July 8, 2024
Legal and Courtroom

O.J. Simpson Murder Trial Juror Reveals What Changed His Mind About the Verdict

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Lionel Cryer was a juror in Simpson’s infamous trial, but something changed his mind after the verdict was handed down.



  • @philipvaughn1886 June 17, 2024


  • @maxtravers1314 June 17, 2024

    I mean when one of the cops giving evidence in the case has literally bragged about previously planting evidence to get black men sentenced, I’m not sure I can exactly blame him for taking the prosecution with a grain of salt

  • @maxtravers1314 June 17, 2024

    One commentator put it best; the prosecution failed to convict OJ because they prosecuted him as a black man, instead of as a rich man

  • @myunitt911 June 17, 2024

    Shame on this guy! I know jurors are doing a civic duty and we should respect that, but for him to do that in the courtroom was completely disrespectful!

  • @jonathanperry6302 June 17, 2024

    He wrote the book for money. Duh.

  • @jonathanperry6302 June 17, 2024

    His last name fits him perfectly

  • @robertordish3754 June 17, 2024

    This juror said Simpson was a clever criminal…WOW. That proves way beyond any reasonable doubt this juror is an absolute moron.

  • @pierrex3226 June 17, 2024

    When you're wearing gloves, and then you put on another pair of gloves, it's going to be tight. I know, I know, I'm incredibly intelligent. Also, reportedly, he stopped taking blood pressure medication days before which results in swelling.

  • @jhaeck1 June 17, 2024

    the judge was a dumbass too…….he did alot of dumb things as well

  • @jhaeck1 June 17, 2024

    this jurrors a clown like the rest….they let a murderer go free

  • @NothingButNet83 June 17, 2024


  • @jordanmartin9086 June 17, 2024

    Racists. And I’m not taking about the pale folks.

  • @timbango2090 June 17, 2024

    Corrupt rasict cops are why he got away.

  • @K-G-S_66 June 17, 2024

    Its really disgusting
    Because they didn't use their brain
    At the time now everyone's changing their minds
    Well two people lost their lives
    And you guys let the murderer
    Go free and unseeing
    all them evidence was the biggest f**k up

  • @johnny1893 June 17, 2024

    Now you understand the problem of violence with this culture….

  • You disgusting man, you know he did it and you live with knowing you let a murderer go free

  • @appleseedgames6934 June 17, 2024

    Bro must have twiddling his thumbs the entire trial if it took him a decade to finally see the evidence against OJ. What a moron

  • @swagmuffin1612 June 17, 2024

    Hes not a clever criminal, the jury was just dumb.

  • @Alicia-BG June 17, 2024

    Yesterday I watched an interview with one of the jurors in which she said that they all knew he was guilty. The only reason why they acquitted him was in vengeance for Rodney King. How sickening is that? They let a murderer free because of his race and the race of his victims. Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman had nothing to do with Rodney King or his case.

  • @saloninegi147 June 17, 2024

    Clever criminal! What a jackass.

  • @mattysee24 June 17, 2024

    Yeh those gloves fit

  • @SilentHillMyHome June 17, 2024

    May this juror rot in hell with OJ.

  • @burtmaclinfbi3993 June 17, 2024

    That jury was so stupid that they wouldn’t have voted guilty if there was 8K video evidence of the crime happening live on a 100-inch flatscreen television in the middle of the day.

  • @chasing2113 June 17, 2024

    He’s lying. He acquitted him because he was black and he killed two whites. Quit trying to crawfish on the garbage you helped facilitate…

  • @loganjackson675 June 17, 2024

    Dude was a racist half-wit and decided he was going to make a political point by helping to acquit a murderer, point blank and truth be damned. Obviously OJ Simpson was guilty, he was always guilty, and this guy didn’t learn that fact because of a book.

  • @bkim7000 June 17, 2024

    No he was not clever AT ALL… he left behind an INSANE amount of evidence. You were just gullable and got taken by his lawyers!!!

  • @VogtTD June 17, 2024

    Racist moron. Clever my ass. That juror wanted revenge for Rodney zking and thought letting a murderer go free was a good way to go about it. Talking about jarma, he should worry about his own karma.

  • @e2theoc June 17, 2024

    He's so confident in his stupidity….

  • @pommiebears June 17, 2024

    Cryer knew all along he was guilty! He was never going to vote guilty. He has to live with it, and I hope it hurts.

  • @gomez51791 June 17, 2024

    It’s not Karma it’s called REAPING WHAT YOU SOW

  • @MrPickledede June 17, 2024

    Because of Rodney King even if OJ admitted to the Murder on the stand a black juror would have aquutted him

  • @Fee212 June 17, 2024

    Dear Lionel, you let a double murderer free. 😢

  • @lorir5728 June 17, 2024

    The only clever criminal thing oj did was to murder Ron and Nicole on the heels of the LA riots. No-one was going to convict him in that climate. Everything became about race and not the murder of two people.

  • @harukuhitoki2991 June 17, 2024

    LoL This juror is so dumb, he's probably a Trump supporter…Karma…where's thisnl dummies Karma for letting a murderer go?

  • @austinsmith1505 June 17, 2024

    12 of the stupidest people that live in America ! The one woman who was interviewed with Kim didn't even know what a verdict or a verdict form was ! This man is also probably as stupid as America gets !

  • @Blueberry840.23 June 17, 2024

    Cleaver criminal? He left his blood, hat, gloves and hair all over that crime scene. Hes an idiot

  • @jessthemess1018 June 17, 2024

    ANYONE who doesnt think those gloves didnt fit enough to serve the purpose he used them for is RAY CHARLES! Even with RUBBER gloves underneath they covered his entire hand! The jurors who allowed this murderer to walk should be ashamed! I sure hope theyre never on the opposite end and have to watch 12 people let their childrens killer walk free because of the color of his skin because there was more than enough evidence to convict…period!

  • @cdelane3335 June 17, 2024

    Netflix tells why they found him not guilty Rodney King is why. Its not because he didn't do it. Its sad that some people do something horrible to Rodney King but that was used to let a murderer go. So they allowed another horrible thing to happen.

  • @MrBen-zv1ip June 17, 2024

    They guy just wants his temporary fame back

  • @kcorbiekeli4816 June 17, 2024

    They ALL found him innocent before the trial even started.

  • @imt1217 June 17, 2024

    Putting blacks in charge of justice. 😂

  • @JudithDeHaven June 17, 2024

    Cryer is such a liar! He knew. It was all about blacks against whites not justice. I hope karma finds you.

  • @supernatural653 June 17, 2024

    Nice to put a face to one of the biggest idiots of the 90s.

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