July 7, 2024
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Putin could lose initiative as Ukraine stabilises Kharkiv and hits new targets in Russia | Frontline

Putin’s offensives are slowing as Ukraine stabilises the front around Kharkiv and hits a series of high value targets in Russia. This week’s Frontline experts discuss the latest:

Peter Zeihan, author of The Accidental Superpower: Ten Years on
Hamish De Bretton-Gordon, Former CBRN Commander
Matthew Savill, Director Military Sciences, RUSI
Prof. Mark Galeotti, Former Adviser on Russia to the UK Foreign Office
George Barros, Russia Team Lead, ISW

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  • @markanthony3275 June 20, 2024

    First Putin suckered the Ukrainians in by amassing many tanks and missile launchers at the border with Kharkiv region to make it look like he was launching a major strike. This caused redeployment of meagre Ukrainian forces from all over the battle front including Kherson in the south. And it just so happens that Russian forces have secured territory around the bridge on the south bank of the Dneiper, going into Kherson . Gee! I wonder what's gonna happen next?

  • @ChrisGroggyCreaser June 20, 2024

    Putin is going to be disposed BY HIS OWN TOP RANKED Generals/Politico's Etc,etc!!… 🙁

  • @CV_CA June 20, 2024

    You live in a make believe world. Russians are going forward every day. Last 24 hours they went forward in three places. Time is in their side.

  • @JoeyRay-fz1qe June 20, 2024

    Dreaming, nothing but Dreaming!

  • rusia is a terrorist country and will be prosecuted.

  • @russellspeed1693 June 20, 2024

    I want to smoke what Peter has been smoking.

  • @johnjenkins9316 June 20, 2024

    😂😂😂😂😂😂 such nonsense




  • @JohnSmall314 June 20, 2024

    Ukraine is only one small part of Putin's war on western civilization. He has plenty of people working behind the lines

    Putin has the initiative in Europe. All European right wing parties are vassals of Putin and they've just won more power in the EU elections.

    Orban has the 6 month rotating presidency and he'll do all he can to obstruct European aid to Ukraine.

    Le Pen might make big gains in the French election which would cause French support for Ukraine to dry up, and France's nuclear weapons would no longer be a deterrent against Russia.

    Trump could win the US Presidency and he's promised Putin he'll withdraw support from Ukraine and NATO.

    Farage's Reform Party is Putin's franchise in the UK and he'll be making trouble for UK's support for Ukraine and NATO.

    Large segments of the European population are pro-Putin and anti-Ukraine.

  • @cjpj72 June 20, 2024

    Lol, Peter Zeihan is consistently the wrongest of wrong geopolitical pundits. Makes sense he'd be on this Cope channel.

  • @aarone9000 June 20, 2024

    People once believed putin was intiligent; now we see he isn't any smartter then dmfp! 😊 slava Ukraine!

  • @sanatbhate June 20, 2024

    People in Britain are living in fools paradise. In all the previous wars Britaish have not had a 'total' disaster on their homeland. That time is being invited by British policies now. Good luck… London, Manchester, Liverpool, Glasgow, Edinburgh… and all middle level cities in ashes!!!

  • @WestSideGorilla1980 June 20, 2024

    If putin wasn't dying from cancer and trying to leave a legacy to his family I don't think a sane man would do this. Even pulling back and not attacking Ukraine today the loss to oil refinery and pipelines ect. Russia is gonna need 50 years to claw back the 2021 GDP.

  • @peterm.eggers520 June 20, 2024

    They are getting better and better at propaganda! He could sell freezers to Eskimos.

  • @mikeythehat6693 June 20, 2024

    Stand strong Ukraine, Australia (and the world) stands with you.

  • @javamanV3 June 20, 2024

    tRump is not coming into power! He is a traitor and the American People are well aware of that fact!

  • @user-bf7bj5in3s June 20, 2024

    so losing is winning ??

  • @sourjasarkar7197 June 20, 2024

    Time Radio. is a pro western propagandist. By every mean

  • @geofflewis8599 June 20, 2024

    between 1941 and 1945 of all the young men in Russia between 15 and 19 years old, only 5 percent survived WWII – the Russians know how to bleed.

  • @autmek June 20, 2024

    At 8:05 Peter is talking about that russian have taken a chinese made flight kit on the FAB-1500. Does he mean that the Russian use chinese produce flight controller with Glomas (Russian GPS) and make the gliding wing themeselfe or is this a complete made chinese guiding system with gliding wing that chines produce?

  • @ruspj June 20, 2024

    what is the possibility of anti russians winning georgia's october elections and wanting to kick russian troops out of their occupied regions?
    in the state russian forces are currently in they would have the either divert troops & equipment from ukraine or abandon South Ossetia and Abkhazia.
    given te current situation they may take the oppertunity if they believe putin would let it go to prioritise ukraine

  • @WallaceDunn June 20, 2024

    I used to respect this guy until he became obvious he suffers from a severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome…

  • @vivalavida741 June 20, 2024

    This guy is straight up delusional, 0 military understanding

  • @DigbyGrayston June 20, 2024

    this will be a very interesting winter, weather will play LESS a part with longer range more accurate missiles, tank power will be needed less, with air superiority

  • @DigbyGrayston June 20, 2024

    its certainly not Ukraine's fault Russia threaten Nuclear

  • @romesmigomes June 20, 2024

    Does he really think Ukraine can take back or even contest crimea at this point?

  • @eudaenomic June 20, 2024

    Liberal commentary usually falls on its face. Putin would never have entered Ukraine if Trump had been in office. Putin saw Biden as a continuation of Obama's lead from behind policy: you know the one where many Syrian children, women and men drowned or died escaping the Russian backed Syrian military. Not to mention that same lead from behind leadership led to the terrorists attacks throughout Europe. You do not know what Trump will do, what YOU DO KNOW IS TRUMP WARNED NATO UKRAINE IS THE WALL BETWEEN NATO AND RUSSIA.

  • @lajoyalobos2009 June 20, 2024

    "Russia's last war"… Probably not, but the last in which they fight on any kind of level of being taken seriously. Inevitably, there'll be more conflicts popping up within the Russian space, places like Georgia, Chechnya, Moldova or even Syria. That includes Russia itself in the far east/Outer Manchuria region or areas in Siberia. When the abusive strongman is suddenly weak, everyone starts to take advantage of it. Right now, Russia is exhausting itself in Ukraine and is focusing its military in its far western extreme, far away from a potential hotspot in its far eastern extreme or other areas.

  • @joeadams1225 June 20, 2024

    Russia wont run out of " Grist for the Mill"…. No way, too many satellite states full of disaffected youth who want to " see the world"….too easy….sadly.

  • @joeadams1225 June 20, 2024

    Thank heavens , when i was a trooper in M 113's, all we had to worry about was mines and RPG 's….. No drones , just brave fanatics defending their homeland.

  • @danlindy9670 June 20, 2024

    The idea that the Russian public is going to wake up to Putin’s propaganda is a joke. They already know it’s lies and Russian society has no basis in liberal democracy. It’s the other wolves in the corrupt Kremlin who will dispose of Putin. As soon as one of them believes he will prevail, the knives will come out and Putin knows this. His only option is to continue escalating with the West and try to keep his potential rivals fighting each other. What Ukraine has demonstrated is that Putin can be beaten, and that is enough start the process of deposing him and shifting the balance of power. But to think that the Russian people have any say in the matter is incredibly naive.

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