July 7, 2024
Property and Financial Crimes

No Arrest for a Shoplifting Petit Theft – How is this Possible?

If you’ve ever looked at a criminal background check, you’ll notice that they can be a bit misleading. A petit theft or shoplifting case is a prime example, where a person was not arrested for the crime but rather, just given what we call a “Notice to Appear” in court. Unfortunately, this still looks like an “arrest” and a trip to the jail on a background check!

In this video, we’re going to go over how things work for folks who were not arrested for the crime of petit theft. And, should you have a petit theft situation in Central Florida, and that means Orange County, Seminole, Osceola, Brevard, or Lake County, give our office a call, I’m sure we can help you out. Thanks! John 407-423-1117

#Shoplifting #CriminalLawyer #AskALawyer #FirstOffense #criminaldefenselawyer #PetitTheft


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