July 4, 2024
Sex Crimes

Robert Morris Allegations Steps Down and Resigns Due to Moral Failure with Cindy Clemishire Story

Robert Morris Allegations Steps Down and Resigns Due to Moral Failure with Cindy Clemishire Story. Robert Morris accused of clergy ab*se of a minor. Robert Morris Pastor has stepped down and resigned as Senior Pastor of Gateway Church. Robert Morris Allegation include “inappropriate s3xual behavior with a young lady” more than 35 years ago while he was a young pastor after a woman named Cindy Clemishire accused him of SA her over multiple years beginning when she was 12. His abuse of Cindy Clemishire lasted 4.5 years and ended with Roberts removal from ministry for two years at the time. It seems at the time that Pastor Robert Morris didn’t seem to share all the details about his moral failure. He said his s3xual sin was with a “young lady” but she was only 12 years and was a young little girl. Due to this information coming to light Robert Morris steps down. This is the story of the Robert Morris Pastor scandal. This video will also tell the Cindy Clemishire story in a video that was released this week. After Robert Morris resigns, Cindy releases a statement to the public on her thoughts on the matter. This video will address Cindy Clemishire Robert Morris situation. We will also take a look at some interview by former Gateway Pastor Bob Hamp who is going to talk about why church scandals like this keep happening. Bob Hamp explains that people are simply in denial that AB is happening. No one really knows the future for Robert Morris Gateway church at this point. The original story was told by on a blog at the Wartburg Watch which Cindy explains she was just a little girl in her pink pajamas when Robert Morris who was a young Pastor at the time SA her. No one should call this Robert Morris “moral failure” because it is much more then this. This is not just a moral failure but a crime as well. This video will cover the Gateway Church Robert Morris scandal or the Robert Morris Scandal

#gatewaychurch #robertmorris #christiannews

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BS Degree from NYU in Counseling
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Studied Inner Healing and Deliverance at School of Ministry
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Deacon At New Life Fellowship church home of Emotional Healthy Discipleship started By Pete Scazzero
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A ministry leader in Inner Healing and Deliverance for 8 years
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  • @TammyMurray-lw3yc June 26, 2024

    Why did this women wait till she was in her 40’s to come forward. I question the motives of those who wait until long after they become adults to share information. What is the motive? I don’t think abuse is right, nor is it okay.
    Just questioning the motive when someone has information for years and years and then they decide to share it. Satan is out to destroy both the abuser and the abused. Praying for the healing of all.

  • @user-fl4vz1qi9r June 26, 2024

    Yes, we are forgiven but that does not erase the consequences. Kong David repented but he was told that the sword would not depart from his house. I enjoyed Pastor Morris’s sermons. He states she was a young g lady, a twelve year old is not a young lady. When he calls her a young lady he’s minimizing what he did. He sexually molested/abused a minor. He should not be permitted to be on a pulpit. In biblical times he would have been killed for this crime.

  • @hildacann3411 June 26, 2024

    Be careful throwing stones!!!

  • @rascallyrabbit June 26, 2024

    why do people ever go to church! it is full of evil. read the Bible and obey the 10 commandments.. stop following men

  • @ladyd607 June 26, 2024

    Didn't she say it went on for Years? Didnt she keep coming to him? I've heard him talk about this openly about this moral failure with great remorse, regret, repentence. Thousands have been helped, set free, delivered by this Pastor openly sharing his testimony.

  • @joannpounders4811 June 26, 2024

    Dear Robert Morris, As a minister you know that people can be cruel, unforgiving to a pastor and pick their opinions on you rather than Bibical truth. Your affair went on too long! You have allowed the amger of people to become overwhelming. That is your responsibility. You knew you were wrong, but you continued. No justification can add yo this, but God can forgive. YOUR PART NOW IS TO GET OUT OF THE AND PULPIT AND ACCEPT MAN'S PUNISHMENT AND GOD'S PUNISHMENT. YOU KNOW VERY WELL WITH GOD'S FORGIVENESS COMES CONSCIENCE. I AM PRAYING FOR YOU DURING THIS TIME, DO WHAT IS RIGHT IN GOD'S EYES AND WRITTEN WORD. HE STILL LOVES YOU. ISA 41:9-13

  • @GodBlessYou112 June 26, 2024

    Since she was 12 years old
    and she is now 54 years old,
    and when she was 17 years old
    she told a friend, what happened
    to her, and that friend told her to
    tell her parents, the friend didn't'
    tell her to call the Police and when
    she herself at 17 years old told her
    parents, and they didn't call the Police
    that seems to say that the offense wasn't
    such that the Police needed to be called.

  • @ladiesinsync7411 June 26, 2024

    Who have you been sharing with for years???

  • @rayvilla3300 June 26, 2024


  • @lauranelson7858 June 26, 2024

    I was suspicious of you in the beginning. Not sure if you read these. But, in spirit, I am sorry.

  • @patriot4amer June 26, 2024

    Election interference…corrupt media is trying to smear Trump in this..mess

  • @patriot4amer June 26, 2024

    Cindy..this happened 41 years ago…..forgive and let go….your 53 years now….God will restore 100 times over what was lost….

  • @patriot4amer June 26, 2024

    What is her motive….blasting this personal wrong all over SECURAL CORRUPT MEDIA…..She's 53 years old now..WHY NOT SETTLE QUIETLY………..NOW.41 years later…SHE IS NOT CONSIDERING THE DAMAGE ……she is doing damage to the house of God….REPENTANCE. RESTITUTION …RESTORATION…IS GODS WAY

  • @cappiestuff June 26, 2024

    To speak against this man will bring God's judgment on you! He repented 30 years ago. You want money!

  • @debj4776 June 26, 2024

    Miracles in the Midst of Suffering: Annie's Testimony of God's Faithfulness | ISRAELMediaMinistrie

    This is a great testimony of a young girl who went through a terrible time from sickness to attacks.
    The Lord brought her through because of faith in the Love of Jesus.
    As an adult her father came to her in tears asking for forgiveness. He said he had begged God to forgive him, and wanted to know how could he get God to forgive such evil acts.
    Her husband and her explained the love of God and prayed with him, forgiving him.
    For the first 13 years of her marriage every night as she slept her husband held her and prayed over her. One day she noticed within she was different, set free. He then told her about the prayers.
    When one is abused only the Lord can heal no matter how many therapists one might go to.
    The abuser must truly repent and if there are laws in place they must be beholden to the judgment according to the law.
    As a church we must keep our pastors in prayer as they too can be tempted by satan, but as a pastor they must resist temptation.

  • @stephaniewhite7477 June 26, 2024


  • @DeborahFosen-hx3hv June 26, 2024

    An opportunist looking for her payday. Plain and simple. Otherwise, this woman would have had him charged years ago. Shame on him then, and shame on her now.

  • @rickshuman4269 June 26, 2024

    Why do you seem to be so happy about this you know jealousy or envy is a sin right?

  • @annabrown9037 June 26, 2024

    Why did you take so long ? Why you didn't report him or tell your parents? Forty years ?

  • @777houses June 26, 2024

    So how come her father pardoned Robert Morris afterwards and asked Morris not to say this in public? And it seems that Morris and the father and her settled this 18 years ago as well. There is something that is not right here! I do not defend what was happening but I do sense that there is some faul play here.

  • @mgmassey174 June 26, 2024

    Csa happens in every community.

  • @robertjayroe9900 June 26, 2024

    He also preaches false stuff.

  • @violaseagraves7443 June 26, 2024

    How do you know he didn't repent?.. He did tell what he did. He did not tell her name or age. I don't know if he should have. But the main thing is that he confessed and repented. I think he did because he spoke about it years ago not to do the thing he did not say that she was young. But when you're 16 you are old enough as we all know that Mary the mother of Jesus was between the age of 13-16. I'm not sure she did not know what she was doing after four years. He came right it was wrong but her father knew…

  • @joeharris7550 June 26, 2024

    The fact that he was involved with such a young girl is horrific, and the fact that it went on for years is inexcusable… but consider:

    1. Cindy has been quick to point out that she was just 12 years old and this all this began Christmas of 1982. Her birthday is in January 1970, meaning that she was less than 30 days from being age 13. Again, it doesn’t take away from the fact that being a 20-year-old and messing with a 13-year-old is unacceptable.

    2. This all came to light four years later, which would’ve put her around 16 or 17. Her parents and her chose their route to deal with this. Again back then she/her parents should’ve called the police, but they didn’t, and chose a different route, and it was dealt with.

    3. In 2007, she was asking for $50,000 for counseling reimbursement… I’m sure there was a hefty amount of “padding” to that figure, as can’t see counselors in Oklahoma charging those type of rates. Furthermore, the fact that Morris’ attorney refused that amount and offered a poultry $25,000, is just utter stupidity! They should’ve offered her $250,000 for her pain and suffering and had her sign in NDA and move on again.

    The fact that she didn’t get what she wanted, is the genesis of where we are today. She has been sitting and waiting for the opportunity to bring this onto social media, to exact the most damage. It’s no coincidence She did this now, when Pastor Morris is going to be retiring this year. Her claim that there must be others totally farcical and the ramblings of an attention seeking teen-victim, but an adult manipulator. She could’ve brought this to light at any time over the last 20 years since the incident (which would’ve put her in her 30s), but she didn’t and she’s just waiting for an opportunity for attention and revenge…a true narcissist! I can’t fault her too much, as Pastor Morris set this into motion 35 years ago.

    Lastly, if you read any of her emails from 2005 that she sent to Gateway Church (this would’ve meant that she was 35 years old), you will see that she had made references about receiving restitution, receiving punitive damages, and that it was time for Robert to “step up to the plate and bless her.” As per the restitution amount, she asked Robert and her email, to pray about it and call her.

    Gateway was founded in 2000, and just starting to grow dramatically in 2005… about the time she started emailing Robert to receive some sort of compensation/restitution. It begs the question, why didn’t you reach out to Robert in 1998, when there was no Gateway church, when there wasn’t Any fame or riches associated with Robert Morris when he was still associated with a small church in Grand Prairie? Rather simple, waiting for an opportunity to exact the most devastating damage. Either you pay a ton of money and restitution or I blow the lid off of this 35 years after the fact… at the zenith of your fame and notoriety and just before you retire.

    This was a wronged woman, looking for the opportunity to exact revenge… plain and simple.

  • @sandismith7823 June 26, 2024

    In March of 1987, this situation was brought to light, and it was confessed and repented of. I submitted myself to the Elders of Shady Grove Church and the young lady’s father. They asked me to step out of ministry and receive counseling and freedom ministry, which I did. Since that time, I have walked in purity and accountability in this area,” Morris said in his statement, adding he and his wife met with the survivor and her family in 1989. How many times does he have to repent to get forgiveness from his judges?

    “I asked their forgiveness, and they graciously forgave me,” he said.

  • @sandismith7823 June 26, 2024

    He has repented for this many times. He has shared what happened through the years? How many times does he have to repent to br forgiven by the people judging him? I know God forgave him the very 1st time he repented. Cindy! I pray for complete healing inside & out and you can walk in forgiveness. I was molested as a child and I told people and no one helped me. I hated my molester with every ounce of my soul. I wanted him jailed, dead, to hurt as much as he hurt me. I think that is where u are. But through the years God has set me free and I choose to walk in forgiveness. Because hate and unforgiveness only hurt me and not the molester. We are not to judge but pray for everyone involved, pray something good comes out of this. Please don't let the enemy use this ( for everyone) to keep u from church & from God. How many secrets and skeletons do u have that u don't want the world to know happened. I am not perfect. You are not perfect. Don't let hate win.

  • @gregoryswift7804 June 26, 2024

    He was Trumps pastor advisor? Hmm🤔

  • @healthbeyond7291 June 26, 2024

    He said with his own admission!!!!! He LOOKED for GIRLS!!! That had father issues .
    Also her parents knew about it & DID NoTHInG about it ??????? Absolutely disgusting. What BETRAYAL & NEGLECT!

  • @richellepeace4457 June 26, 2024

    That woman was sloth.. She had years but in keeping quiet she helped create more victims so she failed too. All pastors that do things like this should be in prison but we have sloppe' agape' gospel…

  • @joe1940 June 26, 2024

    Sadly, she waited too long, his career is ruined, but he'll probably never be held accountable by the legal system.

  • @sarahkay9211 June 26, 2024

    Cindy where is your forgiveness?!!!
    How will you face Jesus who said if one strikes you on one cheek turn to him another cheek!!!!.

  • @user-sz3fd6el1d June 26, 2024

    Robert said on Daystar in a fundraiser that he had an affair. He said it was before he was a Christian.

  • @IllTalkAboutIt2.0 June 26, 2024

    Yall could be in trouble with God for messing with Robert Morris…no matter what happened 35 years ago…if the elders restored him according to scripture then best to leave it alone…all have sinned..

  • @JDN531953 June 26, 2024

    Only she and him knows the whole story. She saw him for 4 years, and as a 17 year old did she run in fear from him or flirt with him? Something fishy is in this story. I don’t think she’s totally innocent and I know he isn’t innocent at all.

  • @sheilacarter3806 June 26, 2024

    Praying for you🎉🎉🎉and your family

  • @1skinpro June 26, 2024

    Many have been abused Cindy and they didnt wait 35 years to tear 9 churches apart and ask for money. Its not going to heal you and GOD says HE brings things to light. He doesnt need us for that if you read His Word.
    Sad. You got scammed. Gods ways are bigger than our ways. Satans destroy!

  • @dco956 June 26, 2024

    This seems odd….im not saying hes right at all …but how did this happen for 4 yrs..parents find out…he claims no intercourse…and she was at his house at 16yrs old..hes 24…and now hes worth over 100 million…just wondering

  • @danieerasmus4538 June 26, 2024

    Why was my comment deleted?

  • @asg8648 June 26, 2024

    This is TERRIBLE! But why wait this many years to blow the whistle publicly???? Is it possible that he may have harmed others? And if she would have come forward even in her 30’s others may have been spared. Why now?

  • @stella-gx8ne June 26, 2024

    Another sham
    Mega church! Makes me sick. Mega churches mean $$$$ that includes all religions. ALL !

  • @user-hg7hc4oy9c June 26, 2024

    What he did was wrong there’s no doubt about it. being 20 years old you’re a kid yourself though. Also I’ve known some 12-year-old girls that are built like 30-year-olds and very promiscuous. She let it go on for 4 1/2 years without saying no. I think there’s 8020 fault 80% hymn 20% her.

  • @jwvvvv June 26, 2024

    Curious to know why she came forward after all of these years?

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