July 6, 2024
MOST BIAS MOMENTS - Welcome to Glanville pt.2 - Young Thug Trial - FOTG MEDIA
Violent Crimes

MOST BIAS MOMENTS – Welcome to Glanville pt.2 – Young Thug Trial – FOTG MEDIA

In The Beginning: Life in a Globe Part 01:

00:00 – Starting Soon
03:35 – Motion for Mistrial – Denied – Brian Steel
05:00 – Judge Ural Glanville Don’t Get It. And allows 911 call
07:00 – Ms. Love to Fight
08:01 – Tic Tries
09:30 – Glanville Scares Tic Stevens
11:13 – Brian Steel and Young Thug Blocked Again
15:00 – Brian Steel Goes Off – (Semi Bias)
18:00 – Judge Ural Glanville Blocks Defense
22:00 – Brian Steel Steaming! – Court Gets Quiet…..
24:23 – Denied – Denied, I Sus-Basis ? Sustained
26:40 – Attorney Brian Steel raps
38:30 – Young Thug Video Denied Again
46:00 – That’s What We’re Stuck With
49:00 – No More Tweets
01:08:55 – State Don’t Wanna Pay For Public Defender
01:11:44 – Ms. Love To Lie
01:16:00 – Big Lies from a Sworn Officer
01:18:20 – Big Lies from a Sworn Officer pt. 2
01:24:00 – Big Lies from a Sworn Officer pt. 3
01:31:45 – 911 Call Allowed in – Now It’s an Emergency?
01:33:18 – Big Lies from a Sworn Officer pt. 4 First 48 Det. Quinn
01:43:55 – Big Lies from a Sworn Officer pt. 5 Detective Quinn
01:51:00 – Best Evidence Lies – Altered Statements
01:58:35 – Big Lies from a Sworn Officer pt. 6 Det. Quinn
02:08:33 – Judge Glanville Sends His Goons Out
02:10:00 – Mr. Bean Decides To Speak
02:16:05 – Ms. Love To Be Slimey
02:20:00 – Motion To Severe Denied
02:22:13 – Big Lies from a Sworn Officer – Not Quinn Again
02:27:27 – Judge Glanville Says Brian Steel is Not Prepared
02:28:22 – Motion to Recuse
02:36:00 – Biased Judgement – Ural Glanville
02:40:00 Your Throws Of War?
02:22:00 – Why Lie, and Scheme Tho?
02:49:16 – Finally An Honest Cop
02:56:47 – Welcome Mrs. Merchant
03:03:33 – Check Mate
03:10:00 – I’ll Let An Appellate Court Decide That

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#youngthug #Glanville #FOTGMEDIA



  • @seanleo3464 June 26, 2024

    Our rights (certainly the defendants involved in this) are under attack, and this judge, and the fanni willis crew are at the front lines shiting all over the constitution

  • @AK13133 June 26, 2024

    Keep posting every video possible cause they will gladly let this shit slide under the radar. They know if they wait long enough people move onto something else and the judge and state is banking on that. This shit gotta be talked about every day to keep G-Ville on the hot seat. He’s buying his time

  • @GuestChatBoss_ June 26, 2024

    Horrible judge

  • @seanleo3464 June 26, 2024

    When the judge is telling steel that he keeps delaying, I literally lol and think about all his “comfort breaks” that courtroom is a clown show

  • Judge glanville should go to prison

  • @seanleo3464 June 26, 2024

    56:16 shout out to the homie repping the USA. Gang (game) 🤣

  • @petetheodocion9542 June 26, 2024

    The word is “biased” good grief

  • @seanleo3464 June 26, 2024

    Most rappers I feel either over hype their street cred and even just make stuff up. It’s crazy lyrics can be used against you. Hope Em drops the album soon cuz looks like he’s going away for murdering KIM. it’s crazy clear that the judge is on the states side not just a referee. Shame on this judge, and it’s expected of the Fanni Willis crew

  • @justauni June 26, 2024

    I have started on part 2, but Im going back to part 1. Thank you for putting this together🙌🏾🙆🏾‍♀️

  • @bayvisuals6692 June 26, 2024

    Dang… didn't realize how much thug lawyer had to go through.🙄

  • @robertdenmon8849 June 26, 2024

    Many of you didn’t catch the play:
    One of the defensive attorney’s has a connection to Attorney Melnick. Attorney Melnick was hired by the defense to keep the witness Kenneth Copeland from cooperating with the state because he can easily implement Young Thug in a murder. So, Attorney Malnick magically reappears in Kenneth Copeland defense when Copeland, the state or the court had not heard from Melnick. Attorney Melnick then completely invades the court failing to file an entry of appearance. This is because he wanted to just create enough confusion to corrupt Kenneth Copeland’s testimony then disappear again. Because again Kenneth Copelands testimony can implement Young Thug in a murder. Judge Glanville doesn’t allow Attorney Melnick to delay the court, so Melnick must appear Monday or send another attorney on his team to represent Kenneth Copeland. Attorney Melnick sends Attorney Kayla Bumpus who also doesn’t file an entry of appearance. Attorney Bumpus also attempts to take a step in court, step out of court move. Again, just enough to complicate the Kenneth Copeland testimony. Judge Glanville and the state starts to realize what’s going on and has a meeting to officially bind Attorney Bumpus to Kenneth Copeland. So, Attorney Bumpus instructs Kenneth Copeland to fire her so she can abruptly leave the court as Attorney Melnick did. Attorney Bumpus also reports the information to defense Attorney Brain Steele which is where the corruption started. This is the reason Brain Steele couldn’t reveal his source (Kayla Bumpus) because this would implicate connection to Attorney Melnick and their plan to disrupt Kenneth Copeland’s important testimony that could implement Young Thug in a murder. Brain Steele and the other defense attorneys know they have criminal client’s that are not innocent of some form of wrongdoing, so a mistrial is their true main goal. Many defensive clients or at least half are guilty, and the defense must play dirty to get them off. To offset foul play from the defense the state must fight with the same intensity. Attorney Bumpus is supposedly apart of attorney Melnick’s team so even though Kenneth Copeland fired Bumpus, he didn’t fire Melnick. So, Judge Glanville makes her file an official motion to withdraw so it allows the court time to get to the bottom of what just happened. I believe the defense put this play in motion. The real corruption resides in antics of these criminals that betrayed their community and the attorney's that work so hard to put them back on the road to more crime.

    Part 1

    Dear Taxpayer and The Black Community,

    This trail is mainly to discredit Black people around the board. Must of the Black community can't seem to see it clearly because they are simply caught in the program (the matrix). First you have Judge Ural Glanville a very decorated official who just happens to be black. Second you have D.A. Fani Willis who just happens to be black. Third you have the Lead Prosecutor Adriane Love and her team who happens to be black. Fourth you have two defensive attorneys, Adams and Matthews. Fifth you have the defendants who all happen to be black. Brain Steel is the highest paid in the courtroom and he wants to look like the judge is treating him unfair so he can have an appeal option. He would rather have a white judge that he has in his pocket so he will try any move to have the Black judge removed from the case. Steel can't afford to be beaten by three Black women (Willis, Love, Hilton). Steel will also bring in a white woman to over shade the black women. Max Schardt's goal is to outshine Keith Adam's and Matthew's because he wants to be on Brain Steel's team. The goal is to never allow YSL to ever say the court was racist because Glanville is black and make it seem that a white judge would rescue the day because he is fair, and Glanville isn't. They will attempt to have Fani Willis removed for something white people have been doing for years. Lead Prosecutor Adriane Love and team will lose the case and the real female hero will be Ashleigh Merchant who happens to be white. Max Schardt will kiss enough ass to join Brain Steel's team. The court will then release all the criminal gang leaders back into the wild. Jeffery Williams will be told to never show his face on Cleveland Ave or Metropolitan Parkway (Stuart Ave) because white people want to colonize that area of town and they want to make it safe for them, even though they couldn’t make it safe for black people. YSL will go on to commit crime against other black people and promote music that promotes black on black crime. Many of Mr Steels friends will continue to invest in gang culture music that will continue to bring him more clients. This is the moves they want to make, but they didn't bank on GOD showing up and this whole plan will backfire one day.

    Part 2

    Dear Taxpayers and The Black Community

    All these thugs are a complete menace to society. That’s their MO (modus operandi) They had already pledged allegiance to this thug culture pre to Young Thug’s national success. They may not affect some races, cultures or communities, but as for the Black people supporting this thug culture, either you’re a part of the thug culture or a total fool. Your support for these thugs will change when that stray bullet comes through your window and deletes a family member, when you’re robbed at gun point, when your daughter is graped or when your son throws away his life to join a gang. If Young Thug didn't have hit records no one would care less if each one of these Black criminals got 20 years plus. The courts have been traditionally unfair to the Black community, but these lying ass thugs don't represent who we as black people need to support in reference to the innocent Black citizens of America that have been wrongfully charged. This RICO is not just about this case alone or the courts coming to get Black men, this is about their lifelong work of crime and degenerate behavior that helps to feed this thug culture through crime, gangster music and social media. GOD is coming for all these executives, lawyers and thugs that participate or invest in this thug culture that have terrorized the Black community for years. Their families should have done a better job of protecting their children from this dead-end lifestyle. This thug culture has totally depreciated the property value of the Black community nationwide, how does releasing these thugs benefit the Black community? It doesn’t, it allows other cultures mainly Europens to buy our grandparents homes for pennies, literally stealing our land as they did when they arrived on our land here in the America's. Also, no consequence to their crimes would strengthen the thug culture thus making this thug culture even more powerful. The thug culture has never been fair to the Black community, so I hope courts give them what they gave the Black community. The defensive attorneys don't care about any of these thugs, they are simply taking every dime they can get out of them, sucking up all the media coverage to promote themselves and loving every minute of it. Once they run out of money and media coverage, they are gone to live their privileged lives. The thug culture is very similar to the crack epidemic of the 1980’s when the CIA flooded our neighborhoods with drugs, but worse because of the power of social media. Many of the you tubers can’t see it because they are caught up in the same web Young Thug and company is caught in. As long as the executives continue to make profit off of the Black community’s demise, they will continue to invest in it.

  • @missbehavingchick June 26, 2024

    New subscriber 🎲🎲🎲 Las Vegas .. lets roll

  • @greerjones9791 June 26, 2024

    The Jury and the Public can see that the Defense is not allowed to fairly represent their clients.

  • @Mimi_1971 June 26, 2024

    I am absolutely disgusted by the games and blatant bias by the state and the judge in this case. This case needs to be a mistrial, judge, and prosecution and DA Fani Willis’ office needs to go. They all need to be prosecuted for malicious prosecution of these guys. I’ve never saw a circus like this. Fulton County needs to clean their crap up. I live just outside Fulton county and the corruption is real.

  • @bustownbc2787 June 26, 2024

    That dude smoking is hilarious, and at the same time, its a genius little cartoon

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