July 8, 2024
Sex Crimes

New Documentary Exposes Hollywood's Dark 'Secret' of Sexual Abuse

ET takes you inside An Open Secret, the new documentary that some of Hollywood’s biggest players are reportedly desperate to keep in the dark.



  • @narobigaines5072 June 19, 2024

    I always believed him

  • @marzey6563 June 19, 2024

    Name of full doc anyone please ??

  • @TheCosmicStarmen June 19, 2024

    Corey Haim and Corey Feldman has been talking about this for years and no one believed them. Now what.. Ayyye?!

  • @gbp56h14 June 19, 2024

    Justin Bieber❤

  • @jenniferbrower June 19, 2024

    Been talking about this for way too long 🙁

  • @Time218 June 19, 2024

    The parent are the one to be blame

  • @QuietgalSeeya June 19, 2024

    Sad 😢😢😢😢

  • I like trump but he bowed down to 35.000 gold chain 😢$$$$$$

  • Bush Obama gold chain worth 35.000 buckeroonys 😢bow down 😮$$__

  • Epsteins island exposed to gold chain Islam

  • @user-xj9bj5si2p June 19, 2024

    Im being abused by holoywood as real james bond in onyx ward james quinn raped by hampstead and now locked up in onyx wars luton when trying to escape tradficiers. Im james andrew matthew quinn in onyx ward after being tortured in willow ward by corrupt paedo police whove used me as a sex slave like other people i know

  • @yaboy1689 June 19, 2024

    I bet the same thing happened to Justin Bieber

  • @christfollower7779 June 19, 2024


    ROMANS 10:9 KJV “9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.”

    1 CORINTHIANS 6:9-11 “9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, 10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.”

  • @aaliyahali5537 June 19, 2024

    Prying for these kids no wonder hell is made

  • @sarahmorris5904 June 19, 2024


  • @liviamoon June 19, 2024

    8 years later. Where are we now?😢

  • @daveyboy_ June 19, 2024

    He still hasn't named names.

  • @user-ud5xw8ox8g June 19, 2024

    I dunno. For such an advocate on children's rights, he sure still shows much influence by his good pal Michael "child rapist" Jackson. Never heard Corey say much on that can of nasty.

  • @fletchforever82 June 19, 2024

    Well This didn't age well.

  • This proves alot this proves that children can be easily manipulated they can be taught these disgusting acts and bribed with colorful toys and trips to keep quiet. Pedophiles are finally speaking out saying “kids want this they want to be touched” in order for a child to understand they need to be taught. We’ve all been there listening to any adult we looked up to listening to the people we had to respect our parents, our family, our teaches, our boss’s, our managers, our employees, our friends. Now they have books in elementary school library’s books that show our children sex between a child and an adult. When was this ever normal? As a kid 4 yrs old I was taught by a close family member in his 30s where my private parts were, I remember how he said it I remember where he put his hands, I remember being scared because my parents never taught me what he was teaching me, it never felt right and I learned as I grew older that I got sexually assaulted and when I spoke out many young girls some even apart of the family came out about there mistreatment and now he’s in jail. As a adult I want to help and I’ll die trying if it means this demonic act ends for good, if it means children can be children again I’ll intervene when I see a child trying to get out of the hands of someone they don’t know.

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