July 5, 2024
Cyber and Organized Crimes

Protecting New Yorkers from Identity Theft and Fraud



  • @jackpwade July 2, 2024

    NY needs to stop defrauding real claims by lying to everyone that calls and removing tax records to pay out less

  • @jneeylin2286 July 2, 2024

    Chinese know where 盗窃身份退税钱疫情期间申请纽约和外州失业金,到处收到理赔信件 可恨2021自动退到银行帐户小孩子领发钱,变成记支票出来,中间几个月份没有收到,起码盗窃百万福利和刺激金支票过帐😭😭 疫情申请失业金那些寄给过来既然工卡号写错了,无法通过验证申请疫情失业金补贴金,没有收到一张刺激金支票 做什么生意 找偷税漏税偷500key证明 被警察带走被人告

  • @APizzle. July 2, 2024

    Called the DOL hotline multiple times, you get placed on hold for 10 minutes and asked for pin which is not something I have, + SSN, and then it just says sorry call volume is high, try again another time and hangs up on you!! Really?!?!

    Also if you just track the banking information where the false benefits are being deposited you can track down and prosecute these scammers @nyslabor

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