July 3, 2024
Hate Crimes

OAN legal analyst Bruce Fein breaks down what’s next in controversial Jussie Smollett case

One America’s legal analyst Bruce Fein speaks to Patrick Hussion, following the shocking developments in the case of embattled actor Jussie Smollett.

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  • @Musicman369 June 27, 2024

    [[**##I STOPPED WATCH EMPIRE!!!*?]]

  • @3516mos June 27, 2024

    I, myself believe that it is a process. A small but important part of a
    process. To discredit the American form of government, cause the
    citizens to lose faith in our Constitution, and lose faith in our
    ability to maintain rule of law. In short, it is an attempt to use our
    beloved liberty and freedoms to overthrow the constitutionally elected
    government and replace it with a socialist dictatorship. This has been
    the goal of the bolsheviks since they came to power in 1917.
    Read "THE NAKED COMMUNIST" on line for an eyeopening, AHA, moment.
    The American system works! Just look at the wealth and living conditions
    our citizens have produced.
    Don't be deceived by by the false promises of democrats/communists.
    Read "THE NAKED COMMUNIST". Educate yourselves. Support our President
    and our Constitutional Republic. Man, I love this country!
    Keep up the good work, President Trump.

  • @linro4452 June 27, 2024

    2 sets of law going on in America. STOP IT NOW and make Lady Justice the same for all!

  • @Hustler1856 June 27, 2024

    Wow how many people would be set free under this prosecutorial discretion clause that is in state law. This was law is never offered two other citizens only to the wealthy criminal empires that controls Justice systems around the world.

  • @ricardonavarro8450 June 27, 2024

    No justice for Jussie Smollett abuse of power.🇺🇸

  • Don’t you think Smollett May have threatened suicide by cop if he goes to jail?

  • @juliadulchitiz9130 June 27, 2024

    It is amazing that the Republicans in Congress and Senate are just silent about a case that has outraged America, right and left alike.

  • @jjbraddock2702 June 27, 2024

    This was a hate crime by Jesse.

  • @jjbraddock2702 June 27, 2024

    Time for FBI to do their job.

  • @keithfowler6876 June 27, 2024

    Where is the no justice no peace crowd ? Talk about double stsndards, miss foxx and her crew should be removed from office and disbarred from ever practicing law anywhere on the planet , also the elit3s that interfered in this case should be investigated as well ,

  • @keith1542 June 27, 2024

    smollett , plain and simple needs his arse kicked and hospitalized for about 6 months from the beating. Fuck his face up, so he'll never work again. MO only.

  • @dukesworld3020 June 27, 2024

    They aren't going to do anything to him. He's black and he gets a free pass. Now if he was white THAT would be a big case!!!!!

  • @carolynpendley4295 June 27, 2024

    ANYONE have information on how to get this news channel on spectrum? Thanks

  • @irisocton6386 June 27, 2024

    It's a hate crime alright. It's a hate crime against white people fraudulently perpetrated as a hate crime against black people, and it was designed to support his family's political ambitions and aunt Kamala Harris' lynch crime bill at the expense of an intended race war that would harm both whites and blacks. He is a narcissistic psychopath that put all people at risk and targeted white men and Trump supporters of all colors for violence.

  • @andilee2177 June 27, 2024

    How does Smolletts' legal records become sealed, and on what basis was it granted? And by, whom?

  • @ccarr9394 June 27, 2024

    2 words…..Michelle Obama

  • @dianetoon5566 June 27, 2024

    Comey did the same with Hellary….no charges were ever filed. The only difference is she really only had Comey saying the truth but " not prosecutable but kind of" these cops, mayor etc are screaming the truth. hmmmm. I see the point about the possible bronx effect but this was really fumbled.

  • @spaceghost5997 June 27, 2024

    I wonder how long untill he makes another hate crime hoxe? Probbly when he needs to get more monnie

  • guilty
    build the real wall
    full repeal NOW

  • @rayb1966 June 27, 2024

    We need some serious outrage. This is total B.S.. Jail time is necessary with these blatant charges.

  • @gailjohnston9253 June 27, 2024

    Wow! Crime does pay, prosecutors, DA's, Mayors…

  • @edsan9788 June 27, 2024

    Personally know five liberals whom yesterday asked me how can they attend a conservative conference so they can see what the other side has to offer oh and I made them all look up the meaning of NAZI which is a acronym for the "National SOCIALIST German Workers Party" and then asked them if they still thought May day founded by the National SOCIALIST workers party is something they still want to be a part of three started crying because they had no idea

  • @MalleusDei275 June 27, 2024

    M sure he'll enjoy federal time
    over county time, LOL

  • @Jezballz June 27, 2024

    The Obama's stepped in this case to get Smollett off-Mark Dice.

  • @johnmoore4822 June 27, 2024

    Well now this makes Jussie a shoe in for head of the DNC… bahahahahaha

  • @18twilliams June 27, 2024

    Its the same thing in the HRC fbi case!

  • @Balta211 June 27, 2024

    Smollet may not be violent person but he still committed a crime.

  • Lock him up!

  • @rafaelsoriajr June 27, 2024

    FOXX WAS paid 408,000 thru George Soros Pac. Connected to Both Obama's, MAXINE waters, and Kamala Harris. sealed records in sure lead right to Harris. FOXX text messages with family as well. wow. Justice was murdered.

  • @MarsMan1 June 27, 2024

    I Love the Just-Us System! 10k Buy off! How much did Hillary, Obama, Rice, Lynch, Comey, Brennan, Mueller, Weissmann, Clapper, Lerner, Rosenstein, Schultz, Rogers, and Sessions PAY?
    Where is the Problem? It is OK to BUY a POLITICIAN or Prosecutor… it should be OK to buy my child’s way into College! This is the AMERICAN WAY!

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