July 7, 2024
Property and Financial Crimes

Option Block 768: Buying Illuminati Calls

Trading Block: Looming government shutdown spooks the market.

Most active today:

• SPY – 2.1M (ADV 3.44M)

• VIX – 326k (603K ADV)

Earnings Highlights:

• Monday – Oracle (after bell)

• Tuesday – Darden, Navistar, FedEx

• Wednesday – Rite Aid, General Mills

• Thursday – Conagra, Nike

• Friday – Carmax

Odd Block: Tesla put summary, opening call sale in (ONB), opening call love in (CG) and put love in Macy’s (M)

Strategy Block: Uncle Mike Tosaw discusses 1256 contracts and wash sales.

Mail Block: Options qusetion of the week

Which upcoming volatility product are you most excited about trading in 2019? Or are you content to stay with the original despite lingering issues?


• Realday/RealVol

• Voldex/Skewdex

• I’ll stick with VIX

Listener question:

• Question from CodeLife10 – What is your thought on JPM tomorrow?

Around the Block: What’s on the radar for the pre-holiday week?


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