July 6, 2024
Hate Crimes

Scotland’s New Hate Crime Act Explained

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In today’s video, we’re exploring Scotland’s new Hate Crime and Public Order Act, set to take effect soon. Despite passing in 2021, it’s still sparking debates about free speech. Let’s delve into what the law entails, its impact, and enforcement.

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  • Humza …. FACT …His OWN immigrant, sister and husband, had a business …selling …A class drugs in Dundee…and kidnapped a customer, and let him to his death… for a debt … for said drugs …
    SHOULD HUMZA NOT DEAL WITH REAL SERIOUS CRIME ..WHICH IS DEMONSTRABLE…..rather the launch vague perception crimes about feelings being hurt …. Hurty words …

  • @jeffreyneil3237 June 16, 2024

    Racism is normal here & normal to the only white family living in an African street & related violence is a jail sentence is why this stupid law is backwards & i hope it backfires?

  • @razabadass June 16, 2024

    I’ve tried to watch this 🙂

  • @WhoMadeThisBurger69 June 16, 2024

    “18 hates crimes are comitted daily”

    Yeah I’ll bet all 18 of those are for hamza

  • @jayamd3579 June 16, 2024

    i thought there was 2 sexes? then the soy boy says "mYsOgYnY"

  • @cbtillery135 June 16, 2024

    I'm not a racist and in fact hate racists but the idea of making racism a thoughtcrime makes my skin crawl because that can become a slippery slope of further thoughtcrimes. Personally, I believe in the style of punishment of racism we have here in America, where you get the shit beaten out of you for being an asshole.

  • @MrQmicic June 16, 2024

    And this is how Land of Scotts became a Leftist MEME.

  • @PabloEscobar-mi8mx June 16, 2024

    when your PM is named Hamza you already know its over☹️☹️

  • @artadrians June 16, 2024



  • @trevormercury5068 June 16, 2024

    All these new laws made in Scotland all of a sudden all for lgtbq+ (yeah right!) and Sharia (sorry hate crimes(?)) And yet the majority never asked for it or voted for it! Almost like democracy has itself been replaced by a dictatorship. These politicians are supposed to represent the majority interests. Its clear, for decades they haven't and now the blanket has Been uncovered to see the tyranny that's upon us all.

  • Orwellian dystopia inbound for the populous unless we all RISE UP!

  • @tolor3254 June 16, 2024

    Ukgov hate crime cps prosecution criteria England

    Perceived by victim
    Other = 3rd party reporting could have been someone who has been in your house ,seen your social media accounts etc
    Can be reported anonymously via crimestoppers in the uk
    You can be prosecuted in England for ill will,spite,unfriendliness,resentment and dislike 😂 which don’t have legal definitions in law …but Scotland

    Hate crimes
    The law recognises five types of hate crime on the basis of:

    Sexual orientation
    Transgender identity
    Any crime can be prosecuted as a hate crime if the offender has either:

    demonstrated hostility based on race, religion, disability, sexual orientation or transgender identity

    been motivated by hostility based on race, religion, disability, sexual orientation or transgender identity
    Someone can be a victim of more than one type of hate crime.

    These crimes are covered by legislation (Crime and Disorder Act 1998 and section 66 of the Sentencing Act 2020) which allows prosecutors to apply for an uplift in sentence for those convicted of a hate crime.

    The police and the CPS have agreed the following definition for identifying and flagging hate crimes:

    "Any criminal offence which is perceived by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by hostility or prejudice, based on a person's disability or perceived disability; race or perceived race; or religion or perceived religion; or sexual orientation or perceived sexual orientation or transgender identity or perceived transgender identity."

    There is no legal definition of hostility so we use the everyday understanding of the word which includes ill-will, spite, contempt, prejudice, unfriendliness, antagonism, resentment and dislike.

  • @tolor3254 June 16, 2024


    The stirring up hatred offence.

    Since 1986, there has been an offence of stirring up racial hatred. From 1st April 2024, a similar offence is being introduced in Scotland, to cover stirring up hatred on grounds of age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, transgender identity, or variations in sex characteristics (intersex).

    The offence of stirring up hatred on one of those grounds applies where someone behaves in a way that a reasonable person would consider to be threatening or abusive, and they deliberately intend their behaviour to stir up hatred.

    The law says it is not an offence if the behaviour was, in the particular circumstances of the case, reasonable. It also says that, when deciding whether the behaviour was reasonable, a court must bear in mind the right to freedom of expression, including that the right applies to expressions that offend, shock or disturb.

    The law also says that behaviour does not count as threatening or abusive solely because it involves discussion or criticism of matters relating to age, disability, sexual orientation, transgender identity or variations in sex characteristics. To be this offence, the behaviour must be specifically threatening or abusive (not just critical), and it must be done with the intention of stirring up hatred, and not be otherwise reasonable.

    To give an idea of what kinds of behaviour this might cover, in England there has been a similar offence covering sexual orientation for more than 10 years. A group of people were successfully prosecuted for that offence after they put leaflets through people’s front doors in an English city, calling for the death penalty for LGB people (and including a cartoon of a person being hanged.

    Now I can only assume that those who have raised concern about this bill (amendment) are either ignorant of the wording/meaning of it, or are scared/ worried about something in it.
    My view is that, I can't imagine that I'd ever do anything listed above, so it doesn't worry me. Why are so many people panicking about their freedom of speech? The above sets it all out very clearly. Can it be it's another opportunity to have a pop at Scottish government??? Sounds a bit too familiar !!

  • @oviconstatin June 16, 2024

    Many scottish are still wild !

    What to expect from them??

  • @zanizone3617 June 16, 2024

    Further legislation against misogyny. Not misandry though. Cause discrimination against men is ok. Perhaps even virtuous amirite?

  • @norfolknchance657 June 16, 2024

    Pakistan PM – brown, Commerce Minister, brown, Defence minister – brown, Economic affairs minister brown, Finance Minister brown, Housing minister brown…Need I go on? What do you expect in a country where 98% of the population are brown? JUST STATING FACTS which is how the Scottish Police are reacting to the reports of Useless's speech. but what they are missing is the way he spat the word "White" out.

  • @Pickleton June 16, 2024

    One thing I really don't like about this is that some politicians who voted for this are now coming out and flip-flopping now that enough people are mad about it.
    People had the same objections back in 2021, that they're only NOW pretending to care is laughable.

  • @GemmaHentsch June 16, 2024

    Also seems like there should be a penalty for false/malicious reporting…

    Oh wait, there is.

  • @GemmaHentsch June 16, 2024

    Its kinda pathetic that any police officer doesn't understand what a hate crime is…

    It is a crime where a significant motivation for the crime, is based on a protected characteristic…

    I mean I know ACAB, but this is weak sauce complaint from the head of the criminal cartel known as the police union.

  • @slothsarecool June 16, 2024

    Wouldn't simply practicing Islam be a hate crime then? They're homophobic etc

  • @user-ti9yt2kd5t June 16, 2024

    But yet Yousaf want's anyone who's white removed from power?

  • @lystic9392 June 16, 2024

    Please report all hate crimes by Scottish people to their police, including hate speech against men and white people.

  • @VirtualDarKness June 16, 2024

    Really hope England doesn't follow after the elections

  • @kaligath6616 June 16, 2024

    Laws based on vagueness resulting in subjectivity should never be allowed to be made into law in the first place.

  • @jamie7323 June 16, 2024

    unfortunately almost all the laws around speech in Europe are pretty much "you have the right to freedom of speech/expression" followed by a massive but/unless section that talks about causing offence in a very nebulous and open to interpretation way making the first part almost worthless.

  • @kirkuk2076 June 16, 2024

    This law was passed by the SNP , Labour and the Liberals, oh and the conservatives, this was not just an SNP law, but backed by all parties, so without all party confirmation, meaning all parties voted for this, If one party had voted against this, it would not have been passed… this is not just an SNP act, but we the people now feel under attack from our government, why? we now feel that we are the enemy and not the voter, I voted SNP, but not to rule over me, think on this, the SNP wanted to allocate to every knew born child in Scotland a special advisor, meaning that your child would be allotted a person that the SNP thought would be a better parent than you, they would put your child on contraception without your knowledge, they could take your child into social care, because they deemed you a bad parent.
    I voted SNP, but never again, they are a sociopath narcissistic evil, I loathe the Tories and Labour, but I will never vote SNP, why? because they are out of control, they think that they exist to enable power over us, but we the people are the power, not Labour, not the Tories and not the SNP, we the people have the power, vote greens

  • @victorarenas1208 June 16, 2024

    Eventually everyone will be a candidate for incarceration, or people just have to give up their right to think for themselves. You cannot legislate morality, forcing people to not question what appears to them to be questionable. I teach intercultural competence at a university. Laws like this do not help people to work through conflict, it only generates more tense conflict within and among people.

  • @davidnelson7166 June 16, 2024

    Ironically, article 9.b legalizes the discrimination of people based on religion, under the guise of freedom of speech.

  • @adeptusmagi June 16, 2024

    so if a scot calls English person Sassenach its now a hate crime ?

  • @jamesoakley4570 June 16, 2024

    "No hate or racism" said the man whos a racists

  • @anauthor3330 June 16, 2024

    Scotland needs to take back its country by force or the government will destroy their country through legislation. This is tyranny introducing its ugly face once more, and the Scottish people ought to fight back or be subjected to Canada-style treatment of freedom of speech.

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