• Women did this to themselves, by many of them lying about certain circumstances. It comes to a point where guys and girls aren't believed unless proven true by a second party. Even then, the second party could be lying. It literally be the same case for men!

  • "We live in a country where women aren't believed"

    Lady, the first thing that happens when a woman makes ANY allegation toward a man, the man is detained and kept for an unspecified amount of time and needs to disprove the allegation.

    Shut your feminist face.

  • Pierce Morgan is 100% correct and he actually in this particular case exemplifies what the vast majority of all men think. Because I think they’re statistics at least years ago said about 30% of all sexual-based crimes reported by women were then proven to be completely false and knowingly, so Now that was years and years ago I am sure the math of it has changed and I’m not going to even try to act like I know what the current statistics say about it but any woman who follows it false claim against the man should have the proverbial book thrown at her. She should do whatever maximum gel time That the guy would do if he was found guilty of her false claims, and there shouldn’t be any probation or even early parole, 10 years has to be 10 years. The reason why so many women do this varies. It could be anything from, I know, for a fact one real reason cause it happened to a friend of mine in college he broke up with his girlfriend because he found out she was cheating on him. She was so mad that he had the audacity to not stay with a 304 that on a night that she thought he was going to be home alone, but actually came out to party with me and a couple of other friends, she went to the police and filed false grape charges against him without any evidence whatsoever the guy was arrested and spent the weekend in jail, fortunately, we had his friends, we had video evidence of him, chilling at the party with us 30 miles away from where she claimed this grape incident happened. Even though my friend had done nothing wrong, he was kicked out of college, and even when he came back a year later, because he appealed the decision, he was on academic probation of his entire time, and he found out after graduating that no law school would ever take him even know this was a false charge, but just because he was arrested, so he had to go back to school all over again and study something completely new wasting thousands and thousands of dollars, his job fired him, and he couldn’t get a job for at least a year after this, and yet the only thing to happen to the girl was she was placed on academic probation for one semester. She appealed that decision and she ended up getting no punishment whatsoever and I don’t know what she could’ve possibly said to the panel, but what she did was commit a kind of fraud for basically the fact that she was butt hurt and was held accountablefor the things that she did wrong, and she threw a temper tantrum and got her away, and that has been the typical case, and that kind of thing has to change

  • Given the number of men who have suffered irreparable damage as the result of false accusations, women who make them should be prosecuted and made to understand that lying has consequences.
    Ulrika Johnson should be in prison, for what she did.

  • These woke mental cases make me sick to the core because if it was the other way around she would be screaming blue murder she already said the man should go jail just in case she isn’t lying 🎤PATHETIC

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