someone took him directly to the basement where Chloe (she being a police attack dog and agitated by the party noise) was and she attacked him because JOK was a new person to her.

  • @sheriking4041 June 28, 2024

    The iWatch has a built in pedometer ment to be used to measure steps. Lawyers are trying to use the pedometer as the prosecution is. It is a pedometer.

  • @emfc3152 June 28, 2024

    You looked so sleepy this stream but you have a good poker face! Hope you get some rest this weekend man!

  • @lindaseewer3796 June 28, 2024

    Just raising and lowering your arm counts as steps. Riding on my lawn mower counts as steps. This looks more to me like the CW might be covering for JM. Her evidence is more sketchy.

  • @1982aimee June 28, 2024

    Literally nothing damning about those vms. I’ve left worse 😂

  • @kitandsons173 June 28, 2024

    Knowing what I know, the only thing shady thing about this case is the fact that prosecution seems to want Karen to get off. It is weird……

  • @ThatRedhedd June 28, 2024

    It should be common knowledge that people deal with their emotions in unique ways. Some laugh or remain stoic when overwhelmed with sadness because they're in denial, or are afraid to feel the grief. Some people only cry in private. Some people have learned to dissociate from painful feelings. Some people have been through so much pain throughout their lives that they develop a tolerance to grief and no longer respond to it in a typical manner. Some people no longer express grief by crying tears after a certain period of time, because they've sufficiently cried and processed their grief. People on antidepressants may not be able to access the feeling adequately that would result in tears. For all of these reasons and more, it is insensitive, unfair, and inappropriate to judge a person's guilt based on whether or not they cry in this situation, 2 years after the loss of a loved one, while being falsely accused!

  • @BFlaherty325 June 28, 2024

    The timing is tight but he didn’t have a coat on. People living in New England know in the winter you get out of your car – you’re hustling to get inside. You’re walking real fast bc it’s cold. You’re not gonna casually walk. My husband is 6 ft 4 i can barely keep up with him when we walk. John legs are long. His steps can cover a lot of ground.

  • @leonardmacaulay9833 June 28, 2024

    She is not guilty and her partner was killed in a drunken LEO brawl. The MSP and Canton PD will have some serious explaining to do in this gross miscarriage of justice. If nothing else this trial has showcased the total incompetence of police forces in the USA at all levels. Or do you believe she hit him with SUV and bit him then breathing about the head and fists. The home (he never entered) was Owen by a retired cop with a history of physical violence and a vicious dog ?

  • @moonbaby1969 June 28, 2024

    Has anyone ever called someone a Pervert when they’re pissed??? I haven’t… well maybe once cuz I know he was! But, it’s not a word people often… use….Unless??? Unless? Unless?? I have questions!!!! Is that why she’s at a code Red when she’s screaming her brains out ???? Seems like she’s seething with anger and frustration! I still can’t get past the fact that that’s the specific adjective she uses? !!!! Anyone else???

  • @jodievukmir3187 June 28, 2024

    Peter the e or doctor was a joke he didn't even know he had a skull fracture

  • @jodievukmir3187 June 28, 2024

    They prosecuted Karen because they didn't want to prosecute the Alberts and Higgins

  • They used only a couple of the text between them too .. there where much more in between.. CW only used the most hurtful, not the others in which they talked about other stuff and she was texting she was very proud of John how he raised his niece ..

  • @tinydancer867 June 28, 2024

    I am absolutely DISGUSTED, SHOCKED, & DISAPPOINTED that Lally tried to put in that Karen was looking up a Lawyer as “feeling guilty”! WTF?! 🤬

  • @laurenhb2500 June 28, 2024

    Quote " I think I struck something. I remember backing up and I think I hit something" her dad says that she said this to him in the hospital. If she was referring to the car that she had backed into in the driveway right before going to look for him it wouldn't have been too far before that and she would have been able to remember that that's what it was but she hit John a lot earlier in the night when she was drunk so that's why she doesn't remember

  • @claudia70031 June 28, 2024

    What the CW did about the dui lawyeris the most disgusting thing they did even worse than the Sally port video . They have no shame

  • @MrsDannunzio June 28, 2024

    Andrea Burkhart, another fabulous lawtuber commenting on this case, has spoken more extensively than anyone else I've seen on the abusive, disrespectful attitude of JO to KR. At first I resisted a little because of how much JO has been so built up as a saint and how little he deserved this injustice, but life is not black and white and neither are people. Andrea firmly believes in the defense and KR but she had very interesting things to say about the overall relationship.

  • @MrsDannunzio June 28, 2024

    Don't they always say that the opposite of love is indifference, not hate? If KR didn't care about JO, she wouldn't have been so angry and seemingly "hateful" when he didn't come home. The party, for all KR knew, consisted of hot, young 20-something female friends of the birthday boy (wrong, lol) so she assumed the worst, romantically speaking. Little did she know that it was a matter of life and death. Wow.

  • Karen Read's voicemails sound cleaner and less angry than many I;ve left for my supervisors. And, I worked for the same employer 40 years.

  • @craigtucker1290 June 28, 2024

    What is Karen's story for this time period?

  • @juliematthews7921 June 28, 2024

    The key cycles in reverse 24mph I believe this is when a very exp driver took it off tow truck not by Karen Read. The dolly in the sally port was used to break taillight

  • @thrownforaloop58 June 28, 2024

    I’m curious as to why KR was calling JO a “pervert “? It’s not a typical insult to scream at your boyfriend when you’re angry with him, is it?

  • @bethotoole6569 June 28, 2024

    I thought Chloe was 'rehomed' to Vermont??

  • @Su_aSponte June 28, 2024

    Jeez louise, that phone data. What in the world were they thinking charging her? Something stinks.

  • @Brrrettt June 28, 2024

    50 foot hill does not equal a flight of stairs that go up 8 feet

  • @brimich2607 June 28, 2024

    Admitting that she “hit him” on the scene to two firefighters is pretty incriminating evidence. Putting aside the physics and mechanics of the collision itself, Karen’s state of mind at that point was that her SUV had hit John (by accident). This is something the jury needs to give significant weight to.

  • @chrislim7615 June 28, 2024

    Every couple had fights like these b4,it's quite natural;)😅They prob made-up after that!!!!

  • @emmablackwood2303 June 28, 2024

    Totally agree.

  • @kathywidowski9662 June 28, 2024

    Don't believe,for one minute, that Apple Health is inferior to my OLD Fitbit!!! Very difficult to fool the "steps" without exhausting extreme movement of legs and bumping hand HARD and abruptly. I know this because I do chair exercises when I can't walk due to a knee injury that resulted in needing a knee replacement. Even a physical therapist works up a sweat teaching chair exercises – however it has not fooled my Fitbit! Also, I live on an Ice Age Trail area – with rolling hills and kettles. Causes problems with walkie talkie signals and conflicting tower signals but doesn't fool Fitbit. Does NOT cause false reports of climbing "STAIRS"!!! NEVER has happened during driving my rollercoaster roads. The suggestions by the prosecution's witness is very suspect, IMO!

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