July 7, 2024
Hate Crimes

‘Please just go’: Chinese tourists asked to leave Osaka restaurant

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Two Chinese women claimed they were driven out of a restaurant in Osaka, Japan, because of discrimination against Chinese tourists. But according to the restaurant, the women were at fault. The restaurant claimed they stayed at their table even after their 90-minute time limit was over, and threw cs on the ground.



  • @dontknowy June 21, 2024

    chinese should go back to their communist country

  • @ivananil7657 June 21, 2024

    We know chinese when theres a buffet

  • @socomxx June 21, 2024

    Never trust the CCP. Everything they say are lies.

  • @bleachnbones7107 June 21, 2024

    They're probably convinced they were discriminated against because they genuinely think they did nothing wrong, because they behave like that all the time. Sometimes while visiting other countries I've seen people from my own country do things that are ok or tolerated here but considered extremely rude/obnoxious abroad without even realizing it, like I've seen tourists do the same here. But to push a business owner, used to dealing with tourists, to the point of refusing their money those two must have been doing some pretty nasty stuff

  • @billygreen9915 June 21, 2024

    Most videos will defend Japan being xenophobic for some reason. And most videos will bash other countries for being xenophobic. Why does Japan get a free pass? Is it their 10,000 dollar melons?

  • @DawsonJP June 21, 2024

    Tourism in Japan has never been so crucial (IMO). Overseas competitors have major pressure on Japanese industry, along with the declining population, Japan needs help. Tourism is a massive revenue generator for Japan, I hope foreigners respect this country and help stimulate the economy 🙏🏻

  • @wamuwamuyaa June 21, 2024


  • @user-ve3kx6nk3o June 21, 2024

    Don't ever believe what these Chinese say. Just look at their actions.

  • @benjavier8262 June 21, 2024

    Been to japan last nov and enjoyed everything! I cant judge the chinese coz i dnt knw the whole story as well, that being said i can say the chinese govt are a bunch of self serving bullies who use force and intimidation to get their message across as well as to “take” what they want, i wonder if the people of china are the same, im jus saying

  • @masdemon1 June 21, 2024

    Japanese restaurant are well known of their manners….unlike China Restaurant and China tourists overseas… many online video will be proof of that.

  • @isashariff3724 June 21, 2024

    we will never really know since Chinese and Japanese really don't like each other those 2 countries are extremely racist

  • @scalawag6878 June 21, 2024

    I don't think the Chinese should be welcome in Japan

  • @archerdarker June 21, 2024

    There are so many Chinese who reside in Osaka and do not have these problems. There are delicious Chinese restaurants and markets in Osaka which are always busy. It is not discrimination against ethnicity. What it is: today’s Chinese citizens are truly disgusting, obnoxious, loud, pushy, and divisive. They are worse than Americans. I didn’t believe it until I had free time during the day for a few months and saw the behavior of Chinese tourists myself. Everything people complain about these Chinese is true.

  • @markd774 June 21, 2024

    I have been to Japan 3 times and not once experienced racism.
    Not once has any Japanese person been angry, when I may have made an unintentional faux pas>
    They are a very tolerant and humble race.

    I know who I believe!

  • @LuisValdez-nj3ho June 21, 2024

    Im going to believe the japanese.

  • @benhumble3718 June 21, 2024

    What kind of people are the Japanese?
    People who are not upset about the story of the two atomic bombs that America dropped on their country and killed millions of innocent people
    But they genocidated all the innocent Chinese people and today, in addition to not apologizing, they are fighting the Chinese😂😂😂😂😂

  • @dyfox3856 June 21, 2024

    How can they tell they're chinese?

  • @voltexvoltex3283 June 21, 2024

    I dont see any discrimination. I see the manager is frustrated with the two women's eating habit. He never mentioned race or country or even language. Just eating etiquette.

  • @nickycchua June 21, 2024

    50% of travelling Chinese are well known for thier bad behaviour when they are overseas, their beahviour are legendary, they thought they rule the world.

  • @boobopish June 21, 2024

    I’m sorry but I’m inclined to believe the Japanese guy. I’ve seen the eating habits of some Chinese ppl.

    They stayed overtime, and accused the wait staff of being racist, they weren’t being racist at all, the Chinese women were being very arrogant in their behaviour. Imagine being so bad that the staff even say you don’t need to pay, just leave.

  • Some Chinese tourist were rude!!!

  • @familyplan979 June 21, 2024

    Japan is lovely, rise up to their example.

  • @teresawhite4913 June 21, 2024

    When you visit different countries, please take time to understand 🙏 that culture. Please 🙏.

  • @nemelendez June 21, 2024

    In Japan it is a punishable offense to take pictures or videos of someone without consent. In my view he was very polite with them even running after them to give them back their money. If he had called the police they would be in jail. But of course yahoo is censored in China.

  • @emmanuelgustilo1919 June 21, 2024

    It's because of their bad table manner,,,common on Chinese diners

  • @danilobadua7775 June 21, 2024

    In San Francisco on Geary Avenue and Presidio Avenue intersection, I saw something disgusting: A Mercedes Benz was waiting for the traffic light to turn green. While waiting, the driver's door suddenly opened. And a Chinese man, the driver, started throwing out all his left over fast food trash and wrappers onto the middle of the street. And as soon as the traffic light turned green, he sped away. It was early morning, around 7: 25 am. There was relatively light traffic then but there were several of us who saw this happened. We couldn't do anything but shake our heads in disgust. Terrible behavior.😠

  • @SekadarPendapat June 21, 2024

    Nothing new about chinese bad attitude.

  • @kennyluc5281 June 21, 2024

    I choose to believe the Japanese version of the story, because in restaurant business the most important thing is its customers, both locals and tourists. If they were willing to lose these 2 customers and restaurant's reputations, that tells us something about these 2 customers' behaviors, they must have been really bad.

  • @GermanAtheist89 June 21, 2024

    Chinese people really eat in a disgusting way saw it many times

  • @RoadTripA1A June 21, 2024

    The moment I heard Chinese tourists and buffet in the same sentence, I knew this was going to be bad. 😞

  • Even here in philippines. Chinese people are smoking in an open space even if there a lot of sign saying no smoking area 😂

  • @kenihats6004 June 21, 2024

    Chinese people always create problems everywhere they go. They have no manners. I’m 100% sure the Japanese restaurant had a reason for kicking them out. Maybe they can act disgusting and gross in China and it’s acceptable but they need to get proper training before touring other countries. They embarrass all Asians!

  • @kenihats6004 June 21, 2024

    Maybe they thought they were being normal but to others, Chinese people don’t have manners. I’ve been to japan many times and they always treat customers nicely. I will never forget this one time in Fukuoka, a group of Chinese people were being so loud and obnoxious inside a store. I was being helped by the cashier and someone from that group tried to put her stuff on the counter pushing mine. Chinese people need to stop embarrassing other Asians. They create problems everywhere they go.

  • @musasetiabudi3134 June 21, 2024

    Japanese restaurants owner are polite. They respect customers highly. I know everytime i hv a dine in there.

  • @amleth9047 June 21, 2024


  • @amleth9047 June 21, 2024

    I would rather trust a Japanese by all means than Chinese when it comes to eating etiquette and cleanliness

  • @dushooter June 21, 2024

    Oh but when chinese resturant do the same to Japanese its ok…pfft.

  • @user-ml2og9lm6l June 21, 2024


  • @redpool1673 June 21, 2024

    As a tourist guide in Malaysia, I have to say that based on my experience dealing with Chinese tourists, I'd err on the side of the Japanese restaurant. While not all my Chinese clients have been 'difficult' there has been a substantial number who just don't seem to respect laws and cultural norms of the places they visit.

    I had clients who we took to dinner who spat out leftover food (bones and unwanted food) on the floor of the restaurant. I had clients who repeatedly did things that we advised them against doing especially when out trekking on national parks, like touching and taking objects, insects and plant-life out of the national parks (we made it clear that our laws strictly forbid this). Situations where clients refuse to stay still while the boat is moving during boat safaris (in crocodile infested waters) and refuse to stay on the trail during night excursions. There was one girl who kept walking off trail even after we told her to stay on the trail until her foot stepped in an unseen former rubber tree hole and almost snapped her ankle off.

    So yeah, by far one of the most difficult nationalities to deal with are the Mainland Chinese.

  • @gearbox3773 June 21, 2024

    Due to my job I was both in Japan and China. Japan is a very clean and polite country with well educated people. China is a little bit different. I was in a restaurant at Shanghai and Chinese people at nearby table were spitting on the floor for all the time.

  • @silverstorm1000 June 21, 2024

    I don’t really see evidence on either side so I wouldn’t come to any conclusions. It’s possible this was discrimination but it’s also possible the manager told the truth and they were being rude and gross.

  • @henryc1000 June 21, 2024

    I know this… with the owner willing to not charge these diners just to see them gone speaks volumes!!

  • @Aliciaek June 21, 2024

    It's very understandable, sorry but it is. I have seen their behavior in American buffets and they leave no doubt because this Japanese man was so irritated that he could not receive the money.

  • @MrMicahBell June 21, 2024

    Dog eaters. Enough said.

  • @petersena4773 June 21, 2024

    The way Chinese eat is maybe disgusting. I saw some of the unhygienic way they eat. I saw one of them spitting on the train couch. Well, not all of them are nasty.

  • @my_hoaitran5256 June 21, 2024

    My sister family traveled to Japan. She really love it. She said Japanese are very polite and work in neat. She will come back to Japan again.

  • @fabiomarcuslove June 21, 2024

    without a question I will side with the Japanese here. I have been in Japan a feel times Anyone who ever visited Japan would agree. the last time I was there just 3 weeks ago , you would know why they would do that, Chinese bad behavior example even in the news there. Japanese people is the nicest people ever.

  • @KB-ic2jg June 21, 2024

    Chinese are famous for dumping shells , bones etc on the floor… Its disgusting

  • @Saya2009able June 21, 2024

    Please note not all chinese are the same. I'm British born Chinese and I'm very polite in public. I know nobody said it here BUT don't descriminate all chinese

  • If u all whant to know what happens search "chinese in buffets"

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