July 6, 2024
Millionaire furniture CEO fakes death pretending to have mad cow disease
Violent Crimes

Millionaire furniture CEO fakes death pretending to have mad cow disease

In this episode of Crime Watch Daily: Why would a man with everything fake his own death?



  • @Hof79905 July 3, 2024

    She thought he was her meal ticket.

  • @hensonlaura July 3, 2024

    2 commercial breaks in 1 minute 3 seconds. Are you going for some new record of being an *ssh*le?

  • @jainied169 July 3, 2024

    How is his wife not in jail… she was totally in on it.

  • @yupyuphyphy01 July 3, 2024

    This title funny af

  • @medea27 July 3, 2024

    It never occurred to her that a "CIA agent with a price on his head" was happily plastering his face all over TV in ads for his furniture store?? I know people are gullible & love can make you blind, but this is the first time I've heard of someone with a public profile try the old "got to fake my death to avoid assassination" con. Smh

  • @NoseyNana July 3, 2024

    I wonder if she still has the ring and/or got it appraised. It wouldn't surprise me if it was cubic zirconium (CZ). Funny story if you know about Trump. He had a lawyer named Roy Cohn that treated him like a son. Trump gave him a big diamond ring as appreciation for the years of help. At Roy's death, the estate found out that ring was also a CZ! So yeah, makes you wonder how many other brides have fallen for same?

  • @Lisa-mw6te July 3, 2024

    Ive had the misfortune to have crossed paths with a few con men and mega liars over the years. I was gullible and couldn't believe that anyone would use "friends" in such callous ways. NEVER believe people with big stories from thriller novels

  • @reneebush2399 July 3, 2024

    Don’t mess with those insurance fraud investigators. Insurance companies hire the best. They have real incentive to catch your ass.

  • @TonyAghajani July 3, 2024

    Unbelievable story

  • @charlenef.9055 July 3, 2024

    Money that she has to pay changed the endless love she had for him.

  • @charlenef.9055 July 3, 2024

    😮😮😮🤥🤥🤥😲😲😲 he would've done better if he got a "botched" surgery that screwed up his face. Then he'd for certain not be recognizable

  • @DionelyETC July 3, 2024

    She keeps incriminating herself

  • @charlenef.9055 July 3, 2024

    He has a good imagination, and he could write Steven King or other famous writers' novels and become wealthy.

  • @nettiea9384 July 3, 2024

    She’s still madly in love… with him? Or the 8 million$?

  • @nettiea9384 July 3, 2024

    20g for a VZ death certificate? And he gv her these instructions when? from the grave? Who r they kidding? She is a co conspirator

  • @kyote1089 July 3, 2024

    OMG! Crazy story time… I am the Queen of dating pathogical liars. Ex #1 (Takes place over 3.5 yrs so in between the BIG lies he was laying the groundwork with ridiculous lies that make zero sense for anyone to lie about) It started small… a F'N chocolate bar or whether he played ball one night (like dude, I do your laundry!) 🤦‍♀️ Why?!? It progressed to the Chinese govt coming after his dad over some bad business deal. He kicked me and my 2 yo out in the middle of the night, "for [our] protection", under the cover of darkness. After the 2nd time he did this, we dated but didn't move back in. He cheated on me during this time by dating on eharmony. (This was back in '04, so online dating really wasn't a thing.) He told me that this was just a joke by his (married) brother… a guy who couldn't pay us back our loan but could afford a couple hundred dollars setting up an online dating profile as a joke? 🤦‍♀️
    His final lie, his timing was impeccable! 🙄 ~2/3 weeks after I'd lost both my uncle and grandpa to lung cancer, my ex came home from work and told me he now had lung cancer with 6 mths left to live. We sat, talking, crying, planning ALL night. He shared his last wishes, the will, and gave me explicit instructions for what point he no longer wanted to see either of us, so we could remember him as he was. 2 days later I proved it was another lie and told him to kick rocks. At which point he began love bombing (not a term back when this happened, heck we didn't even have smart-phones atm) me. I was done. (For the record, 6 years prior, my Aunt lied to the family for 3 years that she had cancer.)

    I had another ex lie about being in the military and being called to duty, where he supposedly lost my engagement ring on the battlefield… only to find out he was sitting at home cheating. 🤦‍♀️

  • @LoveAngelBaby July 3, 2024

    shes only crying because her fairytale life was NOT a fairytale lmao shes under a money spell lmao that fake ass smile while shes crying is cringe. she wanted the money lamo hahahaha

  • @jyorah4432 July 3, 2024

    After all he told her all these foolish things that doesn't even make sense. She believe him.. even giving a fake letter to her children about his dad is going to died..Who mother does this and who father does such a thing like this.. apart people with evil natures.. ..and she said she was just protecting the family. She thinks people are stupid…. is all about the insurance.

  • @holylandfan3275 July 3, 2024

    Yeah right. She’s a religious person. I guess she forgot THOU SHALL NOT LIE. She sure spent that 800,000 fast, or else she’d have it to give back. 😡 Both LIARS!

  • I was a contractor after i left the military. From 75th to secrets my wife barely knows the things ive been through. Now im a business owner outdoorsman and play video games lol

  • @takishasmith1080 July 3, 2024

    She’s not even crying.

  • @Singing-elephant July 3, 2024

    this women is a liars. stopped fake crying

  • @2witty4uslayer2 July 3, 2024

    The lie that bothered her is that He's not Rich. Pretending to b an idiot makes u an even bigger idiot

  • @MrLumiere2 July 3, 2024

    you were lucky you had a guy who treated you like a princess who took care of all your kids or he is your problem you should have kissed his feet ,,,yeah i like this guy

  • @crimeinabottle4703 July 3, 2024

    His “Mad Cow Disease was a load of Bull” 💩🐂😂

  • Because of my studies and being a polyglot, I was invited to a workshop from the CIA while in grad school and they specifically explained that everyone there is told that they must simply say that they work for the state department. That’s it!

  • @asaintpi July 3, 2024

    Not one person believes that Daphne is innocent. She is a total faker, and of course, a devout God-fearing Christian.

  • @SupremeDreamss July 3, 2024

    Someone please tell me this is a prank or something 😂😂 if she’s supposed to have us think that she actually believes this, she’s a comedian!

  • @brittanyamber9066 July 3, 2024

    Daphne… look honey you can either be wrong or stupid but you can't be both

  • @christy3d July 3, 2024

    She is really over acting gees….

  • @faithsrvtrip8768 July 3, 2024

    8:10 OMG he claimed to have caught CJD after eating raw monkey brain while in the military? And then says that's a lie and a cartel is after him so he's going to Venezuela for medical treatment? HUH?

  • @JH-lz4dh July 3, 2024

    Ha this guy probably had another family in South America

  • @uninsurable9028 July 3, 2024

    Just like an insurance company to spend $9mm in order to avoid paying $8mm. I’m exaggerating but they would.

  • @mckinneymisses78 July 3, 2024

    Sorry, I don’t believe HER…

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