July 7, 2024
Hate Crimes

Rise in racism and hate crime reported following Brexit result

Mayor of London Sadiq Khan has urged Londoners to “stand guard” against hate crime following Britain’s decision to withdraw from the European Union.



  • @3506Dodge June 19, 2024

    This racism is a response to decades of uncontrolled immigration, not Brexit. Brexit is the EFFECT not the CAUSE. Only a child would think otherwise.

  • @adamjensen7581 June 19, 2024

    Anyone know the name of the music?

  • Im Muslim and no one said no thing to me! Love for all.. x

  • @compatriot852 June 19, 2024

    Nice try, but we aren't going to be easily fooled by propaganda and salty Liberals

  • @Sophiedorian0535 June 19, 2024

    Nun schon Kristallnacht?

  • @amywheelwright3052 June 19, 2024

    If we truly believe in fighting hate with love then we should help these people instead of immediately resort to name calling, labeling and demonizing them, the very things we advocated against. In many ways, these people are victims, the pace at which the immigration level has risen was arguably too fast for some segments of our society – they lost their jobs, their community and were not fortunate enough to be well equipped to adjust. Something that our previous governments have to answer for.

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