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Tea Time by GoSoundtrack
Creative Commons — Attribution 4.0 International — CC BY 4.0
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🎵 Track Info:
Title: Tea Time by GoSoundtrack
Genre and Mood: Cinematic + Romantic
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[email protected]


#reddit #theclick #subreddit



  • @fallen-qn1fr June 21, 2024

    21:30 T O Y 0.0 a hecking master grade, which takes hours to built as a straight built, not to mention heavily customizing it 0.0 some peepz really shouldn't open there mouths if all that'll come out is hecking poop ._.

  • @atlaslovesedm8704 June 21, 2024

    i always mishear (?) click's intro as "laddies, lasses, and lassoes" and i think that's so fucking funny for the sole reason of "the three genders: male, female, and cowboy"

  • @jadedryad June 21, 2024

    17:47 yes, sadly, I was once taking someone's phone up to the office (phone rules were strict in my school, but, like not even all it was was taht you couldn't be on your phone for the duration of school, anyways I'm getting off topic) and I had accidentally pressed on their phone screen, like, not even very much. I basically hadn't even touched their phone at all, and it showed their home screen, with apps and everything. I honestly don't get how people can have their phones unlocked with no password, like, people could easily get your information that way. way worse things too but I don't have the energy rn to list any of them

  • @Userdaniel829 June 21, 2024

    Are you proud im a 1 day ago?

  • @Cuprite1024 June 21, 2024

    The second-to-last one was just painful to listen to. I can just imagine myself in that situation and… frankly, idk what I'd do, knowing the last 7 or so years of my life was a complete lie, wasted time and trust that I would never get back. That… is a terrifying concept.
    Edit: Also the insane amount of unprotected sex, willingly putting everyone around him in danger, not even just the main victim. Absolutely disgusting.

  • @KyrieChii June 21, 2024

    Everyone goes in for a bit of that 'transcendent pettiness'… It's like a fabulous delicacy you consume via osmosis. xD Totally here for it.

  • @aceanimations3214 June 21, 2024

    I kinda wanna write a book/story so the wholesome beginning gets a happy ending

  • @Lucifers_Daddy June 21, 2024

    Day 1 of asking for Click to like my comment in order for me to resume the story im writing

  • @atomicgoblin June 21, 2024

    32:00 this story is fake, I used to work for AT&T. The only way one can get any sort of logs from the company is with a court order. And even then your lawyer has to hash it out with the legal department. I was in advanced tech support and had access to resources most other departments could only dream of (we were the people folks got funneled to when nobody else could fix their issues) and even we had zero way to see any kind of logs.

  • 17:00 it’s giving fake. Giving teenage troll

  • @Yukikun22 June 21, 2024

    There have been so many stories of parents having affairs with their children's partners, friends and even BULLIES…I'm surprised Click was so shocked lol
    I'm still not over the one about the mother who orchestrated her underage AP dating and then later marrying her daughter all so they could keep seeing each other and it turned out some of her siblings were HIS children!

  • @RyeRye9254 June 21, 2024

    12:30 This story would make a great stage play. I've already come up with the perfect title: The Aristocrats.

  • @vincentsolus9227 June 21, 2024

    17:45 or the story is made up, that part does not seen very realistc, and summing it to rest even more

  • @kit.cat.corner June 21, 2024

    I got so unbelievably happy when he mentioned Death Note, that's one of my favorite shows!

  • @VibinWitch June 21, 2024

    If anyone says your sexuality is a turn on, first of all, ew, but second of all LOSE THE FEELINGS AND RUN AWAY 🚩🚩🚩

  • @KoriMasho June 21, 2024

    I have literally never met a Ryan that didn't turn out to be a total asshole. Never. Not once.

  • @ViktorErikFade June 21, 2024

    If you want to see what is in a game grumps 10 minute power hour they tried fish things
    And that was the last thing they opened and it was so strong people left the office

  • @isis-daisy3384 June 21, 2024

    Click, i went to Sweden recently and thought about how cool it was to be in the land of Click.

  • @lerossignolbelle June 21, 2024

    What kind of monsters did you go to school with to leave surströmming in the ventilation? That’s just evil.

  • @lululov619 June 21, 2024

    Has anyone ever told you that you look like Erik Karlsson…. The Swedish hockey player. Because my fiancé just walked in on me watching you and asked why Erik Karlsson is on YouTube 😂

  • @KUwUpa June 21, 2024

    Some methods are definitely questionable, but hey, if someone is actively making bad decisions, like the student with false accusations and the cheater and scammer and blackmailer, then they shouldn't be so surprised when consequences come biting back, because they wanted to ruin someone else's life, so now they get exactly that in return on their own life, and most of the time it's their own actions that are what get them convicted.

  • @CosmicGoku529 June 21, 2024

    Not sure if I believe these stories because, you know it's the internet. But what that 16-year-old did in the 3rd story was illegal. Multiple counts Trespassing and destruction of property.

  • @agachansilencekya June 21, 2024


  • In regards to that last story, my philosophy for "jokes" that are harmful or hurtful like that are "they can be jokes UNTIL the person making the joke defends it." Then it's an opinion or excuse to hurt someone.

  • @comments2die4 June 21, 2024

    We NEED to see Click's plushy collection, all of it.

  • @RuinedSilver June 21, 2024

    "Do people not lock their phone?"

    I'm gonna be honest, for a LONG time, yeah, I didn't lock my phone. Now, I'm not in Laurens position (aka being an awful person… which… honestly should be more incentive to lock her phone than the average person? but pop off girly.), my reasoning was pretty much "I don't have anything worth snooping/stealing" and "I'll always have it on me so why bother?". It wasn't until one time in college and my friends got drunk that I started actually locking it. I'd gone to the bathroom, they found my unlocked phone, and being drunk, thought it would be HILLARIOUS to text my contacts random shit, varying from innocent memes to one person (old highschool guy friend I don't talk too anymore cause of distance) a dick pick.

    SO, TLDR: yes, there are people who don't lock their phones, usually people who are overly dismissive (Me) or haven't experienced an invasion of privacy, and it usually takes them actually realizing their phone has been snooped through to start locking it.

  • @MTNLproductions June 21, 2024

    This video was soooo entertaining. We need more of videos from this subreddit!

  • @knickers1978 June 21, 2024

    I have a cute story to share.
    My son is special needs, mostly non verbal (says a few words). I bought an emotional support demon.
    The day it came, I unpacked it and he claimed it for a couple of hours, especially playing with the toe beans.
    We watched this video together (he’s 22, but mentally 4), and I clearly heard him say “Cli”, which I think he was trying to say Click. Then I lifted up my demon, and asked him what it was. He said “deem”, which I take as meaning demon.
    I told him he was a good boy for talking, which I do to keep encouraging his speech, but I felt really chuffed about the whole thing.

    He also loves when Click plays Karen. He cracks up😂

  • @Grumbo84 June 21, 2024

    Hi click, just outed myself to a friend
    the reason i even know is this channel
    just wanted to thank you ❤❤

  • @naomiorogun647 June 21, 2024

    This is basically "my villain origin story" the sub Reddit😂

  • @Solis_aestas June 21, 2024

    45:57 Yeah i agree it really feels like it .

  • @SprinkelFallingleaf June 21, 2024

    Maybe it was "wrong" of me But I let my kids wat Law and order SVU, growing up. (lol) Maybe not a great idea, and CSI…little paranoia… Anyway, I always talked to them like people, not small idiots, or pets, cause they are. We got out first computer in the house when they were 1, 3, and 6, back in 02 I think. So forever ago. I would tell them you never know if the person you are talking to is exactly who they say they are or some weird 80-year-old doing bad things halfway around the world, so just keep that in mind.

  • @AlizeeHegeman June 21, 2024

    Can we do R/AITA next?

  • @goothedoot June 21, 2024

    that first op really hit that guy with the “this you lil bro??”

  • @samewyk3645 June 21, 2024

    Click you remind me of Lucifer ❤

  • @contortionyx June 21, 2024

    Bruh, why is it always the people soooo concerned about bi people cheating on them with the other gender that end up being cheaters themselves?? Talk about being biphobic with zero self-awareness…

  • @mathieupoulin5012 June 21, 2024

    That's John Wick's shmith there!

  • @loganparry9437 June 21, 2024

    Someone destroyed my toy, and now I'm going to take over the world.Don't you mean. Doctor defensmurch

  • @AmbiCahira June 21, 2024

    Whenever a school in our area (Umeå) would get surströmming in the vents the school would shut down for a week or two for sanitation so it became a go-to vacation time for some kids. I doubt it can be done to the same degeee anymore because there's probably cameras everywhere now but it is definitely a 90s-00s memory.

  • @TenchixRyoko June 21, 2024

    These Reddits are our generation's "soap opera"

  • About mobile passwords; most people are ridiculously lazy with passwords. Having "1234" or "0000" as your pin should be a punishable offense…

  • @HakumeiTwinBlade June 21, 2024

    I like Click's pen very snazzy.

  • @mr.cauliflower3536 June 21, 2024

    The girl saw the password of the phone.

  • I found it very ironic that bi guy's partner started by being afraid bi guy would be tempted by women.

  • @mr.cauliflower3536 June 21, 2024

    The thing with the false fondling accusations, is I'm not sure the accusations by this girl happened. That's my only problem

  • @ryanevans6266 June 21, 2024

    he did not step into a legal hornets nest he stepped into a minefield of legal stuff

  • 38:07 mfer turned into John wick

  • you could even say karma's a birch

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