The Real Crime Diary Blog Property and Financial Crimes Nigeria oil theft at highest level in years
Property and Financial Crimes

Nigeria oil theft at highest level in years

Nigeria oil theft at highest level in years

Nigeria is facing its worst oil crisis in years as the country is losing billions of dollars due to theft. Some multinational companies are even selling their oilfields. Despite low-level arrests on the issue, there have been no serious large-scale prosecutions. From the Bayelsa state, Al Jazeera’s Rawya Rageh reports.



  • @thabanghlaka1512 July 2, 2024

    Why are they called thieves in their own land 😮

  • @Melodyversehere July 2, 2024

    Is it more than the oil United States 🇺🇸 steal from Nigeria?

  • Good idea to throw confiscated fuel into the nice river. Super smart

  • @drsomto007 July 2, 2024

    The illegal oil worker speaks very good English, showing he has some level of education but can't get a job

  • @innocentamaife4530 July 2, 2024

    Instead of confiscating and handing it over to government why destroy the same thing you’re arresting them for stealing?

  • @jurgschupbach3059 July 2, 2024


  • @cartlox2862 July 2, 2024

    Is it really stolen I don't believe so on the big Oil Company a corrupt politician to just install these pumps on people's land give them people nothing in return the poverty continues while the land become polluted what else are the people to do hope all is fair compensation

  • @westpointemsllc276 July 2, 2024

    Everyday in Nigeria the is always crude oil barrel will produce 100 barrel federal government will sell 50 and say 50 are missing(which mean the money 50 barrel is going straight to government officials and politicians PERSONAL POCKET)..NIGERIA GOVERNMENTS ARE ALL THIEVES TO THE HIGHEST LEVEL..a country where the government doesn't invest in EDUCATION OR YOUTHS..
    what do you expert for the youths to do..they have to steal to survive..they have eat father like son

  • @perryimmerman7838 July 2, 2024


  • @faboge July 2, 2024

    what lawlessness! Is there a Government here?

  • @jessereyes8149 July 2, 2024

    They Rag out anything they touch even here in the United States

  • @TD_ALAFIA July 2, 2024

    Wtf why nobody say something about this until now

  • @dirty404south July 2, 2024

    Hahaha. They are stealing from them selves. Those infrastructure. Are impossible for the poor to make. Just like any war. It takes Money.

  • @Db-gq3lx July 2, 2024

    Big oil company's are literally land rapists. If anyone's entitled to the wealth from the oil it should be the people who are actually from that country not a foreign company already worth billion's

  • @abdiamare6487 July 2, 2024

    There is poor people which needs support of their goverment they need help useless africains they kill thier people hunger

  • It is not stolen. It belongs to them not the government.

  • @omonomoochendo1889 July 2, 2024


  • Someone should tell Al Jazeera that illegal oil bunkering/theft is now worse, more than ever, in Nigeria.

  • @williammakupa5896 July 2, 2024

    If i lived in southern nigeria, i would have perfected the home made refinery, opportunity to put into practice my form three organic chemistry.

  • This stupid

  • 😍 ONE LOVE , there are no jobs in Nigeria for the Youth and one cannot expect them to die out of hunger

  • @kashifbennett5212 July 2, 2024

    Leave the people dem thats their only way to survive by stealing oil the government not doing anything for them to be able take care of themselves and family

  • I'm sorry but black people in Africa are not ready for change

  • @jesusslord July 2, 2024

    Who is stealing whose oil?

  • @frozinfayagh4734 July 2, 2024

    Welcome to Africa where we solve the effect and leave the causes. The will destroy these illegal oil miners base but will never give them jobs to do.
    So they will end up on the street with other illegal activity or will come back again

  • U people should leave them before president and politicians are criminals

  • @bryanthd4959 July 2, 2024

    Why do we do these, oh my country Nigeria 🇳🇬 if you had provided these boy’s school and social amenities, it would have been better you’re using this boy’s as scape goat while the BIG DOG escapes, even if you catch them. Take them in,train them better and give them jobs in oil refineries because of the knowledge they hold already 🫠🫠🇳🇬🇳🇬

  • @lamincamara9095 July 2, 2024

    My brother why can't our Government take the little experience from this local people they capture and widen the foundation to able and produce more oil for our own people than depends on west to lute our resources . common Africa

  • @agorigorzoe1004 July 2, 2024

    Govt has failed, they can't coordinate sales of crude to Better the population

  • @gatecreed8384 July 2, 2024

    Whats the whole point if all they do is destroy and create more problems . I see this as not a problem solver but just disgruntled paid army . Ud rather others die and starve than u doing what is right

  • the most idiotic are the encounters so called antismagling group distroying environment

  • @nessuaokokon5283 July 2, 2024

    Environmental degradation by both parties.

  • @nmg1909 July 2, 2024

    Imagine having abundant but living in penury. That's the state of Nigerian citizens.

  • @salvaquest2123 July 2, 2024

    🤔 corruption & greed at the top – desperation & poverty at the bottom and the in house fighting for control in the middle … dare I say “TIA “ even the so called security are actually worse than the offenders… emptying Jerry cans of fuel ⛽️ into the river !! And then burning vast volumes of oil emitting toxic smoke into the atmosphere… the absolute predictability of utter senseless stupidity..

  • @harunaaaron6619 July 2, 2024

    The unpatriotic Nigerian government and politicians should be held responsible. How can the six largest oil producing country be importing fuel, Kerosine, you can't see to buy in fuel stations, cooking gas is beyond the reach of the common man. These illegal refinery produces about 70 percent of kerosine and gas used by the average Nigerian.

  • The problem the government benefit alone

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